Thursday, December 31, 2009
China Helps African Nations Train in Pediatric Care -
China Helps African Nations Train in Pediatric defect known as sirenomelia, or "mermaid syndrome" in November 2006, and successfully separating newborn Siamese twin sisters in April this year. ...
FridayFolk opens with double shot of Campbell - Orillia Packet & Times
FridayFolk opens with double shot of CampbellOrillia Packet & TimesThis month's offering is chicken cacciatore: chicken legs in a tomato, mushroom, onion and herb casserole, served on a bed of rice. ...
The Best of Italy - Jewish Times of Southern New Jersey
The Best of ItalyJewish Times of Southern New JerseyYour admission includes free parking, lunch (antipasto, veal parmegiana, chicken cacciatore or a vegetable platter, tirimsu, and coffee or tea) with a glass ...
Bargain Bites: Dino's Pizza Restaurant In Higganum - Hartford Courant
Hartford CourantBargain Bites: Dino's Pizza Restaurant In HigganumHartford CourantAnother favorite is the chicken cacciatore: boneless chicken breasts with onions, peppers and fresh marinara sauce over pasta ($15.99). ...and more »
More sneak peeks from Season 5 Premiere -
Examiner.comMore sneak peeks from Season 5 PremiereExaminer.comMeanwhile, Ted (Josh Radnor) is anxious about teaching his first lecture at Columbia, on the fifth season premiere of How I Met Your Mother. ...
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
WEST WINDSOR: Trader Joe's sets Sept. 25 grand opening - Packet Online
WEST WINDSOR: Trader Joe's sets Sept. 25 grand openingPacket OnlineWEST WINDSOR â€" The grand opening of the specialty grocery store Trader Joe's will be held Friday, Sept. ...and more »
Complete UFC Fight Night: Diaz vs. Guillard Results Report -
Complete UFC Fight Night: Diaz vs. Guillard Results ReportHeadlinePlanet.comSteve Cantwell via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) Nate Quarry b. Tim Credeur via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-27, 29-28) Carlos Condit b. ...
Research and Markets: Agent-Directed Simulation and Systems ... - Reuters
Research and Markets: Agent-Directed Simulation and Systems ...Reuters... Agent-directed Simulation for Manufacturing System Engineering (Jeffrey S. Smith, Erdal Sahin, and Levent Yilmaz) * Organization and Work Systems Design ...and more »
Varvatos' battle of the bands narrows to four finalists - Los Angeles Times
Varvatos' battle of the bands narrows to four finalistsLos Angeles TimesThe Fast Romantics from Calgary, Canada, featuring Matthew Angus McLeod, lead vocals, guitar, piano; Matthew Gordon Kliewer, lead guitar; Jeffrey Lewis ...
History of House disciplinary actions -
History of House disciplinary actionsmsnbc.comLast night, Williams appeared on CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360" for a group discussion featuring Cooper, David Gergen, and James Carville. ...and more »
Tuesday night highlights, 9/15/09 - Chicago Sun-Times
Tuesday night highlights, 9/15/09Chicago Sun-TimesNo, I don't really care either, but there's the chance that Chicago's Jeff Schroeder could still win a consolation prize from his panting fans. ...
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Experience the Fox Fall Preview with All-New Clips - MovieWeb
Experience the Fox Fall Preview with All-New ClipsMovieWebBrothers is produced by Sony Pictures Television; Tantamount Studios; Impact Zone Productions, Inc. The series stars Michael Strahan, Daryl Mitchell, ...and more »
Nigeria: Rivers Moves Against Ghost Workers -
Nigeria: Rivers Moves Against Ghost chairmen of local government councils to identify ghost school workers as well as schools that although do not exist, are included in payment vouchers. ...
Tropicalia native: Red mangrove galls - The News-Press
Tropicalia native: Red mangrove gallsThe News-PressSport fishing in the Charlotte Harbor National Estuary is of huge economic importance - a figure estimated in the billions of dollars - so mangrove galls ...
SÃ¥ kan forskare bli fuskare - Forskning & Framsteg
Så kan forskare bli fuskareForskning & FramstegÅr 2002 ertappades tysken Hendrik Schön med ett antal fejkade artiklar om supraledare. Det unga fysikgeniet lyckades få in över hundra artiklar på fyra år, ...
Serena Williams Has Arm Envy - Chic Dish
Chic DishSerena Williams Has Arm EnvyChic DishSerena has written a memoir, called On the Line, about her tennis career, becoming a fashion designer, and the 2003 murder of her eldest sister, Yetunde. ...
Monday, December 28, 2009
UC Magic Quadrant warns against single-vendor approach -
UC Magic Quadrant warns against single-vendor approachSearchUnifiedCommunications.comConsolidation will continue as the auction winner for Nortel's Enterprise Solutions business is announced Sept. 11, with Siemens Enterprise Communications ...and more »
Lest we forget the events of 9/11 - Citizens Voice
Lest we forget the events of 9/11Citizens Voice11 was written and performed by country music legend Alan Jackson. It's called "Where Were You (When The World Stopped Turning)."
Marathon County Library will host talk on mental illness - Wausau Daily Herald
Marathon County Library will host talk on mental illnessWausau Daily HeraldThe Marathon County Public Library in Wausau will host a special program entitled Recovery from Serious Mental Illness at 3:30 pm Sept. 17. ...
Hands-on project: Transporting high-def video broadcasts: Are ... -
EDN.comHands-on project: Transporting high-def video broadcasts: Are ...EDN.comMy Apple 802.11n-cognizant router also supports bonding together two wireless channels to boost the resultant bandwidth capability only in the 5-GHz ISM ...
RedHawks' Rundown: Coles leads Hawks to win - In-Forum
RedHawks' Rundown: Coles leads Hawks to winIn-ForumFargo-Moorhead's Mike Coles went 6-for-6 with two runs scored to spark the RedHawks' victory. Fargo-Moorhead's Mike Coles went 6-for-6 with two runs scored ...
Who We Are - Five Towns Jewish Times Online
Who We AreFive Towns Jewish Times OnlineMore specifically, Kol Nidrei. That prayer's solemnity and power are known well to every Jew who has ever attended the pre-evening service that ushers in ...
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Great Indoors has everything, including the kitchen sink - Arizona Republic
Great Indoors has everything, including the kitchen sinkArizona RepublicOwner: The Great Indoors is a unit of Sears Holding Corp. Hours: 10 am to 8 pm Monday-Saturday, 11 am to 6 pm Sunday. A franchise or one-of-a-kind? ...
The Weekend Before School Starts - Comic Book Resources
The Weekend Before School StartsComic Book ResourcesThe last real old-school animators in the country. Christ, she was one of the designers on He-Man and She-Ra. In fact, indirectly, Barbara's work was ...
AP Top News at 10:10 am EDT - Everyday Christian
AP Top News at 10:10 am EDTEveryday Christian“Iran's leaders must now choose â€" they can live up to their responsibilities and achieve integration with the community of nations. ...and more »
Fat-Melting Zerona⢠Laser Now Available in Minnesota - Emediawire (press release)
Fat-Melting Zeronaâ„¢ Laser Now Available in MinnesotaEmediawire (press release)(PRWEB) September 3, 2009 -- Minnesota's first fat-melting Erchonia ZERONAâ„¢ laser device has arrived at Edina's Laser Body Sculpture. ...and more »
The Talf that keeps on taking (CMBS) - FT Alphaville (blog)
The Talf that keeps on taking (CMBS)FT Alphaville (blog)Last month we wrote that the Federal Reserve appeared to be becoming more selective when choosing legacy CMBS for its Talf programme. ...
Petition drive in support of police chief underway - Duxbury Reporter
Petition drive in support of police chief underwayDuxbury ReporterWhat sort of effect it will ultimately have is unknown, but a petition drive is underway in an effort to convince Town Manager Richard ...
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Deal Stocks: AONE, CLNY, ARI, C, MSFT, ERTS, MVL - The Daily Deal
Deal Stocks: AONE, CLNY, ARI, C, MSFT, ERTS, MVLThe Daily DealLithium-ion battery maker A123Systems Inc. (NASDAQ:AONE) priced 28.1 million shares at $13.50 each (well above the expected range of $10 to $11.50 a share), ...
Brooklyn Yeshivas, Catholic and Islamic schools get federal money -
Brooklyn Yeshivas, Catholic and Islamic schools get federal moneyYourNabe.comThousands of private school students, mainly in yeshivas, will be getting remedial help in the three 'Rs' on the federal government's dime. ...
Unattended bag alert ... - San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco ChronicleUnattended bag alert ...San Francisco Chronicle... Rock & Republic, Paper Denim & Cloth and Alternative Apparel (for women), and Marc Ecko, Penguin, Wesc, Modern Amusement and English Laundry (for men).
Russia's Prokhorov to Buy 80% Stake in New Jersey Nets - Bloomberg
Russia's Prokhorov to Buy 80% Stake in New Jersey NetsBloomberg23 (Bloomberg) -- Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov agreed to invest $200 million in return for a 80 percent stake in New Jersey Nets basketball team, ...
Club listings: Bands playing Sept. 17-23 -
Club listings: Bands playing Sept. 17-23Seacoastonline.comBlue Mermaid Island Grille Locust Street Boys, 9 pm-midnight, $5, 409 The Hill, Portsmouth. 427-2583. Breakers Cafe Lounge DJ Dan Guy, 9 pm Ashworth Hotel, ...and more »
Cold Dark Matter Theory May Not be Valid - NewsBlaze
Cold Dark Matter Theory May Not be ValidNewsBlazeNote that this star-forming galaxy system has Occam razor simplicity. Jerome Drexler is a former member of the technical staff and group supervisor at Bell ...
Friday, December 25, 2009
Archie Panjabi Co-stars in 'The Good Wife' on CBS - San Leandro India West
Archie Panjabi Co-stars in 'The Good Wife' on CBSSan Leandro India WestAcclaimed British actress Archie Panjabi costars with Emmy-winner Julianna Margulies in “The Good Wife,†a new drama premiering on CBS Sept. ...
Animal magnetism in the house that's a refuge for creatures great ... - Yorkshire Post
Animal magnetism in the house that's a refuge for creatures great ...Yorkshire Post... they have a black-throated monitor lizard, five tarantulas including a Goliath bird-eating spider, 10 degus, three chinchillas, three meerkats, ...
Tony Romo: Romo loses the game for the Cowboys -
Tony Romo: Romo loses the game for the CowboysRotoworld.comTony Romo cost his team the game Sunday night, going 13-of-29 for 127 yards with one touchdown and three interceptions. Romo was downright horrible. ...
Milton High grad Bethay will be at Camp Randall - Janesville Gazette
Janesville GazetteMilton High grad Bethay will be at Camp RandallJanesville Gazette17, 2009 It's been four years since Milton High graduate Katon Bethay was on the sidelines for a Wofford College football game. ...
What's on TV Friday night - New York Daily News
What's on TV Friday nightNew York Daily NewsMark Consuelos and Kelly Ripa are the production forces behind this reality show, which follows brothers Jerry and Robert Frungillo as they run their ...
More volatility equals more profit - Real News Network
More volatility equals more profitReal News NetworkPaul Jay speaks to Sony Kapoor at the Tides Foundation Momentum conference in San Francisco. Kapoor left the investment banking world to expose its "dark ...
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Birthers, earthers, and founders - RenewAmerica
Birthers, earthers, and foundersRenewAmericaPeople who are woefully ignorant of Article 4, Section 1 of the Constitution of the United States again are locked in mortal combat with people who are ...and more »
Jeff Schroder's Facebook Page -
Jeff Schroder's Facebook PageExaminer.comA fake Facebook page for Jeff Schroeder of Big Brother 11 has popped up, posted on Survivor Sucks. The page shows back and forth comments between Jeff and ...
China's space pioneer under the microscope - Asia Times Online
China's space pioneer under the microscopeAsia Times OnlineNow two American researchers, Dr Gregory Kulacki and Jeffrey Lewis, offer more information about Qian while portraying him in a somewhat different light in ...
NAACP objects to more trains along 10th Street - The State Journal-Register
NAACP objects to more trains along 10th StreetThe State Journal-RegisterSarah Watson, spokeswoman for the Springfield School District, said district officials are studying the issue. The Norfolk Southern line is a block away ...
Nudists bare down for Guinness record - Vancouver Sun
Nudists bare down for Guinness recordVancouver SunA little more Littlejohn: "Michael Strahan is engaged to Nicole Murphy, Eddie's ex. Michael and Eddie have put a new spin on Trading Places.'' . ...
Tech stocks slip in early trades as Yahoo weakens - MarketWatch
Tech stocks slip in early trades as Yahoo weakensMarketWatchAdditionally Intel said Pat Gelsinger, the company's co-manager of its digital enterprise group and Bruce Sewell, Intel's general counsel, have left the ...
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
MTV Forgot Videos - California Chronicle
MTV Forgot VideosCalifornia ChronicleThey watch to see if anything could top Britney and Madonna lip-locking on stage or Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley awkwardly frenching or Eminem ...and more »
Die automobilen Exoten - WELT ONLINE
Die automobilen ExotenWELT ONLINEIm Gegensatz zu Fisker fahren von der auch in Kalifornien beheimateten Marke Tesla Motors schon Autos. Der vom Lotus Elise abgeleitete, 1250 Kilogramm ...Fisker Karmaautaro.deall 2 news articles »
Die Musiker freut"s - das Publikum auch - Stuttgarter Zeitung
Die Musiker freut"s - das Publikum auchStuttgarter ZeitungWar es am ersten Abend die Formation um den Bluessänger und -gitarristen Henrik Freischlader, der schon mehrfach in Leonberg seine klingende Visitenkarte ...
Founder of Miami Dolphins Joins Vegas Insider Team -
Gambling911.comFounder of Miami Dolphins Joins Vegas Insider TeamGambling911.comFrom the age of 11, when his father, Joe Robbie, founded the Miami Dolphins in 1966, Tim worked in many different capacities with the Dolphins. ...
Sunday Special: Massillon assistant lends NFL coaching experience - Canton Repository
Sunday Special: Massillon assistant lends NFL coaching experienceCanton RepositoryMassillon High School football head coach Jason Hall gives sideline instructions to quarterback Rob Partridge against GlenOak earlier this season. ...and more »
Thunderbirds sign two players -
Thunderbirds sign two playersSooToday.comHe proved he wants to be a Thunderbird," stated T-Bird coach Pat Carricato. “We expect Aaron to utilize his strength and size, up and down the wall, ...
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Trojans roll past Thunderbirds - Casper Star-Tribune Online
Trojans roll past ThunderbirdsCasper Star-Tribune OnlineAfter that, the KW offense took over as the Trojans improved to 2-1 with a convincing 45-21 victory over the Thunderbirds on Friday at Harry Geldien Stadium ...
Busker event a variety show - Markdale Standard
Busker event a variety showMarkdale StandardSwaying hips, skirling bagpipes, strumming, singing and a clown's balloon antics hinted yesterday at what Streets Alive, Owen Sound's Busker Extravaganza, ...and more »
College invites community to remember 9/11 at campus - Desert Dispatch
College invites community to remember 9/11 at campusDesert Dispatch... Alan Jackson for this year's September 11 memorial ceremony. The ASB is hosting the ceremony, titled “Where were you when the world stopped turning? ...
Fantasy Forecast: Preseason Rankings -
Fantasy Forecast: Preseason RankingsBengals.comChris Johnson â€" Does anyone else think Johnson could be the next Marshall Faulk/Priest Holmes? I could see 1300+ rushing yards and 350+ receiving yards this ...and more »
Save money on your college degree with a technical college - South Carolina Now
Save money on your college degree with a technical collegeSouth Carolina NowThursday, Clemson University representatives visited Horry-Georgetown Technical College to recruit students who opted to spend their first two years at a ...
Political correctness baffles Dalai Lama - Ninemsn
Political correctness baffles Dalai LamaNinemsnCaster Semenya 'a hermaphrodite'The future for women's athletics world champion Caster Semenya remains in doubt after tests reportedly revealed she is a ...and more »
Monday, December 21, 2009
Fireworks show could have environmental impacts - Santa Monica Daily Press
Fireworks show could have environmental impactsSanta Monica Daily PressBen Franz-Knight, the executive director of the Santa Monica Pier Restoration Corp., said he doesn't believe that the fireworks will results in any ...
A brand new game - Indiana Daily Student
Indiana Daily StudentA brand new gameIndiana Daily StudentHe reached out toward those candy stripes, his dream just outside his grasp â€" but not for long. Indiana Daily Student reporter Ryan Campagna contributed to ...
Two Veteran Lawyers Say Now Is the Time for Fixed Fees -
Two Veteran Lawyers Say Now Is the Time for Fixed FeesLaw.comSome may have historical antecedents: the bet-the-company litigation for the pharma company; the companywide bribery scandal being pursued by enforcers in ...
Splinter Cell: Conviction Hands-On Preview - CVG Online
CVG OnlineSplinter Cell: Conviction Hands-On PreviewCVG OnlineOn first try we were admittedly concerned that the M&E system would quickly help Conviction descend into a cheap, run-and-gun headshot-fest, ...and more »
Tim Tebow Injury â Breaking News! - çªç¦ºç½
番禺ç½'Tim Tebow Injury â€" Breaking News!番禺ç½'This is breaking news on Tim Tebow injury. Gators quarter back and possibly the best one in college today injured himself when deciding what to do with the ...
Pants and plates are ready in a jiffy with Frigidaire's new line ... - National Post
National PostPants and plates are ready in a jiffy with Frigidaire's new line ...National PostHandout Frigidaire has unveiled a boldfaced new logo to celebrate the introduction of 200 new appliances with time-saving features. ...
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Myanmar opposition unsure on election boycott - AFP
AFPMyanmar opposition unsure on election boycottAFPThe NLD, which celebrates its 21st anniversary on Sunday, won the country's last elections in 1990 but the military refused to recognise the results. ...and more »
Old School Now New Housing - WNEP-TV
Old School Now New HousingWNEP-TVThere's a lot of history at the old school building on the corner of Crown Avenue and Beech Street in Scranton. "We all went to school there, ...
Does Obama Want to Control the Internet? - FOXNews
Does Obama Want to Control the Internet?FOXNewsIt's no coincidence that the Internet, a sanctuary of governmental restraint, has spawned such unparalleled innovation. Will the Obama administration's ...and more »
Zerona Body Sculpting - MyFox Phoenix
MyFox PhoenixZerona Body SculptingMyFox PhoenixFOX 10's Diane Ryan has a follow-up on a laser body sculpting treatment we showed you in June. One woman went through the treatment and her results were so ...
Melting away extra pounds with laser -
Melting away extra pounds with laser7Online.comShe finally decided to try to laser treatment and turned to Nick Ungaro, a chiropractor who uses the Zerona laser. First, Colleen was marked and measured, ...
Lot Lines: Commercial mortgage meltdown - Journal Record (subscription)
Lot Lines: Commercial mortgage meltdownJournal Record (subscription)First, the government extended the TALF program until the end of the year, followed by an IRS decision last week to issue new rules allowing commercial ...
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Yeshivas Bein Hazmanim - A Rousing Success - Chabad Info
Chabad InfoYeshivas Bein Hazmanim - A Rousing SuccessChabad InfoOver eighty Temimim representing all of the different chabad yeshiva institutions in the tri-state area gathered in Getzel's shul these past two weeks to ...
Kaws: The Sickest Graff Designer Out - Global Grind
Kaws: The Sickest Graff Designer OutGlobal GrindMarc Ecko was also fortunate enough to build a successful fashion and accessories empire with his talent. The latest graff genius to make his mark is Kaws. ...
Marc Ecko Launches Signature Fragrance - SoJones
SoJonesMarc Ecko Launches Signature FragranceSoJonesAfter being a successful name in the streetwear apparel world, Marc Ecko is trying to make a mark on the fragrance world with the launch of his first scent, ...
Adrien Allain Wins APT Macau Main Event - Tight Poker
Adrien Allain Wins APT Macau Main EventTight PokerFull Tilt's John Juanda and Vivek Rajkumar, Liz Lieu, Johnny Chan, Ultimate Bet pro Liv Boeree, last year's Macau winner Yevgeniy Timoshenko and November ...
Lewis stuffs Sproles to save Ravens' win - Philadelphia Inquirer
Lewis stuffs Sproles to save Ravens' winPhiladelphia InquirerAP The star linebacker shot the gap and met Darren Sproles head-on on fourth-and-2 in the closing seconds, with brute strength winning out over speed and ...
Aion Announces Over 300000 Activated Pre-Orders -
Aion Announces Over 300000 Activated Pre-OrdersGamekicker.comDo remember that if you pre-order Aion, it also comes with some neat head start items, a set of level 30 wings (superior to the in-game level 30 wings) and ...
Friday, December 18, 2009
Upstate colleges see few swine flu cases - Greenville News
Upstate colleges see few swine flu casesGreenville NewsWofford College just started classes Sept. 7, but reported a couple of cases among its 1400 students, said Elizabeth Wallace, director of health services. ...and more »
Aion Head Start Program Begins Sept. 20 - Zam News
Aion Head Start Program Begins Sept. 20Zam NewsNCsoft has announced that the Head Start program is scheduled to begin on Sept. 20 at noon PDT and runs through the game's release on Sept. ...
Armed robbers hit Emeryville Trader Joe's - San Jose Mercury News
Armed robbers hit Emeryville Trader Joe'sSan Jose Mercury NewsEMERYVILLE â€" Two armed robbers stole an undisclosed amount of cash this morning from a Trader Joe's store, police said. ...and more »
Webtrends encouraged by Adobe's purchase of Omniture -
OregonLive.comWebtrends encouraged by Adobe's purchase of OmnitureOregonLive.comOmniture, a public company, reported '08 sales of $295.6. Webtrends is privately held, but it's much smaller -- Yoder put annual sales at around $80 million ...
Adobe to buy Omniture for $1.8 bln, a 24 pct premium - Reuters -
Adobe to buy Omniture for $1.8 bln, a 24 pct premium - provides around the clock news, features, and commentary for the Southeast Volusia communities of New Smyrna Beach, Edgewater, Oak Hill, ...
New Cape volleyball coach is a familiar face - Bethany Beach Wave
New Cape volleyball coach is a familiar faceBethany Beach Waves Cape returns six athletes who saw significant playing time last season, including all-conference players Johnesha Warren and Sarah Watson. ...and more »
Thursday, December 17, 2009
VOLLEYBALL: Roosevelt wins Downriver League opener - Southgate News Herald
VOLLEYBALL: Roosevelt wins Downriver League openerSouthgate News HeraldKayla Wander had 12 assists, six kills and four kills for Woodhaven, whicha also got eight kills and four digs from Sara Watson. Brittany Yanos added seven ...
Posluszny is out -
Posluszny is outRotoTimes.comPaul Posluszny is not expected to return to the field in tonight's game at New England after injuring his arm. Our View: The severity of the injury is yet ...
Kein Leben mehr draussen - NZZ Online
Kein Leben mehr draussenNZZ OnlineGerade noch ruckt er den in schiefen Schultern hängenden Kopf des jungen Jamie hin und her wie benebelt von Alkohol und unterdrückter Wut, schon steht er im ...
2009 NFL Week 1 Betting Lines - TheOnlinewire
TheOnlinewire2009 NFL Week 1 Betting LinesTheOnlinewire... the season but the way that things have shifted around in the Sunday football game between the Cowboys and Buccaneers just exceeds normal expectation. ...and more »
Despite Thaw, Floodgates Could Stay Locked for Cleantech IPOs - Ethiopian Review
Despite Thaw, Floodgates Could Stay Locked for Cleantech IPOsEthiopian ReviewHowever as Accel Partners venture capitalist Rich Wong told us for a GigaOM Pro piece (subscription required) on exit strategies and business models for ...
Colusa tennis plucks Thunderbirds - Colusa County Sun Herald
Colusa tennis plucks ThunderbirdsColusa County Sun HeraldOnce more a scheduling snafu gave the Colusa tennis team an unexpected day of rest Wednesday, as the home match scheduled against West Valley to be played ...
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
State Thunderbird club to meet, tour La Porte County on Saturday - News Dispatch
State Thunderbird club to meet, tour La Porte County on SaturdayNews DispatchEarly Birds is a group for early model Ford Thunderbird owners and fans. Membership is open to anyone interested in 1955, '56 or '57 Thunderbirds. ...
Student brings farmer¹s market to Clemson campus - Greenville News
Student brings farmer¹s market to Clemson campusGreenville NewsCLEMSON - Clemson University sophomore Ashley Adams wants to support local agriculture, so she is bringing it to the Clemson campus for everyone to enjoy. ...
Locust researcher wins NSW science award - Ninemsn
Locust researcher wins NSW science awardNinemsnCaster Semenya 'a hermaphrodite'The future for women's athletics world champion Caster Semenya remains in doubt after tests reportedly revealed she is a ...and more »
IUB Libraries removes YouTube promo video - Indiana Daily Student
IUB Libraries removes YouTube promo videoIndiana Daily StudentThe Indiana Daily Student was unable to determine which class and which students were involved. The video had two purposes, Bartheld said. ...and more »
New bus service creates extended hours - Indiana Daily Student
New bus service creates extended hoursIndiana Daily Student6, 2006, Indiana Daily Student article. The Midnight Special service cost about $95 per hour to run, while expanded Bloomington Transit service will costs ...and more »
Nelson hangs on for Streets title - Jamestown Sun
Nelson hangs on for Streets titleJamestown SunKollman had worked his way past Rory Opp, of Hannaford, ND, for third place with five laps remaining and began working on Stangeland down low, while Jawaski ...
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
âStop Cass Sunsteinâ Drive! - LALATE
“Stop Cass Sunstein†Drive!LALATEA “Stop Cass Sunstein†drive ( has been launched against Obama's Cass Sunstein pick. Cass Sunstein's alleged animal hunting positions is at ...and more »
Ga. lotto officials search Savannah for winner - WTVM
Ga. lotto officials search Savannah for winnerWTVMAP - September 22, 2009 6:34 PM ET The person who bought a winning Fantasy 5 lottery ticket Sunday from the Country Convenience Store still hasn't claimed ...and more »
No. 1 Florida wins but lose Tebow to injury - Columbus Ledger-Enquirer
No. 1 Florida wins but lose Tebow to injuryColumbus Ledger-EnquirerIn one scary moment for Tim Tebow, another Florida laugher turned into the Gators' worst fear. Tebow was knocked out of Florida's 41-7 victory against ...
Live music taps into rail history's roots - Colfax Record
Colfax RecordLive music taps into rail history's rootsColfax RecordOther members of the group are upright bass player Matt Steinkraus of Folsom and guitarist Jenny Gardemeyer of Colfax. The Sugar Pine Grove will provide ...
Charitable golfer Kenny Perry honored -
MiamiHerald.comCharitable golfer Kenny Perry honoredMiamiHerald.comThe PGA Tour gave Kenny Perry the Payne Stewart Award for his charitable work in Kentucky. BY DAVID J. NEAL Kenny Perry is a world-class golfer rooted in ...
Diablo & behold - New York Post
Diablo & beholdNew York PostIn “Jennifer's Body,†Cody has gone substantially darker than her last movie, in which a clever-beyond-her-years teen gets knocked up, gives the baby to a ...and more »
Monday, December 14, 2009
ESEA Playoff Info Released - GotFrag?
ESEA Playoff Info ReleasedGotFrag?As we hit the half way point in ESEA League Season 4, some teams have already begun to pull away from the pack, but many remain in contention to make the ...
McChrystal: More US Troops Needed in Afghanistan - Democracy Now
McChrystal: More US Troops Needed in AfghanistanDemocracy NowThe White House has announced President Obama will hold a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in ...and more »
Charter School Daze - The Jewish Week
Charter School DazeThe Jewish WeekThe shul, despite being served with an eviction notice by the Zvi Dov Roth Academy of Yeshiva Rambam, which owns the two-story building â€" is refusing to ...and more »
Pith's Guide to Commenting: Please Retire These Phrases, You ... - Nashville Scene
Pith's Guide to Commenting: Please Retire These Phrases, You ...Nashville SceneFrom misogynist right-wingers to misogynist left-wingers and all the feminazis in between, everyone has an opinion! A few of the more prolific time-wasters ...
OnLove: Stacy Nemeth and Michael Isabella's Wedding - Washington Post
Washington PostOnLove: Stacy Nemeth and Michael Isabella's WeddingWashington PostIn the current season of the reality show "Top Chef," Michael Isabella comes off as brash, cocky and a bit of a misogynist. ...
Girls soccer squad drops tough losses in early season - Twinsburg Bulletin
Girls soccer squad drops tough losses in early seasonTwinsburg Bulletin... midfielder Hermeet Brar, midfielder Jessica D'Tammaso, defender Kelly Forsythe, defender Katie Radtke, defender Eva Tsengas, and forward Carly Turk. ...and more »
Sunday, December 13, 2009
'Mermaid' baby passes away at Vachira Phuket Hospital - Phuket Gazette
Phuket Gazette'Mermaid' baby passes away at Vachira Phuket HospitalPhuket GazettePHUKET CITY: The Burmese infant born in Phuket with 'mermaid syndrome' has died of kidney failure after a month-long struggle for survival, doctors have ...
Is our press really free anymore? - UNLV The Rebel Yell
Is our press really free anymore?UNLV The Rebel Yell... like the Apollo Alliance, Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM) and the Tides Foundation â€" all radical left-wing organizations? ...and more »
Newton Notes, Sept. 23 - Newton TAB
Newton Notes, Sept. 23Newton TABFor a list of items needed, volunteer activities or a map to the sale, visit or call 617-965-1995. Harvest Fair takes place Oct. 4, ...and more »
FullFlush, durrrr set to clash at PKR Heads Up -
FullFlush, durrrr set to clash at PKR Heads UpPokerListings.comBut first, Schwartz will have to take on WPT Championship winner Yevgeniy Timoshenko and Dwan is matched up with 2009 WSOP Heads-Up runner-up John Duthie in ...
A Second Look at Romo's Career - New York Times
A Second Look at Romo's CareerNew York TimesIt has been a year of trial for Tony Romo: discord with Terrell Owens, a failed run at a playoff berth, a breakup with Jessica Simpson, ...
'Curb Your Enthusiasm': Still edgy and funny - Pioneer Press
'Curb Your Enthusiasm': Still edgy and funnyPioneer PressThe Pioneer Press is happy to host community conversations about news and life in the Twin Cities. As hosts, we expect guests will show respect for each ...
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Notebook: Gators battle flu bug - Gainesville Sun
Notebook: Gators battle flu bugGainesville SunTim Tebow joined former Gator quarterback Danny Wuerffel and Alabama's Jay Barker as the only quarterbacks to go undefeated against Tennessee in a four-game ...and more »
Bowl race spoils college football - Wisconsin State Journal
Bowl race spoils college footballWisconsin State JournalUW-Madison has one of those games coming up against Wofford College. I do not plan on attending that game, and if the UW continues to include teams like ...
500 volunteers make it a Day of Caring - Leominster Champion
500 volunteers make it a Day of CaringLeominster ChampionThe assignments included apple picking, packing and sorting at Friends of Sholan Farms in Leominster, painting three hallways for House of Peace and ...and more »
RANDOM ACTS: Get physical for good causes - Washington Times
Washington TimesRANDOM ACTS: Get physical for good causesWashington Times12, Dr. Ian Smith, a well-known author and VH1 "Celebrity Fit Club" personality, will join about 1000 walkers in Alexandria via satellite for the first ...
Adobe Acquiring Web Stat Site Omniture - Appscout (subscription)
Adobe Acquiring Web Stat Site OmnitureAppscout (subscription)Adobe today announced plans to buy the Web metrics service Omniture. Omniture CEO Josh James acknowledged the sale today in an e-mail sent to the service's ...
Appomattox water line work moving forward - Lynchburg News and Advance
Appomattox water line work moving forwardLynchburg News and AdvancePlanning and design work for the US 460 water line in Appomattox County is steaming along as supervisors this week approved land purchases ...and more »
Friday, December 11, 2009
Noel Gallagher & Family: Sardinia After Oasis Split - Celebrity Baby Scoop
Noel Gallagher & Family: Sardinia After Oasis SplitCelebrity Baby ScoopNoel Gallagher, frontman of the controversial British rock band Oasis, was spotted holidaying in Sardinia with his longtime love, Sarah MacDonald, ...and more »
Court says Catron can appeal - Tahlequah Daily Press
Court says Catron can appealTahlequah Daily PressFormer District Judge Bruce Sewell in December 2007 accelerated the deferred judgment to a 10-year prison sentence, with the balance of her life being spent ...and more »
Niederlage zum Auftakt - Peter verletzt - Freestyle24 (Pressemitteilung)
Niederlage zum Auftakt - Peter verletztFreestyle24 (Pressemitteilung)Doch als ob das nicht schon schlimm genug gewesen wäre, rief Spielmacher André Peter am nächsten Morgen Trainer Tilo Labs an und teilte ihm mit, ...
Jay-Z & Beyonce: Tough Choices On Wedding List - YourTango
YourTangoJay-Z & Beyonce: Tough Choices On Wedding ListYourTangoThe Oprah Magazine), Beyonce and Jay-Z were pretty concerned with keeping their whole wedding on the D-low and had to make some sacrifices when it came to ...
The week in books -
The week in approves of rappers using "literature devices in their lyrics, like Eminem uses a lot of metaphors and similes and internal/half rhymes".and more »
Eminem payback: Brace yourself Kim -
Allnewsweb.comEminem payback: Brace yourself KimAllnewsweb.comKim can expect her dirty linen to be aired publicly and put into lyrics in the worst way: Unless their mutual daughter, Haile Jade, makes him hold back'. ...
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Visser set to become first female NFL analyst on TV -
Visser set to become first female NFL analyst on TVCBSSports.com3, Visser will serve as a color commentator for the fourth quarter of the Miami Dolphins-New Orleans Saints pre-season game seen on WFOR-TV (Ch. 4), ...
Friday Quarterback - Charleston Post Courier
Friday QuarterbackCharleston Post Courierespn's Erin Andrews has some good halftime insight, saying the team and Swinney were remarkable calm coming out of the locker room, some players were even ...and more »
From the Lions' Den to the Hen House for Pat Devlin - FanHouse
From the Lions' Den to the Hen House for Pat DevlinFanHouse(Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Erin Andrews ATLANTA - SEPTEMBER 10: Da'Quan Bowers #93 and Brandon Thompson #98 of the Clemson ...
The Doric Column - Aberdeen Press and Journal
The Doric ColumnAberdeen Press and JournalA lot o skirlin for aa the oo fae them maakin political pynts aff een anither bit nae a myowt fae the Prime Meenister, feart tae open's moo. ...
Blog: Where Were You That September Morning? -
NorthEscambia.comBlog: Where Were You That September Morning?NorthEscambia.comCountry artist Alan Jackson later wrote a song “Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning?â€. Where where you when the world stopped turning that ...
TOP TEN Best NFL Players -
TOP TEN Best NFL not just an athlete playing qb (Once Micheal Vick learns same lesson he too will be in top half of this list) 8) Priest Holmes-rb-KC Most think that he ...
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
VARSITY NOW: High School Football Week 4 -
VARSITY NOW: High School Football Week 4StarNewsOnline.comThey ditched the diamond “NHHS†this season and are back to a “Clemson-in-reverse†helmet of an orange paw on a white helmet. Said Motsinger: “We went to ...
Amid recession, IU budget makers should be commended - Indiana Daily Student
Amid recession, IU budget makers should be commendedIndiana Daily StudentNeil Theobald, IU's vice president and chief financial officer, told the Indiana Daily Student that spending will also be increased to cover expected rising ...
Time ripe for $700 MacBook, says analyst - Computerworld
Time ripe for $700 MacBook, says analystComputerworldGottheil's rumor reference was to stories two weeks ago, particularly by AppleInsider, that said sources had reported Apple would soon revamp the design of ...and more »
New Major Network Story on AP / UB Poker Scandal? - PartTimePoker News
New Major Network Story on AP / UB Poker Scandal?PartTimePoker NewsIt's been nearly a year since 60 Minutes ran a feature piece on the cheating scandals over at Ultimate Bet Poker and Absolute Poker. ...
Grager takes big Streets check - Jamestown Sun
Grager takes big Streets checkJamestown SunBut Hannaford's Rory Opp was storming to the front from the third position, after slamming past Wishek's Dave Roweder out of turn four to claim second place ...
Tax-free weekend is Oct. 1-4 - Forsyth County News Online
Tax-free weekend is Oct. 1-4Forsyth County News OnlineMcEwen is manager of the Sears Home Appliance Showroom, which did not open until after the holiday last fall. This year, he and his staff are ready. ...
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Folsom Live kicks off weekend - Folsom Telegraph
Folsom TelegraphFolsom Live kicks off weekendFolsom TelegraphThe town's biggest street party, Folsom Live, runs 5 to 10 pm on Saturday, Sept. 26. Held on Sutter Street, organizers expect up to 8000 visitors to come ...and more »
Hamilton librarian picked for media standards panel - Hamilton Journal News (subscription)
Hamilton librarian picked for media standards panelHamilton Journal News (subscription)Staff photo by Gary Stelzer Teacher librarian for the Hamilton School District Candi Pierce Garry has been chosen for an appointment to the Library Media ...
Does Air Conditioning Blunt Pollution's Ill Effects? - ABC News
Does Air Conditioning Blunt Pollution's Ill Effects?ABC NewsNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Air conditioning is certainly welcome during hot summers. But could it actually be good for your health? ...and more »
Star Wars: In Concert - OC Weekly
Star Wars: In ConcertOC Weekly... far away) continues to spawn countless fans and freaks. And though you might be able to quote the entire original trilogy verbatim in the movie theater ...and more »
Urbana doctor offers Zerona procedure - Frederick News Post (subscription)
Urbana doctor offers Zerona procedureFrederick News Post (subscription)A noninvasive, body slimming, low-level laser treatment, Zerona has been shown to help drop an average of 3.6 inches from a patient's waist ...and more »
Not to beat it to death ... -
Not to beat it to death ...Poynter.orgAlso, the CNN piece mentions that the apparent genesis of the "POI" phrase was as an invention following the way the media dragged Richard Jewell's ...
Monday, December 7, 2009
Drop In Home Sales Weighs Down Markets - World Market Media (blog)
Drop In Home Sales Weighs Down MarketsWorld Market Media (blog)Shares of A123 (AONE) surged on its first trading day. Second quarter earnings surged for American Greetings (AM) as expenses fell. ...and more »
Most desirable bachelors â Mikhail Prokhorov, Alexander Ovechkin ... -
Most desirable bachelors â€" Mikhail Prokhorov, Alexander Ovechkin ...TLTnews.netBut it's exactly known that Mikhail Prokhorov is not married and is not going to marry. “People marry when they have some household problems, my household ...
New skin cancer therapy shrinks tumors - CNN International
New skin cancer therapy shrinks tumorsCNN InternationalTwo-thirds of those patients also already had what Eggermont described as "very widespread metastatic disease." Each month CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta brings ...and more »
Misogynist or realist? - Columbus Other Paper
Misogynist or realist?Columbus Other PaperDallasâ€"who was married last Octoberâ€"says he's not a misogynist. In fact, he loves women, he said. It's men who are pissing him off and inspiring his ...
Right-wing post-modernism -
Right-wing's Razor explains most things in life. The district is more than 25% black. And Wilson's opponent has raised about a bazillion dollars as a result of ...and more »
PKR Heads-Up Grand Slam draw completed - Bluff Europe Magazine
PKR Heads-Up Grand Slam draw completedBluff Europe Magazine... G. Meanwhile the other British players have their work cut out â€" mouthy Luke Schwartz will face former World Poker Tour champion Yevgeniy Timoshenko. ...and more »
Sunday, December 6, 2009
John & Kate watch Kate and kids eat local - Baltimore Sun
John & Kate watch Kate and kids eat localBaltimore SunBut no, they are eating the homemade chicken cacciatore. The kids say: "Jesus made it, Henry grew it, Mommy cooked it, and we ate it! ...
College Football Reality Lesson: Curb Your Enthusiasm - Bleacher Report
Bleacher ReportCollege Football Reality Lesson: Curb Your EnthusiasmBleacher ReportGet a hold on your emotionsâ€"there can only be 11 conference champions and just one National Champion. Two weeks into the season, there are fans of programs ...
Tales of Aion - Five-part Fictional Story - # 3 - GameZone
GameZoneTales of Aion - Five-part Fictional Story - # 3GameZoneThe morning sunrise brought out the start of the heat that was quickly absorbed by the sands of the desert and sent back up in shimmering waves. ...
Aion of Make the Happy Translationing Task Force - Escapist Magazine
Aion of Make the Happy Translationing Task ForceEscapist MagazineTo start off, here are some interesting numbers: There are almost 2000000 words that needed translating in Aion - as Janna Silverstein puts it, ...and more »
Volleyball Splits Two Matches In First Day Of SC Spikefest - Providence College Athletics
Providence College AthleticsVolleyball Splits Two Matches In First Day Of SC SpikefestProvidence College AthleticsORANGEBURG, SC - The Providence College volleyball team (5-10) defeated Hampton University, 3-0, and fell to Wofford College, 3-1, on Friday, September 18, ...
An apple crop with lots of appeal - Easton Journal
An apple crop with lots of appealEaston JournalThe wet summer may have ruined some vacation plans and canceled trips to the beach, but Bay State farmers tending apple orchards are looking ...and more »
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Top 10 video game anti-heroes - 10 video game the colossi are doing there is a mystery, but most seem to be peaceful creatures, wanting nothing more than to be left alone. Obsessed with his quest, ...
Police investigate fight on Belleville West school bus - Belleville News Democrat
Police investigate fight on Belleville West school busBelleville News DemocratTwo juvenile suspects are in custody after they allegedly beat another student Monday morning on a school bus on its way to Belleville West High School. ...
That ghost's tapes merely distract - Kansas City Star
That ghost's tapes merely distractKansas City StarSeriously, it's really boring and in a way it distracts us just as the ghost desires. It distracted me to write this distraction. So, guilty as charged. ...
Best bets on TV (Monday, 9/14) - Santa Rosa Press Democrat
Best bets on TV (Monday, 9/14)Santa Rosa Press DemocratTony visits Sardinia. How's that for obscure? “Top Gear†(8 pm, BBC America). It's a race across Europe, with Jeremy driving a Bugati supercar and Richard ...
Yahoo! En Espanol Reveals the Most POPular Searches for August - PR Newswire (press release)
Yahoo! En Espanol Reveals the Most POPular Searches for AugustPR Newswire (press release)Kelly Clarkson 5. Eva Longoria 6. Marte 7. Vanessa Hudgens 8. Ninel Conde 9. Galilea Montijo 10. Kim Kardashian The much anticipated Miss Universe 2009 ...and more »
Mayweather's other side - Fight Hype
Mayweather's other sideFight HypeHe has helped promote the biggest names in the world of hip-hop music (Lil Wayne, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Mary J. Blige) possesses a fleet of luxury automobiles and ...and more »
Friday, December 4, 2009
Police Officer and Rapper -- One Kills a Man. One Gives Away Cars. - San Diego Reader
Police Officer and Rapper -- One Kills a Man. One Gives Away Cars.San Diego ReaderChris Rock once said how bizarre the world had become when Eminem had a #1 record, saying "The top rapper ...
THE JOE PERRY PROJECT Schedules Hollywood Date - Sep. 10, 2009 -
Blabbermouth.netTHE JOE PERRY PROJECT Schedules Hollywood Date - Sep. 10, 2009Blabbermouth.netAEROSMITH guitarist Joe Perry's solo band, dubbed THE JOE PERRY PROJECT, will perform at the Viper Room in West Hollywood, California on October 6. ...
NFL News: Dolphins, Giants, Cowboys, Redskins - So Hood
NFL News: Dolphins, Giants, Cowboys, RedskinsSo HoodWashington Post Miami Dolphins sign tight end Kory Sperry. The Miami Dolphins have added former Colorado State tight end Kory Sperry to the practice squad. ...and more »
Tesla still searching for a factory - San Jose Mercury News
Tesla still searching for a factorySan Jose Mercury NewsLong Beach and Downey have emerged as leading candidates for the Tesla Model S, a four-door electric sedan that would be family oriented. ...and more »
Rain impacts 9/11 ceremonies, US Open, Jeter - Newsday
NewsdayRain impacts 9/11 ceremonies, US Open, JeterNewsdayThe first women's semifinal, Kim Clijsters against Serena Williams, was scheduled to start at 12:30 pm but has been pushed back to 2 pm at the earliest. ...and more »
680 Nortel employees offered Ericsson jobs -
680 Nortel employees offered Ericsson the sale of Nortel's wireless assets to Ericsson for $1.13 billion US in July. A court-supervised auction for Nortel's enterprise unit takes place Friday.and more »
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Bladnoch Folk and Blues Festival celebrates third successful year - Dumfries and Galloway Standard
Bladnoch Folk and Blues Festival celebrates third successful yearDumfries and Galloway StandardSkerryvore, a bunch of lads from the Hebrides finished the program with a stirring set full of gusto, skirling pipes, drums and rocking guitars. ...
Alan Jackson concert set - Topeka Capital Journal
Topeka Capital JournalAlan Jackson concert setTopeka Capital Journal8 concert by Alan Jackson in Landon Arena at the Kansas Expocentre. Tickets will go on sale Friday for Nov. 8 concert in Landon Arena By Bill Blankenship No ...
Hines Ward: News, Biography, Interview - Gaea Times
Gaea TimesHines Ward: News, Biography, InterviewGaea TimesTop Google trends : 1-sidehack 2-hines ward.Check it at: newstop_us Hines Ward not worried about being labeled 'dirty player' (Atlanta ...and more »
2009 Draft Prep: Carolina RBs on the mind -
2009 Draft Prep: Carolina RBs on the mindCBSSports.comOnly four of those running backs scored more touchdowns the following season (Shaun Alexander in 2004-05, Priest Holmes in 2002-03, Emmitt Smith in 1994-95 ...and more »
Polar bear, arctic fox hurt by climate change - Ninemsn
Polar bear, arctic fox hurt by climate changeNinemsnCaster Semenya 'a hermaphrodite'The future for women's athletics world champion Caster Semenya remains in doubt after tests reportedly revealed she is a ...and more »
Former Norwegian Prime Minister will speak about his mental illness - Wausau Daily Herald
Former Norwegian Prime Minister will speak about his mental illnessWausau Daily HeraldMADISON â€" In an effort to raise awareness about mental illness, NAMI Wisconsin is hosting a free breakfast Sept. 25 that will feature former Norwegian Prime ...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
ABC7 On Your Side: 'Friday Freebies' -
ABC7 On Your Side: 'Friday Freebies'abc7.comAnd if you love going to the beach, don't miss out on the party marking the 100th birthday of the Santa Monica Pier. It's Wednesday, September 9. ...
The semifinal winners will meet for the Davis Cup trophy in the ... - ESPN
The semifinal winners will meet for the Davis Cup trophy in the ...ESPNAlso in the World Group playoffs, it's: Chile vs. Austria; Belgium vs. Ukraine; Brazil vs. Ecuador; Netherlands vs. France; South Africa vs. ...
Small Debit Card Purchases Equal Big Money for Banks - CNBC
Small Debit Card Purchases Equal Big Money for BanksCNBCRory Foster, a former branch manager in Illinois, said that Wells Fargo based its compensation for managers in part on overall branch profitability. ...and more »
Five-Run Eighth Gives T-Bones Win - WIBW
Five-Run Eighth Gives T-Bones WinWIBWFargo jumped out to a 3-0 lead against Brett Davis in the second inning on an RBI groundout by Justin Justice and two-run single from Jeff Stevens. ...and more »
Rachael's Reality Recap - UI The Daily Iowan
UI The Daily IowanRachael's Reality RecapUI The Daily IowanWatching hours of the ever-sassy Tyra Banks turn awkward, skinny women into hot models surpasses my desire to flip on CNN. I may be a journalist, ...
Watch a stacked night of programming on Much every Friday ... - Channel Canada
Watch a stacked night of programming on Much every Friday ...Channel CanadaGuest stars a plenty for the new season include Tyra Banks, Hilary Duff, Joanna Garica, and the always delicious Michelle Trachtenberg as Georgina Sparks.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Bartender Buddha - Hartford Advocate
Hartford AdvocateBartender BuddhaHartford AdvocateI've waited on many famous people when I worked in LA, but nothing compares to waiting on Henry Rollins, to me at least. I waited on him at the Rio Grande ...
10 Ways To Rescue The Climate, According To Science Fiction - Ethiopian Review
10 Ways To Rescue The Climate, According To Science FictionEthiopian ReviewThe protagonists speculate that the ring was created by causing lightning in the upper atmosphere to create a kind of ice rail-gun that could shoot the ice ...
Prayer, Song and Community Participation - Virginia Connection Newspapers
Prayer, Song and Community ParticipationVirginia Connection NewspapersAlong with Rabbi Leila Gal Berner, they each will chant one of three Kol Nidre prayers on Yom Kippur Eve. It is the most solemn prayer on the most solemn ...
Hhgregg says to add 800 seasonal jobs - Reuters
Hhgregg says to add 800 seasonal jobsReutersN) and Sears Holding Corp (SHLD.O) were trading down 96 cents at $17.06 Wednesday morning on the New York Stock Exchange. ...Ahead of the Bell: Janney downgrades hhgreggForbesall 17 news articles »
Ohio country club attracts significate classics - The Detroit News
The Detroit NewsOhio country club attracts significate classicsThe Detroit NewsThough some 160 vehicles gather for display only on Sunday behind the country club's huge and imposing "clubhouse," the Gathering is a three-day affair that ...
Folsom Street Fair Is Cumming! - San Francisco Bay Times
Folsom Street Fair Is Cumming!San Francisco Bay TimesThe event hosts two live stages with 14 live alternative acts, a huge dance area with internationally renowned DJs, a dedicated area for women (“Venus' ...and more »
Monday, November 30, 2009
Tiger Woods trails by two; Australia wins one-dayer - Courier Mail
Tiger Woods trails by two; Australia wins one-dayerCourier MailKENNY Perry overtook fellow American Tiger Woods to earn a two-stroke lead after the third round at the $A8.66 million Tour Championship in Atlanta, ...and more »
Hey, I Got Your Civility Right Here, Champ! - Huffington Post (blog)
Hey, I Got Your Civility Right Here, Champ!Huffington Post (blog)It was ok to demonize people like Richard Jewell. This was a guy who saved a lot of people's lives during the Atlanta Olympics. ...
Calendar: Sept. 24-Oct. 1 - Hamilton-Wenham Chronicle
Calendar: Sept. 24-Oct. 1Hamilton-Wenham ChronicleBoys in grades 1-5 who missed the Cub Scout Information Night last Thursday night but still want to try Scouting are invited to the first Pack 28 meeting on ...and more »
Other family tragedies in Central Illinois - Bloomington Pantagraph
Other family tragedies in Central IllinoisBloomington Pantagraph... in Beason had the largest number of victims -- five -- from a single family slaying in recent Central Illinois memory. Other high-profile murder cases ...and more »
'Values Voter Summit' or GOP Rally? - Washington Post
'Values Voter Summit' or GOP Rally?Washington Post... Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader John Boehner, who encouraged the audience to do its part to end the Democratic majority ...and more »
Ted Kennedy: Requiem for a misogynist -
Examiner.comTed Kennedy: Requiem for a misogynistExaminer.comVolumes could be written about the dreadful manner in which the late Sen. Ted Kennedy treated women. As his fellow Senators and common folk alike, ...and more »
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Izzy The Lizzy, by Renee Riva, Illustrated by Steve Bjorkman -
Examiner.comIzzy The Lizzy, by Renee Riva, Illustrated by Steve BjorkmanExaminer.comJoin with them as they discover what happens to itty-bitty Jeb, and the fearful spider Anastasia, as well as Izzy Lizzy, the so-called dangerous lizard. ...
The Nightly Turbo: PokerStars WCOOP Results, A Gun Fight in ... -
PokerNews.comThe Nightly Turbo: PokerStars WCOOP Results, A Gun Fight in Luke “Full_Flush1†Schwartz, WSOP Europe champ Annette Obrestad, WPT Championship winner Yevgeniy Timoshenko, Antonio Esfandiari, and many others. ...and more »
Notebook: Ravens' running game guts it out - Carroll County Times
Notebook: Ravens' running game guts it outCarroll County TimesUNCONTAINABLE: Although the Ravens stopped shifty Chargers running back Darren Sproles on fourth down on Ray Lewis' big tackle, they didn't keep him ...and more »
Floyd Mayweather and boxing rob themselves of a following with pay ... - Mayweather and boxing rob themselves of a following with pay walked to the ring in relative silence. His bout against Mexican counter puncher Juan Manuel Márquez was authentic enough. ...
Media notes: NBC's Bob Costas moves to game site -
Media notes: NBC's Bob Costas moves to game siteNewsOK.com18 debuts one night before the pay-per-view showdown between Floyd Mayweather and Juan Manuel Marquez. â†'NBC and World Wrestling Entertainment will present ...and more »
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Sustainability 101: Boston-area apple guide -
Examiner.comSustainability 101: Boston-area apple guideExaminer.comApple season in Massachusetts starts in mid-August and runs into November. And no matter what your tastes, there's guaranteed to be an apple out there for ...and more »
Gators head into halftime with 13-6 lead over Tennessee - Orlando Sentinel
Gators head into halftime with 13-6 lead over TennesseeOrlando SentinelTennessee DB Jazen Jackson just drilled Brandon James. Gators pick up a field goal. They're back up by a touchdown. How many carries can Tennessee RB ...
Local weather good this year for apple crop - Wicked Local Lancaster
Local weather good this year for apple cropWicked Local LancasterRichard Pelletier, owner of Nashoba Valley Winery in Bolton, says his apple crop is also looking good. The orchard was picking Gravenstein apples, ...and more »
Trader Joe's Products rated by Good Guide -
Examiner.comTrader Joe's Products rated by Good GuideExaminer.comEver wonder how Trader Joe's products rate in the “green world� Good Guide, a search site developed by a professor at the University of California- Berkley ...
Middleweight Nate Quarry relying on "old-man strength" for win at ... -
MMAjunkie.comMiddleweight Nate Quarry relying on "old-man strength" for win at ...MMAjunkie.comWhen middleweight slugger Nate Quarry (11-3 MMA, 6-2 UFC) steps into the cage against Tim Credeur (12-2 MMA, ...and more »
Is VH1 Scared of Reality TV Post Murder ? - Singersroom News
Singersroom NewsIs VH1 Scared of Reality TV Post Murder ?Singersroom NewsAccording to Page Six, VH1 will instead focus on celeb-reality shows like 'Celebrity Fit Club'. “They are freaking out,†our source said. ...and more »
Friday, November 27, 2009
How the Media Legitimized Perez Hilton, Cyber-Bully Extraordinaire - NewsBusters (blog)
How the Media Legitimized Perez Hilton, Cyber-Bully ExtraordinaireNewsBusters (blog)Liz Smith, the grand dame of celebrity gossip, complained about the methods of today's gossips to CNN's Howard Kurtz in March 2009. ...and more »
Omniture Inc. (OMTR) stock halted; news pending - (subscription)
Omniture Inc. (OMTR) stock halted; news (subscription) provides up-to-the-minute active trading news and information. Only the most relevant news makes it through to our members, and only what ...and more »
New Battlestar Galactica: Ghosts - Comic Book Resources
New Battlestar Galactica: GhostsComic Book ResourcesMeet the Ghost Squadron, a black-ops Viper team that calls the Pegasus home. Separated from the Pegasus at the time of the Holocaust, they join forces with ...and more »
Senator invokes ghost or Richard Nixon -
Examiner.comSenator invokes ghost or Richard NixonExaminer.comInvoking the ghost of Richard Nixon, Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) says “there is a silent majority all over America that understands we need healthcare reform ...and more »
Disappointment For Alen In The Italian Championship - Yahoo! Eurosport
Disappointment For Alen In The Italian ChampionshipYahoo! Eurosport"I think that the conditions we will find in Scotland should be quite different to what we experienced in Sardinia," said Alen. ...and more »
Hard work pays off for Senators' Gall - Nevada Appeal
Hard work pays off for Senators' GallNevada AppealWhen Carson High football coach Blair Roman brought Danny Gall up to the varsity as a sophomore last year, he wasn't sure whether Gall could handle it or ...
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Gall set to retire as season draws to a close - Austin American-Statesman
Gall set to retire as season draws to a closeAustin American-StatesmanToday's game between the Round Rock Express and Omaha Royals will be John Gall's last. ...Express Wins Season FinaleNews 8 Austinall 15 news articles »
How to Ignite the Dodger Series - San Francisco Chronicle
How to Ignite the Dodger SeriesSan Francisco ChronicleIt's raining in New York this morning, putting the Serena Williams-Kim Clijsters semifinal on hold. This match deserves a proper stage, not some on-and-off ...and more »
Serena Williams eases into Toronto quarters - CNN International
Serena Williams eases into Toronto quartersCNN InternationalSerena Williams took just over an hour to defeat Alona Bondarenko. The world's No. 2-ranked women's tennis player defeated Bondarenko 6-1, 6-4 on Center ...and more »
Give me a lap! Priest Holmes to help School Rock Challenge kick-off -
Examiner.comGive me a lap! Priest Holmes to help School Rock Challenge kick-offExaminer.comFormer National Football League and Texas Longhorns running back Priest Holmes will be present Wednesday morning at Glass Elementary School to promote the ...
Anderson County looking at strategic economic development plan - Anderson Independent Mail
Anderson County looking at strategic economic development planAnderson Independent MailHe compared the Advanced Materials Center to the Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research (ICAR). Burriss Nelson, who is in charge of ...and more »
Alcoholism is a mental disorder - The Desert Sun
Alcoholism is a mental disorderThe Desert SunAnswer: Yes, alcoholism is a behavioral disorder and is so classified in the diagnostic manual of mental disorders. In this sense, it is a mental illness ...and more »
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Apple slashes ipod prices up to $120 -
Apple slashes ipod prices up to $120CNNMoney.comAlso notice ACORN is no where in the subject matter. If you really wants some news, check out this link and maybe change channels occassionally.and more »
Peru 1st-Half Private Sector Credit Growth 2.8%-Central Bank - Wall Street Journal
Peru 1st-Half Private Sector Credit Growth 2.8%-Central BankWall Street JournalBrazil's private sector credit growth totaled 1.5% in the first six months of 2009, while Chile's contracted 4.8% and Colombia's contracted 1.7% in real ...and more »
Wilmington's Dalton a fan favorite at Miss Universe -
Wilmington's Dalton a fan favorite at Miss UniverseStarNewsOnline.comOne day, Kristen hopes to host her own inspirational talk show like Tyra Banks. Kristen credits her positive outlook on her family upbringing. ...and more »
Dick Allen, Woodstock and change . . . - Boston Herald
Dick Allen, Woodstock and change . . .Boston HeraldThe Phillies were just months from a transaction that would change the business of baseball more profoundly than the Black Sox Scandal or even Brooklyn's ...and more »
The new survivalists: Oregon 'preppers' stockpile guns and food in ... -
OregonLive.comThe new survivalists: Oregon 'preppers' stockpile guns and food in ...OregonLive.comAnd though the movement intersects with a wave of weapon and ammunition hoarding among some who fear that Obama will clamp down on gun rights, ...
UAE expresses support for peaceful use of nuclear energy: FM - Xinhua
UAE expresses support for peaceful use of nuclear energy: FMXinhua27 (Xinhua) -- United Arab Emirates (UAE) Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan said Sunday that his country was interested in developing a ...and more »
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Stump the Librarian - Hillsboro Argus -
Stump the LibrarianHillsboro Argus - OregonLive.comWith less than a week to go in the "Stump the Librarian" contest, questions have been coming in from patrons both young and old(er), including some who have ...
Citi's $1.40B Deal Eligible For TALF Funds - Wall Street Journal
Citi's $1.40B Deal Eligible For TALF FundsWall Street JournalThe next loan application deadline for the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, or TALF, is Oct. 2. This is the eighth loan application deadline for ...and more »
Paul and his view of women - misogynist or progressive? -
Examiner.comPaul and his view of women - misogynist or progressive?Examiner.comAmong those who would disagree with the pop-theology view of Paul as a misogynist is leading New Testament scholar and Bishop of Durham, NT Wright. ...
Minister O'Keeffe branded 'misogynist' - Anglo Celt
Minister O'Keeffe branded 'misogynist'Anglo CeltAccording to Cllr. Madeleine Argue the letter from the minister was a waste of time and when she suggested that Mr. O'Keeffe might be a misogynist, ...and more »
A DC whodunit: Who leaked and why? - Reuters
A DC whodunit: Who leaked and why?ReutersBut not everyone in Washington is a believer in Occam's razor, so all manner of other theories flourished. There are believers in the reverse leak, ...and more »
Van Lente Talks Spider-Man & Mary Jane - Comic Book Resources
Van Lente Talks Spider-Man & Mary JaneComic Book ResourcesSpider-Man's rogues' gallery is a large and varied one. Some of the characters Van Lente will examine in “Web of Spider-Man,†like the Lizard, ...and more »
Monday, November 23, 2009
Durrrr and Full Flush to Finally Meet Heads Up? - PartTimePoker News
PartTimePoker NewsDurrrr and Full Flush to Finally Meet Heads Up?PartTimePoker NewsCommitted names include: Tom “Durrrr†Dwan, Luke “Full Flush†Schwartz, Annette Obrestad, Yevgeniy Timoshenko, Vicky Coren, Nam Le, Sammy “Any Two†George, ...and more »
Michael Emerson 2009 Emmy Win Long Overdue - Associated Content
Michael Emerson 2009 Emmy Win Long OverdueAssociated ContentMichael Emerson's category kicked off the drama round of the 2009 Emmys, as new NCIS spinoff stars Chris O'Donnell and LL Cool J announced the winner. ...and more »
Bardot and Loren still sex goddesses at 75 - AFP
AFPBardot and Loren still sex goddesses at 75AFPOnly three years ago, Loren, then 72, posed semi-nude on a white bed for the 2007 edition of the racy Pirelli calendar -- sharing months with the Spanish ...and more »
News is Breaking: Bad crash on I-690 west near NYS fairgrounds - NewsChannel 9 WSYR
News is Breaking: Bad crash on I-690 west near NYS fairgroundsNewsChannel 9 WSYRGeddes, New York(WSYR-TV) - Onondaga County 911 tells us police and rescue crews are on the scene of a bad crash on I-690 westbound near Exit 6. ...
Ringside With Raymundo 09.11.09: HBO's 24/7 Worth Watching -
411mania.comRingside With Raymundo 09.11.09: HBO's 24/7 Worth Watching411mania.comThe series has also helped boost pay-per-view sales, and the current self proclaimed king of PPV Floyd Mayweather finds himself the subject of another 24/7 ...and more »
Very sweet apple harvest for New England - NECN
NECNVery sweet apple harvest for New EnglandNECNAnd this apple picking season is shaping up to be tasty. Some are predicting that Massachusetts growers will yield 1 million bushels. ...Local apples ripe for the pickingNECNall 2 news articles »
Sunday, November 22, 2009
NE growers see strong season, lots of large apples - and weather
NE growers see strong season, lots of large applesand weatherApple picking season usually starts in earnest on the weekend after Labor Day and growers are anticipating a bountiful harvest, even if some official ...and more »
In Thousand Oaks, a father does the unthinkable - Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles TimesIn Thousand Oaks, a father does the unthinkableLos Angeles TimesSometime after his ex-wife dropped their two children off at his Thousand Oaks apartment Tuesday, Mulvaney stabbed 12-year-old Jason and 7-year-old Jennifer ...and more »
God and politics Part 1 : Repent and serve God -
God and politics Part 1 : Repent and serve GodExaminer.comNext, they moved onto God, removing prayer from the schoolhouse and attacking the symbols of our Judeo-Christian heritage in an attempt to remove them from ...and more »
Ruh-roh! Scooby Doo turns 40 years old -
Ruh-roh! Scooby Doo turns 40 years oldmsnbc.comBut Silverman wanted to steer CBS away from its heavy reliance on superheroes and he remembered some of his favorite radio programs as a kid were mystery ...and more »
Chase field missing some notable names -
FOXSports.comChase field missing some notable namesFOXSports.comWith big names missing NASCAR's so-called postseason (although it isn't quite that), there must be a mystery or several inside the top 12. 'Tis true. ...and more »
Diaz, Maynard Victorious at Fight Night 19 - Inside Fights (blog)
Diaz, Maynard Victorious at Fight Night 19Inside Fights (blog)Condit spent much of the fight on his back, but was far more active than Ellenberger…Nate Quarry earned a hard-fought decision over Tim Credeur in a wild ...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Trial begins for mother accused of killing her newborn - WWMT
Trial begins for mother accused of killing her newbornWWMTOn Tuesday it was clear that Smith's defense attorney, Jeff Schroder, is resting his case on the contention that Emma Smith was never alive. ...and more »
Appomattox official: Reliable water source critical to attract ... - Lynchburg News and Advance
Appomattox official: Reliable water source critical to attract ...Lynchburg News and AdvanceAPPOMATTOX â€" A reliable water source is critical for economic growth in the town of Appomattox, and in order for that to occur, ...and more »
Gall or nothing for new striker - Darlington and Stockton Times
Gall or nothing for new strikerDarlington and Stockton TimesKEVIN Gall was one for four new arrivals at Darlington this week and manager Colin Todd wants his 17th signing of the summer to grab ...and more »
Bulk buyer helps fresh produce find its way to area restaurants - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Bulk buyer helps fresh produce find its way to area restaurantsMilwaukee Journal SentinelMatt Gall sorts potatoes at Gall's Evergreen Lane Organic Farm in Saukville. Gall's farm provides local produce to Braise RSA, a restaurant supported ...
Report Finds Net Loss to City From Atlantic Yards Arena - New York Times
New York TimesReport Finds Net Loss to City From Atlantic Yards ArenaNew York TimesSeong Kwon The latest proposed design for the Atlantic Yards arena was unveiled on Wednesday. Updated, 3:04 pm | The proposed basketball ...and more »
Jay-Z and Beyoncé Cause Trouble in Croatia - New York Magazine
New York MagazineJay-Z and Beyoncé Cause Trouble in CroatiaNew York MagazineJay-Z and Beyoncé got into a tiff with the Croatian paparazzi Tuesday night, throwing a photographer's tripod into the ocean and giving him the finger as ...
Friday, November 20, 2009
BILDERSERIE: "Vertrauen in Bundespolizei" - 9.250 Besucher - NEU ... - Osthessen News
Osthessen NewsBILDERSERIE: "Vertrauen in Bundespolizei" - 9.250 Besucher - NEU ...Osthessen NewsDie folgende EXTRA-BILDERSERIE von Hendrik Urbin zeigt, wie umfangreich, interessant und spannend die Arbeit der Bundespolizei ist und "dass Rechtsbrecher ...and more »
Better Place: EV World Evolving as it Should - Ward's Auto (subscription)
Ward's Auto (subscription)Better Place: EV World Evolving as it ShouldWard's Auto (subscription)Tesla Inc., the only company selling highway-capable EVs, is developing a sedan, the Model S, with this feature. Mike Donoughe, Tesla's executive vice ...
Greenlings: How important is the appearance of a green car? - Autoblog
Greenlings: How important is the appearance of a green car?AutoblogWith the battery pack in the floor of the passenger compartment and the motor between the axles, the designer of the Tesla Model S, Franz von Holzhausen, ...
Sports Fix! Sexy Erin Andrews Dirty (Photos); Shannon Rowbury Appeal - National Ledger
National LedgerSports Fix! Sexy Erin Andrews Dirty (Photos); Shannon Rowbury AppealNational LedgerErin Andrews is filthy dirty. The ESPN reporter has a new photo shoot released after her wild ride with the peephole video. ...and more »
NFL Predictions: Titans vs Steelers Live Online Streaming - Sportsbook Promotions - Live Point Spreads
NFL Predictions: Titans vs Steelers Live Online StreamingSportsbook Promotions - Live Point SpreadsBet NFL Odds with justbet Deposit $100 and receive $100 to start the NFL betting season off. Sports Betting Promotions provides live NFL Odds Free NFL Picks ...
Turner and Norwood back to power the running game - Atlanta Journal Constitution
Turner and Norwood back to power the running gameAtlanta Journal ConstitutionFalcons tight end Tony Gonzalez, who was on strong rushing teams in Kansas City with running backs Priest Holmes and Larry Johnson, saw Turner twice a year ...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The Stir Fry: Weekly Dining News and Deals -
The Stir Fry: Weekly Dining News and DealsLA.comIn honor of the Santa Monica Pier's centennial this month, FIG at the Fairmont and the Le Troquet terrace bar at Le Merigot are both offering special menus ...
Covance Opens New Clinical Development Offices in Brazil and Mexico - Reuters
Covance Opens New Clinical Development Offices in Brazil and MexicoReutersEarlier this year, Covance announced new offices in Santiago, Chile and Lima, Peru. These new sites will support staff in these countries, Central America, ...and more »
Number of Welcome Week excise tickets up by 21 - Indiana Daily Student
Number of Welcome Week excise tickets up by 21Indiana Daily StudentIndiana State Excise Police confiscated 20 false IDs during Welcome Week. Check tomorrow's edition of the Indiana Daily Student for the full story.and more »
How about 7 in 9th? - Joliet Herald News
How about 7 in 9th?Joliet Herald News... leading Fargo-Moorhead by a game and Winnipeg by 1 1/2, jumped out to a 3-0 lead in the top of the second off Hammers starting pitcher Rory Shortell. ...and more »
Obama 'Czar': Republicans Are 'A--holes' - FOXNews
Obama 'Czar': Republicans Are 'A--holes'FOXNewsHANNITY: Well, all right, Cass Sunstein, you know, you want to talk about out of the mainstream, he calls for a ban on hunting. That's one thing. ...and more »
Iggy Pop, Moby, Henry Rollins Star in New Vampire Flick - TwentyFourBit
Iggy Pop, Moby, Henry Rollins Star in New Vampire FlickTwentyFourBitMoby, Iggy Pop, Alice Cooper, and Henry Rollins star in Suck, a new “vampire spoof about “rock 'n' roll wannabes in search of immortality and a record deal ...
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
'I hate well-adjusted artists' - Globe and Mail
Globe and Mail'I hate well-adjusted artists'Globe and MailIn the new rock 'n' roll vampire comedy Suck, Henry Rollins plays an obnoxious radio DJ. Max Morse/Reuters There must have been moments when the young leads ...
Rose on the outside looking in - Anderson Independent Mail
Rose on the outside looking inAnderson Independent MailJackson supporters make a new push almost every year, from petition drives to citing evidence that he was a bit player in the 1919 Black Sox scandal. ...and more »
Online poker rooms Ultimate Bet and Absolute turn 10 -
Online poker rooms Ultimate Bet and Absolute turn Ultimate Bet; with both sites riding high during the poker boom before becoming embroiled in cheating scandals that nearly brought about their demise; ...and more »
She's Old-School in a New Age - Washington Post
She's Old-School in a New AgeWashington PostYo is 21, and came to the Corcoran from a high school on the outskirts of Detroit, where she worked on the yearbook and attended photo camps -- "the usual," ...
New ZERONA Non-Surgical, Painless Laser Liposuction, Exclusively ... - PR Web (press release)
New ZERONA Non-Surgical, Painless Laser Liposuction, Exclusively ...PR Web (press release)Introducing ZERONAâ„¢, a laser that melts fat without surgery, medication, incisions, pain or recovery time. “The ZERONA technology is a new alternative to ...and more »
Park-by-park highlights of the Grand Circle tour -
Park-by-park highlights of the Grand Circle tourMiamiHerald.comStop by the visitor center at Island in the Sky or Needles and pick up a Discovery Pack backpack (deposit required) with binoculars and other cool stuff ...and more »
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Obama Tosses an Ally Overboard --and We Get Zip - FOXNews
Obama Tosses an Ally Overboard --and We Get ZipFOXNewsIsraeli Prime Minister Netanyahu went to Moscow recently to plead with them to delay delivery. Once Iran gets the S-300 system, an Israeli attack on Iranian ...and more »
Chinese car market - both boon and headache -
Chinese car market - both boon and headacheCNNMoney.comTake battery maker A123 Systems (AONE). In a prospectus for an initial public offering, it lays out the risks of operating in China, including "the ...and more »
Ministry to Appoint Agents to Evaluate Yeshiva Students' Stay in ... - Yeshiva World News
Yeshiva World NewsMinistry to Appoint Agents to Evaluate Yeshiva Students' Stay in ...Yeshiva World NewsSpecial representatives of the Interior Ministry will be assigned to determine the legal status of foreign yeshiva students wishing to remain in the country ...
4 NJ police officers shot serving search warrant - The Associated Press
4 NJ police officers shot serving search warrantThe Associated PressThe township has a large Orthodox Jewish population and has one of the largest yeshivas in the world, Beth Medrash Govoha. In recent decades, some sections ...and more »
Shabbos Shuvah Emeritus - Five Towns Jewish Times Online
Shabbos Shuvah EmeritusFive Towns Jewish Times OnlineCommitment was weak, the yeshivas were weak. I myself at that time addressed the issue of ahavas limud haTorah, to try to encourage people to come to a ...and more »
Judging Google's book strategy - Google's book year Google released a web browser called Chrome and is now developing that product into an operating system - the basic software for any computer ...and more »
Monday, November 16, 2009
Week 3 Power Rankings: Birds Freefall -
Week 3 Power Rankings: Birds FreefallMVN.comDUDE YOU GOTTA FUCKING CATCH THAT BALL. 21. Denver Broncos - Hate all you want on me Broncos fans. They got a fluke win over Cinci and did what everyone ...and more »
Boxing: Indestructible Taylor cruises into Euro final - Irish Independent
Boxing: Indestructible Taylor cruises into Euro finalIrish IndependentKATIE TAYLOR racked up her 37th win on the bounce to book her place in tomorrow's European Championship lightweight final with an 8-0 win over Denica ...and more »
In Defense of Robert Wright against Jerry Coyne, Ctd - Atlantic Online
In Defense of Robert Wright against Jerry Coyne, CtdAtlantic OnlineIt seems to me that you have missed the point of Coyne's argument, which is a boilerplate, although tacit, application of Occam's Razor. It goes like this. ...
Online Poker -- Yevgeniy Timoshenko Wins WCOOP Main Event -
CardPlayer.comOnline Poker -- Yevgeniy Timoshenko Wins WCOOP Main EventCardPlayer.comFresh off of his second WCOOP bracelet of the series, Daniel “djk123†Kelly teamed up with WPT Championship winner Yevgeniy “Jovial Gent†Timoshenko to ...and more »
2009 Emmys: Neil Patrick Harris To Be 'Horrible?' - Access Hollywood
2009 Emmys: Neil Patrick Harris To Be 'Horrible?'Access HollywoodPlus, musical guest Taylor Swift talks about being thrilled to perform on the first “Saturday Night Live†episode of 2009. “How I Met Your Mother's†Neil ...and more »
In Brief: Leonard Cohen recovering after collapsing during Spanish ... - Irish Independent
In Brief: Leonard Cohen recovering after collapsing during Spanish ...Irish IndependentRichard Alden Samuel McCroskey was arrested by Richmond Airport police officers, who found him asleep in the baggage claim area, said an airport spokesman. ...and more »
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Is Rep. Joe Wilson Winning? - Truthdig
New York TimesIs Rep. Joe Wilson Winning?TruthdigA fundraising e-mail signed by James Carville with the subject “Heckling the President?†says “Heck, if crazy were a pre-existing condition, ...The Biggest Liar of AllDakota Voiceall 6,049 news articles »
It's Still the Economy, Stupid - Wall Street Journal
It's Still the Economy, StupidWall Street JournalIt's been a long time since James Carville said the most famous thing he ever said: It's the economy, stupid. That famous phrase was in ...and more »
How To Live On $0 A Day: Finding Your Next Set Of Wheels - Huffington Post (blog)
How To Live On $0 A Day: Finding Your Next Set Of WheelsHuffington Post (blog)Trader Joe's shopping carts Neither luxury or utilitarian, a Trader Joe's cart is the rare hybrid that's both practical and sporty. ...
Liberty celebrates National Constitution Week with special guests - Liberty News
Liberty NewsLiberty celebrates National Constitution Week with special guestsLiberty NewsMcEwen served as the representative for Ohio in the United States House of Representatives for six terms. While in office, McEwen and United States Sen. ...and more »
When will they ever learn? - Huffington Post (blog)
When will they ever learn?Huffington Post (blog)They got more aid and comfort in the United States. Then Meacham writes: "The question is how we fight and whether we are willing to invest - in time, ...
Matchmaker Dating site
Matchmaker registration form requires users to provide contact information such as an email address and demographic information (such as zip code, age, or income level). Matchmaker also occasionally runs contests and conducts online surveys that ask visitors for contact information such as name and email address and demographic information such as zip code, age, or income level.
Matchmaker contains links to other top 10 dating sites and Matchmaker is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such sites.
source:'s Fall Season Sizzles With New Original Series From ... - Reuters's Fall Season Sizzles With New Original Series From ...ReutersIn his quest for answers, Drex discovers that being dead has its privileges. Stan Rogow ("Afterworld," "Gemini Division") and Brent Friedman ("Gemini ...
Saturday, November 14, 2009
There Will Be Blood -
TheStranger.comThere Will Be BloodTheStranger.comElliott's quest to find his real story is the story. The trail leads, via a sordid murder mystery he hopes to write a book about as it unfolds, ...and more »
Hill and Bill continue to seek fancy home - New York Post
Hill and Bill continue to seek fancy homeNew York PostA CAST of thousands -- Rob Lowe, Jennifer Garner, Tina Fey, Jason Bateman -- are coming out in "The Invention of Lying," the Ricky Gervais film starring ...
Crusaders' rally tops Tigers - Morning Times
Crusaders' rally tops TigersMorning TimesThat score held for just over eight minutes, but Tioga Central took a 2-1 lead at the 29:35 mark when Kara McDuffee took a feed from Sarah Wayson and put it ...and more »
Ghost Towns May Haunt Ireland in Property Loan Gamble - Bloomberg
Ghost Towns May Haunt Ireland in Property Loan GambleBloomberg“We are familiar with the specter of the ghost village that have seven or eight housing developments but hardly a house sold,†said Joan Burton, ...and more »
Intel spent $877K lobbying government in 2Q - Forbes
Intel spent $877K lobbying government in 2QForbesIntel top lawyer, Bruce Sewell, has called fighting the EU charges an "uphill battle." Intel says only a small portion of its lobbying dollars go toward ...and more »
Viel Phantasie in Prosa und Poesie - Mitteldeutsche Zeitung
Viel Phantasie in Prosa und PoesieMitteldeutsche ZeitungUnd falls der NFG mal die Kandidaten für die große Rede zur Sprache ausgehen sollten - Kultusminister Jan-Hendrik Olbertz wäre dafür bestens geeignet. Schon ...and more »
Friday, November 13, 2009
DirecTV NFL Mobile: The most expensive free app in the world -
DirecTV NFL Mobile: The most expensive free app in the worldtuaw.comOnce working, the app will let you watch live streams of all NFL Sunday Ticket football games, including the Red Zone channel. The Red Zone channel changes ...
Miami Dolphins: Falcons weak against the pass -
Miami Dolphins: Falcons weak against the passSun-Sentinel.comSunday, on ESPN Radio, analyst Qadry Ismail (a former WR who saw the Falcons in the preseason) called it the weakness that could keep Atlanta from getting ...and more »
Craigslist and eBay become interior design muses - Baltimore Sun
Craigslist and eBay become interior design musesBaltimore SunKerrie also takes advantage of big box stores like Target and Home Goods to fill in gaps where she would have normally bought designer pieces for several ...and more »
Giving Fans an Earful - Wall Street Journal
Giving Fans an EarfulWall Street JournalIt was also at the PGA Tournament, and it is testing with the Miami Dolphins of the NFL this fall. Live Sports Radio's plans, according to its chief ...and more »
'Extract' offers dose of management woes - Albany Times Union
'Extract' offers dose of management woesAlbany Times UnionIt's impossible to describe a Mike Judge movie in less than 300 words.) This time around, Judge tried to avoid big studios to get the movie made, ...and more »
Making a No Impact Movie About No Impact Man - Treehugger
TreehuggerMaking a No Impact Movie About No Impact ManTreehuggerOver the course of 16 months I used the same 4 batteries instead of the estimated 200-300 I would have used. Lastly and most importantly shooting the No ...and more »
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Verizon plans to oppose sale of Nortel's Enterprise unit to Avaya - TelecomTiger
Verizon plans to oppose sale of Nortel's Enterprise unit to AvayaTelecomTigerAvaya is scheduled to float an opening offer on Nortel's enterprise business at an auction on Friday. And in a scenario where Avaya wins the bid, ...
Former CIA detainee held for attacking German mayor - Gaea Times
Former CIA detainee held for attacking German mayorGaea Times#911 Sean_Schnell "Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning?" - Alan Jackson. Remembering the fallen heroes of 9/11 and their families today... myspain ...and more »
After Murray's Loss, the Critics Emerge - New York Times
After Murray's Loss, the Critics EmergeNew York TimesAlso in the winner's column on day nine were Serena Williams and Kim Clijsters, who set up a veteran semifinal battle with straight-set victories at ...and more »
Swine Flu Vaccination Should Target Children First - U.S. News & World Report
Swine Flu Vaccination Should Target Children FirstU.S. News & World ReportThe new work is well done and highlights the importance of vaccinating children, says Jan Medlock, a mathematical biologist at Clemson University in South ...and more »
Gardner-Webb Football Welcomes Mars Hill Saturday For Season Opener - Gardner Webb University Bulldogs
Gardner-Webb Football Welcomes Mars Hill Saturday For Season OpenerGardner Webb University BulldogsThe Lions bolstered an already talented roster with a number of Division I transfers in the offseason â€" headlined by receivers Alex Rose (Auburn), ...and more »
SANTA MONICA PIER AND THE LOBSTER: A WINNING VIRTUAL PARTNERSHIP ...Westside TodayAs part of the on-going Centennial celebrations of the Santa Monica Pier, The Lobster Restaurant and The Santa Monica Pier Restoration Corporation have ...and more »
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
"Sure buddy, Come on in! " - A look back at Episode 2 - TV Fodder
"Sure buddy, Come on in! " - A look back at Episode 2TV FodderGlee episode 2 started off with fireworks literally (no seriously the Santa Monica centennial celebration was booming fireworks outside my house). ...and more »
"You Lie!" Rude Dude's Obama Interlude - NBC Bay Area
"You Lie!" Rude Dude's Obama InterludeNBC Bay AreaJoe Wilson of South Carolina interrupted President Obama's speech Wednesday night, shouting his accusation of mendacity as Obama laid out his plans for ...and more »
IU alum Harlan Cohen gives tips about college problems - Indiana Daily Student
IU alum Harlan Cohen gives tips about college problemsIndiana Daily StudentAs a student Cohen worked at the Indiana Daily Student, where he started his advice column, “Help Me, Harlan!†Cohen said it was hard to get people to ...
Project Runway, Season Six Premiere - Huffington Post
Project Runway, Season Six PremiereHuffington Post... more of an iconic presence on this show than Heidi Klum, whose screen time is always rather brief in the episodes. She's not ubiquitous like Tyra Banks, ...and more »
'Rescue Me' to End in 2011 & More TV News - Inside TV
'Rescue Me' to End in 2011 & More TV NewsInside TVOther top winners included 'The Rachael Ray Show,' (Best Entertainment Talk Show) 'The Tyra Banks Show' (Best Informative Talk Show) and the women of 'The ...and more »
DAILY BUZZ: Seif Speaks, Pros Invade Cyprus, An Expensive Six-Pack - Bluff Magazine
DAILY BUZZ: Seif Speaks, Pros Invade Cyprus, An Expensive Six-PackBluff Magazine... with Andrew Feldman and Bernard Lee features a segment with Seif talking about the AP scandal and the contemporaneous Russ Hamilton/UltimateBet scandal. ...and more »
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Pressure putt drops to lift Fran Quinn Jr. to Nationwide elite - Boston Globe
Boston GlobePressure putt drops to lift Fran Quinn Jr. to Nationwide eliteBoston Globe(Darin Oswald/Idaho Statesman/Via Associated Press) By Marvin Pave As he walked up the 18th fairway last Sunday at Hillcrest Country Club in Boise, Idaho, ...
Old school cooking - San Angelo Standard Times
Old school cookingSan Angelo Standard TimesShe is one of nine cooks who do 300 shows a year for the Taste of Home Cooking School, which evolved from the homemakers schools into part of a magazine and ...and more »
Yager's ready to tap into nightlife - Folsom Telegraph
Folsom TelegraphYager's ready to tap into nightlifeFolsom TelegraphOn Wednesday, the group was preparing the place for its health inspection and hoped to have the doors open by Saturday, just in time for Folsom Live. ...and more »
Let's get going...Gators' internal problems...Hamilton claims F1 ... - Reiten Television KXMB Bismarck
Let's get going...Gators' internal problems...Hamilton claims F1 ...Reiten Television KXMB BismarckSecond-round leader Tiger Woods and Kenny Perry were sharing a two-stroke lead at 6-under-par after five and seven holes, respectively. GAINESVILLE, Fla. ...and more »
Laser is new weapon in fight vs. fat - WISH
WISHLaser is new weapon in fight vs. fatWISHIt's called a Zerona. Dr. Randy Shoup is one of the first people to have a Zerona laser in Indiana. To demonstrate how the laser works, he asked a member of ...
Zerona: A Revolutionary Non-Invasive, Body Slimming Laser - American Health and Beauty (press release)
American Health and Beauty (press release)Zerona: A Revolutionary Non-Invasive, Body Slimming LaserAmerican Health and Beauty (press release)ZERONAâ„¢ uses a patented and clinically proven low-level laser technology developed by Erchonia, the global leader in low-level laser healthcare applications ...
Monday, November 9, 2009
Markets Continue to Exhibit Logical Inconsistencies - Wall Street Pit (blog)
Markets Continue to Exhibit Logical InconsistenciesWall Street Pit (blog)The alternative, sexier explanation was the Fed's announcement that it is reducing the size of the TALF/TAF programs, and the simultaneous releases from the ...and more »
Review: 'Fame' - Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles TimesReview: 'Fame'Los Angeles TimesPerformance is not enough, we have to care about the characters, something even the countless spawn of "Fame" -- including "American Idol" and "Project ...and more »
VE3D Archived News for Wednesday, Sep 23, 2009 -
VE3D Archived News for Wednesday, Sep 23, 2009Ve3d.comEidos Interactive has announced "Prey in the Darkness Map Pack", a new downloadable map pack for Batman: Arkham Asylum. The pack contains two additional ...and more »
Closing bell: home sales don't help (AONE, BAC, WFC, GE, CHTP, JPM) - BloggingStocks (blog)
Closing bell: home sales don't help (AONE, BAC, WFC, GE, CHTP, JPM)BloggingStocks (blog)Among active shares, A123 Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: AONE) is following yesterday's IPO with a jump of more than 50% in its share price today. ...
Spencer's retail enters into licencing pact with US co - Economic Times
Spencer's retail enters into licencing pact with US coEconomic TimesKOLKATA: RPG Group's retail flagship, Spencer's Retail has entered into an exclusive licencing pact with iconic US fashion and lifestyle company, Marc Ecko ...and more »
The Week That Was: Jets soaring high -
SNY.tvThe Week That Was: Jets soaring highSNY.tvWord on the street is that Khloe Kardashian, Kim's little sister, is set to marry the hoopster. She's looking to get hitched in the next two weeks before he ...
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Russian prosecutors: 10 young skinheads sentenced in hate attacks ... - Metro Canada - Vancouver
Russian prosecutors: 10 young skinheads sentenced in hate attacks ...Metro Canada - VancouverBEASON, Ill. - A couple and three of their children were found brutally slain inside their home in this tiny central Illinois farming community, ...and more »
Bartlett's Schneider among state's best - The Courier News
Bartlett's Schneider among state's bestThe Courier NewsSenior Maggie Gannon and juniors Markelle Turk and Katie Puccio will need to have stellar seasons once again in order for the Rockets to have another shot ...and more »
4th generation Marinite turns frugal eating stereotype on its tush -
Examiner.com4th generation Marinite turns frugal eating stereotype on its tushExaminer.comNow to the kitchen I go to make that chicken cacciatore from scratch. For more of Andi's unique commentary on the thrifty life, frugal living tips, ...
Khloe Kadarshian dating Los Angeles Lakers player - Gaea Times (blog)
Khloe Kadarshian dating Los Angeles Lakers playerGaea Times (blog)The show is featuring none other than Kourtney Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian, the show is actually following the two sisters as they take over Miami by ...and more »
Aion Preselection Players Can Create Characters Since Sept. 18 - MMORPG News
MMORPG NewsAion Preselection Players Can Create Characters Since Sept. 18MMORPG News... through the standard character creator and be ready to play with these characters right when the game Head Start Program begins (but not beforehand). ...and more »
Pure Fiction: A Decline in Racial Politicking - Chicago Daily Observer
Pure Fiction: A Decline in Racial PolitickingChicago Daily ObserverJAMES CARVILLE: People are upset with President Obama because of the color of his skin. Who cannot believe that? CHRIS MATTHEWS: Could there be a refusal to ...and more »
Saturday, November 7, 2009
NBC comedies make our Must List. What's on yours? - Entertainment Weekly
NBC comedies make our Must List. What's on yours?Entertainment WeeklyI can't wait to see what they have in store for JAM and the pregnancy. #3 â€" The Emmys â€" The Superbowl of television. My favorite night of the year. ...
Ghost buster team is looking for spooks, as if Florida isn't weird ... -
Ghost buster team is looking for spooks, as if Florida isn't weird ...Sun-Sentinel.comSeveral events unfolded inside the Riddle house overnight on a recent ghost hunting expedition. The ghost hunters set up a camera to monitor flags across ...
Posluszny down for the night - ProFootballTalk
WIVBPosluszny down for the nightProFootballTalkBuffalo middle linebacker Paul Posluszny was having a nice night for the Bills as they continue to give the Patriots all they can handle (and more) in ...Two Bills Defenders HurtWIVBall 3 news articles »
After a Decade, LeAnn Rimes Is Still a Diva -
After a Decade, LeAnn Rimes Is Still a DivaCMT.com17) with the all-new divas like Miley Cyrus, Kelly Clarkson, Adele and Leona Lewis. And then in 2019, we can look back on their decade of divaness. ...and more »
Megan Fox Admits She Has Mental Problems - New York Magazine
New York MagazineMegan Fox Admits She Has Mental ProblemsNew York MagazineJay-Z admits that he offended a few people by keeping his wedding to Beyoncé so under-the-radar last year. Susan Boyle's yet-to-be-released album is already ...and more »
NETGEAR Introduces Digital Entertainer Live, Compact All-in-One ... - PR Newswire (press release)
NETGEAR Introduces Digital Entertainer Live, Compact All-in-One ...PR Newswire (press release)Additionally, the Digital Entertainer Live includes a free trial of VuNow, which provides access to hundreds of other Internet videos, live Internet TV and ...and more »
Friday, November 6, 2009
Thunderbirds flying high - Evening Observer
Thunderbirds flying highEvening ObserverThe rest of the time, the Thunderbirds were taking advantage of great field position in their 54-20 victory over Franklinville in Class D high school ...Reynolds Shines For T'BirdsJamestown Post Journalall 2 news articles »
S2S goes to the movies IV -
S2S goes to the movies IVS2Smagazine.comSummer movie season is over, but that doesn't mean there's nothing good to watch on the big screen, it just depends on your mood. Finally! ...and more »
'Cleanflix' exposes Utah's conservative culture to the world - Salt Lake Tribune
'Cleanflix' exposes Utah's conservative culture to the worldSalt Lake TribuneAt North America's biggest film festival, the short-lived edited-movie industry and the Utah culture that spawned it will get lots of attention from movie ...and more »
CMT Insider: Aquapalooza Concert Brings Fond Family Memories for ... -
CMT Insider: Aquapalooza Concert Brings Fond Family Memories for ...CMT.comFor thousands of country fans, seeing a free Alan Jackson concert on Lake Martin in Alabama will be their favorite memory from the summer of 2009. ...and more »
Gonzalez, Turner to make Falcons foes see red near end zone -
SportingNews.comGonzalez, Turner to make Falcons foes see red near end zoneSportingNews.comIn 2002 and '03, his Chiefs, with Priest Holmes in the backfield, boasted the NFL's top-ranked scoring offense. In those years, Gonzalez had 17 total ...and more »
The Santa Monica Pier and Sempra Energy Partner to Benefit Kids - Westside Today
The Santa Monica Pier and Sempra Energy Partner to Benefit KidsWestside TodaySempra Energy Partners and the Santa Monica Pier Restoration Corporation will announce a new educational partnership on August 20th at 10am on the Santa ...and more »
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Bozich: Payton says IU will 'shock some people' - Louisville Courier-Journal
Bozich: Payton says IU will 'shock some people'Louisville Courier-Journal... for The New York Times, interned at his hometown newspaper in Fort Wayne, Ind., and written about news and fashion for the Indiana Daily Student. ...and more »
RedHawks Take 7-3 Win - OurSports Central (press release)
RedHawks Take 7-3 WinOurSports Central (press release)JOLIET-The Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks (45-34) got a 1st inning home run by CF Nic Jackson (1-4) to take a 3-0 lead they would never relinquish en route to a ...and more »
Kellie Pickler Wants to Be Like Loretta Lynn, But ⦠-
Kellie Pickler Wants to Be Like Loretta Lynn, But …CMT.comShe raved about meeting Loretta Lynn at a fair in Canada, and told us Lynn wants to write songs with her. Pickler summed up the story (which she rarely ...
Highest of high holy days - St. Augustine Record
Highest of high holy daysSt. Augustine Record27, "Kol Nidre: All Our Vows," will be observed on the sacred evening of the Day of Atonement, which initiates a full day's worth of introspection and ...and more »
Theaters earn praise - El Dorado Hills Telegraph
El Dorado Hills TelegraphTheaters earn praiseEl Dorado Hills TelegraphIt was nice to see so many turn out for Thursday night's reception at the Gallery at 48 Natoma in Folsom. Those who attended were treated to live ...and more »
Buzz Multiplex: "Fame"...Doing It Old-School - Buzz Log (blog)
Buzz Log (blog)Buzz Multiplex: "Fame"...Doing It Old-SchoolBuzz Log (blog)English-born Alan Parker sifted through 3000 potential actorsâ€"many from the High School of the Performing Arts, the film's inspirationâ€"for raw talent, ...and more »
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
'Old School' hot rods featured at car museum - Battle Creek Enquirer
'Old School' hot rods featured at car museumBattle Creek EnquirerJust think 'old school'. In this case its pre-1965 cars and bikes that have been customized with nothing newer than 1964 parts. The Traditional Hot Rod is a ...and more »
What they said: Kenny Perry - PGA Tour
What they said: Kenny PerryPGA TourKENNY PERRY: You know what, it's a hole you can make 4 on in a hurry. But it doesn't like give you the fear factor like maybe the 18th at Bay Hill or some ...
Lancers put end to their streak - Asbury Park Press
Lancers put end to their streakAsbury Park PressSt. John Vianney's Kasey Bulman and Katie O'Reilly helped the Lancers stop a three-game losing streak with a goal each in a 2-0 Shore Conference Class A ...and more »
Enrique And Anna Planning A Shotgun Wedding - X17 Online (blog)
X17 Online (blog)Enrique And Anna Planning A Shotgun WeddingX17 Online (blog)X17 XCLUSIVE - Khloe Sets Up Her Wedding Registry! The Kardashian sis will soon have lots of Williams-Sonoma items to share with future-hubby Lamar! ...and more »
Blago bests Jon Stewart - Chicago Tribune
Chicago Breaking News - TribuneBlago bests Jon StewartChicago TribuneWhen Stewart suggested that perhaps Blagojevich is the hapless, falsely accused Richard Jewell of Illinois, shoulders slumped throughout the state. ...Stewart strikes outThe Capitol Fax Blog (blog)all 4 news articles »
One-time home of H&R Block co-founder Richard Bloch being razed - Kansas City Star
One-time home of H&R Block co-founder Richard Bloch being razedKansas City Star“The exterior of the house is what really made it a jewel,†said Kimberlee Ried, president of the Historic Kansas City Foundation. ...and more »
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov has deep pockets to offer Nets - New York Daily News
New York Daily NewsRussian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov has deep pockets to offer NetsNew York Daily NewsRussian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov's wealth can help Nets and Bruce Ratner on and off the court. Does Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov have any idea ...
Marc Ecko Halo 3: ODST Master Chief Hoodie Is One Fugly Hoodie - Chip Chick
Marc Ecko Halo 3: ODST Master Chief Hoodie Is One Fugly HoodieChip ChickYou might already be familiar with the Marc Ecko Halo line of limited edition T-Shirts but they have now added the Ecko Halo 3: ODST Master ...and more »
Links: God's Wrath, Free Yoga - New York Times
Links: God's Wrath, Free YogaNew York TimesIn case you hadn't heard, Bruce Ratner has sold the Nets to Mikhail D. Prokhorov, the richest man in Russia. Mr. Prokhorov hopes to use his entree into ...and more »
Barack Obama's Speech to Students Revs Up the Wingnuts - U.S. News & World Report
Barack Obama's Speech to Students Revs Up the WingnutsU.S. News & World ReportThe antidote to PDS should be Occam's Razor: That the simplest explanation is the correct one. So between the competing theories of Someone in the White ...
DVD Review: "The Spectacular Spider-Man: The Complete First Seasonâ -
DVD Review: "The Spectacular Spider-Man: The Complete First Seasonâ€"Spectacular†Season 1 introduces modern takes on classic villains, including the Lizard and the Rhino, as well as Spider-Man's supporting cast: his friend ...and more »
Bardot and Loren at 75: two screen goddesses; two ways to grow old -
Bardot and Loren at 75: two screen goddesses; two ways to grow Day says they both deserve respect When Sophia Loren turned 72 three years ago, she celebrated by posing semi-naked for a Pirelli calendar ...and more »
Monday, November 2, 2009
Career Watch: Bad work habits can hold you back in tough times - Computerworld
Career Watch: Bad work habits can hold you back in tough timesComputerworldHow does one go about breaking bad work habits? Any time you feel negative -- when you are being reactive, triggered, fearful, manipulative or controlling ...and more »
'Curb Your Enthusiasm's' 'Seinfeld' Reunion Will Deal With Michael ... - Television Week
'Curb Your Enthusiasm's' 'Seinfeld' Reunion Will Deal With Michael ...Television WeekWhen the "Seinfeld" cast reunites on HBO's "Curb Your Enthusiasm" this season, Larry David said they will deal honestly with Michael Richards' infamous rant ...
College Football Scores: #1 Florida Gators Holds Off Tennessee ... - TransWorldNews (press release)
College Football Scores: #1 Florida Gators Holds Off Tennessee ...TransWorldNews (press release)Tebow then gave the Gators a 10-3 advantage when he scored form a yard out on a quarterback keeper. Tennessee didn't fold the tent though and they managed ...
Gophers ready for big weekend - ESPN
NCAAfootball.netGophers ready for big weekendESPNManuel's list of scholarship offers includes Minnesota, Michigan State and Iowa. Tatum has offers from Minnesota, Bowling Green, Marshall and Ohio ...Handpicked Highlights: Here Come The...Longhorns?ChicagoNow (blog)all 63 news articles »
Reviews: A perky whistle-blower, a bloody cheerleader, real-life ... -
OregonLive.comReviews: A perky whistle-blower, a bloody cheerleader, real-life ...OregonLive.comor Megan Fox drenched in blood in "Jennifer's Body" or Robin Williams as a puzzled paterfamilias in "World's Greatest Dad" or Jennifer Aniston rom-com-ing ...
Federer's Last US Open Loss - TennisGrandstand
TennisGrandstandFederer's Last US Open LossTennisGrandstandThe Swiss maestro's quest to win a sixth straight US Open men's singles title came to an end Monday as Argentina's Juan Martin del Potro defeated the world ...and more »
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Young women encouraged to find strength among lifelong friends - Journal and Courier
Young women encouraged to find strength among lifelong friendsJournal and CourierSarah Watson has been involved with the program for four years. "It gave me a network of black women on campus who I could connect with," the 20-year-old ...
Sharon Stone Went to Sardinia. Shouldn't You? - SYS-CON Media
SYS-CON MediaSharon Stone Went to Sardinia. Shouldn't You?SYS-CON MediaThe timesonline reports seeing a great looking Sharon Stone on the beach in Sardinia. What about YOU? Sardinia is the summer playground for the rich and ...and more »
Garden Q&A: Plumbago will suffer if trimmed once cold hits - Florida Times-Union
Garden Q&A: Plumbago will suffer if trimmed once cold hitsFlorida Times-UnionThese growths are called galls, which occur on a variety of woody plants. They may be the result of fungi, bacteria, nematodes or mites, but insects are the ...
Intel Reorganizes Business as Executives Depart (INTC,EMC) - Trading Markets (press release)
Intel Reorganizes Business as Executives Depart (INTC,EMC)Trading Markets (press release)Patrick Gelsinger was hired by EMC (NYSE:EMC) to run its information infrastructure products unit, and general counsel Bruce Sewell is also leaving the ...and more »
Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen get the laughs - Melbourne Herald Sun
Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen get the laughsMelbourne Herald SunCameos from comedians such as Paul Reiser, Ray Romano, Norm McDonald and even rapper Eminem lend a doco-type feel, as does the footage of real stand-up gigs ...and more »
Fondsmanager-Porträt: Hendrik Leber - Effizienter Kritiker - Financial Times Deutschland
Fondsmanager-Porträt: Hendrik Leber - Effizienter KritikerFinancial Times DeutschlandSeine Affinität zu Geld hat der promovierte Betriebswirt schon früh entdeckt. Als Knirps verleiht er Geld gegen gute Zinsen an seine Brüder ("Die waren ...and more »
Commentary: Miami Dolphins' Lex Hilliard is the latest longshot ... - Palm Beach Post
Commentary: Miami Dolphins' Lex Hilliard is the latest longshot ...Palm Beach PostAlready Jim Mandich of the Dolphins' radio broadcast team has declared on his blog that Hilliard is a lock to make Miami's opening-day roster. ...and more »
Saturday, October 31, 2009
The Miami Dolphins Could Be In Big Trouble! - Bleacher Report
Bleacher ReportThe Miami Dolphins Could Be In Big Trouble!Bleacher ReportI have also been a sports talk radio host for 16 years. I am 41 years old. I have always been objective and brutally honest about my Dolphins. ...and more »
Tough schedule is tough luck for Miami Dolphins - Palm Beach Post
Tough schedule is tough luck for Miami DolphinsPalm Beach Post"They're a team of mystery," said Al Michaels, the voice of NBC's Sunday Night Football. "What are they? They're not a one-win team, obviously. ...
EXCLUSIVE: Saved By The Bell Screech Sued For Taxes, Has Car ... - Radar Online
EXCLUSIVE: Saved By The Bell Screech Sued For Taxes, Has Car ...Radar OnlineAfter Saved By The Bell ended in 2000 Diamond appeared in a few reality shows, including The Weakest Link, Celebrity Boxing 2 and Celebrity Fit Club. ...and more »
State Colleges: Y. soccer team upset in Pullman - Salt Lake Tribune
State Colleges: Y. soccer team upset in PullmanSalt Lake TribuneIPFW 3-1 » Southern Utah women's volleyball hosted its first home match in 21 years and did not disappoint as the Thunderbirds pulled off a 3-1 upset over ...and more »
Michael Jordan offers scalding if not scolding comments at Hall ... - Chicago Tribune
Chicago TribuneMichael Jordan offers scalding if not scolding comments at Hall ...Chicago TribuneAs we found out Friday night, the list of people who either knowingly or unknowingly motivated Jordan was phone-book long: Dean Smith, Buzz Peterson, ...and more »
Album: Noah And The Whale, The First Days of Spring (Mercury) - Independent
Album: Noah And The Whale, The First Days of Spring (Mercury)IndependentWith skirling violin spicing the folk-rock arrangement, it has a similar blend of grace and emotion as parts of Astral Weeks, but as track follows ...and more »
Friday, October 30, 2009
Trace Adkins Set to Sing National Anthem at 9/11 Memorial Event -
Trace Adkins Set to Sing National Anthem at 9/11 Memorial EventCMT.comFlight 93 was one of four commercial airliners hijacked in an attempt to strike targets on the ground. It was traveling from Newark, NJ, to San Francisco ...and more »
Elementary kids in marathon to fight obesity, diabetes - San Antonio Express
Elementary kids in marathon to fight obesity, diabetesSan Antonio ExpressWith the help of the Holmes High School drum line, athletes and cheerleading squad â€" and urged on with speeches by Castro and former NFL running back Priest ...and more »
NOTES: Middle Tennessee at Clemson - Clemson Tigers Insider (subscription)
NOTES: Middle Tennessee at ClemsonClemson Tigers Insider (subscription)•The team GPA was 2.61 for that semester, second best on record for a Clemson football team. •13 players on the roster were on the Dean's List for the ...and more »
Joe Wilson's shout enrages Dems, shames GOP - Newsday
Joe Wilson's shout enrages Dems, shames GOPNewsdayJoe Wilson (R-SC) shouts "You Lie" as US President Barack Obama addresses a joint session of the US Congress at the US Capitol. Obama addressed the joint ...and more »
Sears Launches Contest To Boost Appliance Sales -
Sears Launches Contest To Boost Appliance SalesMediapost.comIn an effort to pique consumer interest in its Kenmore appliances, Sears is launching a Crazy Cleaning Confessions ...Kenmore(R) Announces the Crazy Cleaning Confessions (press release)all 8 news articles »
Retailers hope government rebates spur appliance sales, but say ... - The Plain Dealer -
Retailers hope government rebates spur appliance sales, but say ...The Plain Dealer - cleveland.comSears is offering 20 percent off all Whirlpool, Maytag and KitchenAid appliances, and is cutting $300 off the price of a Whirlpool Duet ...and more »
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Perry makes a move...Sotomayor coming off the bench...Panthers are ... - KXMC
Perry makes a move...Sotomayor coming off the bench...Panthers are ...KXMCAP ATLANTA (AP) At 6-under-par on the day through 16 holes and 8-under for the tournament, Kenny Perry is the leader by two shots over second-round leader ...and more »
State of blood and lust - NKU The Northerner Online
State of blood and lustNKU The Northerner OnlineAnd sorry guys, but if it takes turning the dream of every high school boy across the country into a man-eating spawn of Satan to prove it, then being bad ...and more »
Laura Berman And the film credit goes to Sterling Heights man - The Detroit News
Laura Berman And the film credit goes to Sterling Heights manThe Detroit NewsThat's why the few licensed trade schools -- there are only seven operating in Michigan -- are welcoming the recent hiring of Richard Jewell. ...and more »
Tax system repels foreign insurers, says Lloyd's chief - Times Online
Tax system repels foreign insurers, says Lloyd's chiefTimes OnlineIt is the jewel of the UK and a major contributor to the Chancellor's coffers.†Lord Turner made the comments in an interview with Prospect magazine last ...and more »
World at War Map Pack 3 Releases Next Week for PC -
World at War Map Pack 3 Releases Next Week for PCKotaku.comBy Owen Good , 4:30 PM on Sat Sep 12 2009, 3395 views Patch 1.6, which includes Map Pack 3 for PC, deploys next week. This time I am going to get his name ...and more »
Another Outraged Parent Questions Why Brooklyn Yeshivas Have Not ... - Yeshiva World News
Yeshiva World NewsAnother Outraged Parent Questions Why Brooklyn Yeshivas Have Not ...Yeshiva World NewsYWN has been getting dozens of letters from parents outraged at why Yeshivas have not yet started in Brooklyn. Someone has to do an explanation as to why ...
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sony (NYSE: SNY) To Install Google Chrome to Vaio PCs - TransWorldNews (press release)
Sony (NYSE: SNY) To Install Google Chrome to Vaio PCsTransWorldNews (press release)(NYSE: SNY) has installed Google's Chrome browser it as the primary browser on Vaio-brand computers sold in the United States and Europe, according to ...and more »
Gluten-free ginger snaps: reasonably-priced at Trader Joe's -
Examiner.comGluten-free ginger snaps: reasonably-priced at Trader Joe'sExaminer.comWhich is why many New Yorkers head for Trader Joe's. Although the selection of gluten free products at Trader Joe's is not large, it is affordable. ...and more »
Crawley manager shows the lighter of the Red Devils - Crawley Observer
Crawley manager shows the lighter of the Red DevilsCrawley ObserverRICKY Gervais better watch out because Crawley Town manager Steve Evans is giving him a run for his money. In this special comedy sketch the Reds boss can ...and more »
Mo. man builds his own pickup truck from scrap - The Associated Press
Mo. man builds his own pickup truck from scrapThe Associated PressJohnny Bolton gets some funny looks as he drives his pickup around this northeast Missouri town â€" but he also gets the last laugh. He built the truck ...and more »
Ghosts of Christmas Future - Motley Fool
Ghosts of Christmas FutureMotley FoolWith only 101 shopping days left until December 25th, I just got a very unpleasant visit from the ghosts of Christmas future. Why ghosts plural? ...Shipping Shows Economic Recovery Disappearing into the SunsetSeeking Alphaall 2 news articles »
Penn State LB Lee ready to roar back in Big Ten after injury - USA Today
Penn State LB Lee ready to roar back in Big Ten after injuryUSA TodayHe enters this year with 239 career tackles and has an excellent chance of joining current NFL linebackers Dan Connor (419) and Paul Posluszny (372) as the ...and more »
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Bright start puts St Gall's on the road to glory - Belfast Telegraph
Bright start puts St Gall's on the road to gloryBelfast TelegraphA three-goal blitz in the opening 18 minutes put St Gall's in the driving seat in last night's football semi-final at Casement Park in a game they won with ...
Kanye West, Taylor Swift and the MTV Video Music Awards - Kansas City Star
Kansas City StarKanye West, Taylor Swift and the MTV Video Music AwardsKansas City StarWhen Taylor was on stage making her acceptance speech for winning Best Female Video award, Kanye ran out onto the stage and took the microphone from her to ...
Beyonce Shook It And Shook It Hard! - X17 Online
X17 OnlineBeyonce Shook It And Shook It Hard!X17 OnlineHer boy Jay-Z, on the other hand, could have chosen a better duet partner than Alicia Keys. His number was way disappointing, right? Click on the photos to ...and more »
NFL names Madden an adviser, makes blacked out games available - Groller's Corner
NFL names Madden an adviser, makes blacked out games availableGroller's CornerThe National Football League is planning to stream blacked out in-market games on a delay on, the league says. In-market games will be available for ...and more »
Pintos battle back in second half against Thunderbirds, but come ... - California Democrat
Pintos battle back in second half against Thunderbirds, but come ...California DemocratAfter an even 6-6 first quarter, the Thunderbirds racked up 22 points to lead 28-6 at the half. Despite a valiant comeback effort in the second half, ...and more »
Clemson safety expert honored by American Psychological Association -
Clemson safety expert honored by American Psychological AssociationPhysOrg.comScott Shappell, a professor of industrial engineering at Clemson University, has been elected Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA). ...Clemson professor named Fellow of American Psychological AssociationGreenville Newsall 3 news articles »
Monday, October 26, 2009
October Song Fest At Loretta Lynn's Ranch Sign Ups - PRLog.Org (press release)
October Song Fest At Loretta Lynn's Ranch Sign UpsPRLog.Org (press release)PRLog (Press Release) â€" Aug 27, 2009 â€" Folks from all over are invited to come to Loretta Lynns Ranch at Hurricane Mills for three days of camping, ...and more »
Huskies go old school in 16-13 upset of USC - Seattle Times
Huskies go old school in 16-13 upset of USCSeattle TimesIt was a shocking turnaround for a defense that last year ranked as the worst in school history. It was a group that was challenged this week by defensive ...and more »
Chattanooga Times Free Press, Tenn., Casey Phillips Column ... - California Chronicle
Chattanooga Times Free Press, Tenn., Casey Phillips Column ...California ChronicleWho passes: James Brown's "Live at the Apollo" and Johnny Cash's "At Folsom Prison." Audiences loved the Man in Black and The Godfather of Soul for their ...
Quiet Jimenez does his talking on the hill -
The Associated PressQuiet Jimenez does his talking on the hillMLB.comDENVER -- Off the field, Rockies right-hander Ubaldo Jimenez's personality ranges from quiet to soft-spoken. ...B. Ryan returns to lineup; Colorado's Cook does, tooSt. Louis Post-Dispatchall 495 news articles »
Verlander grows, as does Tigers' Central lead -
FOXSports.comVerlander grows, as does Tigers' Central leadFOXSports.comJon Paul Morosi is a national MLB writer for He previously covered baseball for the Detroit Free Press and Seattle ...Tribe does as expected: loses againAkron Beacon Journalall 611 news articles »
EXCLUSIVE: Todd McFarlane Says New 'Spawn' Movie Would Be ... -
MTV.comEXCLUSIVE: Todd McFarlane Says New 'Spawn' Movie Would Be ...MTV.comMuch has been made of Todd McFarlane's plans for a new, live-action "Spawn" movie based on the character he created in the early 1990s. ...and more »
Sunday, October 25, 2009
My Interview with Art Folsom - FOXNews
BBC NewsMy Interview with Art FolsomFOXNews... that he fears Zazi could become another Richard Jewel, who you will recall was suspected of carrying out the 1996 Olympic Park bombings in Atlanta. ...Littwin: Shuttle driver raises inner threat levelDenver Postall 5,425 news articles »
Stocks slide for 2nd straight day -
MiamiHerald.comStocks slide for 2nd straight dayCNNMoney.comIPOs return: Shares of A123 Systems (AONE) surged as much as 56.6% from their initial pricing, before trimming the gain to just over 50% at the close. ...Stocks head for modest gainsCNNMoney.comall 866 news articles »
TFN eNews 09/24/2009: Will the market bounce back? - Todays Financial News
TFN eNews 09/24/2009: Will the market bounce back?Todays Financial NewsThanks to the current market environment, AONE has the opportunity to maximize the proceeds of every share it puts on the market. “It's a good thing they're ...and more »
Giveaway: HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER Season 4 DVD - Daemon's TV (blog)
Daemon's TV (blog)Giveaway: HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER Season 4 DVDDaemon's TV (blog)With the premiere of the new season from HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER next Monday, September 21, how about a giveaway in the meantime? How I Met Your Mother Season ...
Red Carpet Quotes: "Who's Going to Pull a Kanye?" - E! Online
E! OnlineRed Carpet Quotes: "Who's Going to Pull a Kanye?"E! Onlineâ€"Samantha Who? actress Christina Applegate, sharing her thoughts on tonight's Emmys "I am still consistently interested in him, fascinated by him. ...and more »
Toronto Film Festival review roundup No. 1: 'Creation ... - Los Angeles Times
Toronto Film Festival review roundup No. 1: 'Creation ...Los Angeles TimesReviews are also mixed for Karyn Kusama's alt-horror effort "Jennifer's Body." Cinematical declares that it "just does not work," while Hitfix fairly gushes ...and more »
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Lutz: Unhappy with earlier ads, GM changed course - The Associated Press
The Associated PressLutz: Unhappy with earlier ads, GM changed courseThe Associated PressJack Nerad, executive market analyst for Kelley Blue Book, said GM's strategy will give more publicity to competitors, but GM has little to lose because it ...and more »
Posluszny channels passion into making playoffs - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Pittsburgh Tribune-ReviewPosluszny channels passion into making playoffsPittsburgh Tribune-ReviewMiddle linebacker Paul Posluszny led the Bills in tackles last season, but the former Penn State standout is focused on one goal in 2009: Buffalo's first ...• Ex-Lions on the clockPennLive.comall 4 news articles »
Keeping it in the family a winner - The Age
WA todayKeeping it in the family a winnerThe AgeShe won 11 races, seven of those black-type, more than $550000, and was competitive in two trips to Hong Kong, but according to Gall's son Brett, ...Owners who hit jackpotDaily Telegraphall 3 news articles »
West set to sing, not talk on 'Jay Leno' debut - Gaea Times
West set to sing, not talk on 'Jay Leno' debutGaea TimesI thought it was very sweet of her to ask Taylor Swift to return to the stage to accept her award. afterworkinc #Lilmama shoulda been rudely interrupted by ...and more »
Newest Trailer for Disney's 'A Christmas Carol' -
Newest Trailer for Disney's 'A Christmas Carol' batch of new trailers hit the Internet after they first premiere at the MTV Video Music Awards with a new trailer for Twilight: New Moon and the trailer ...and more »
Utah football: Utes hold off stubborn Spartans - Salt Lake Tribune
Utah football: Utes hold off stubborn SpartansSalt Lake TribuneTake a short plane flight, pick up a road win and move on to the bigger, badder teams looming on the schedule starting with the visit to Oregon next week. ...and more »
Friday, October 23, 2009
sc's Largest Garage Sale - Myrtle Beach Sun News
sc's Largest Garage SaleMyrtle Beach Sun News"My guesstimate is that they will be looking for more home goods, like a used coffee table rather than a new one, or used clothing for their families than ...and more »
Brit office workers to be allowed 10-minute 'Facebook break'! - Gaea Times
Brit office workers to be allowed 10-minute 'Facebook break'!Gaea Timesscottkjames To quote Alan Jackson and ask the question, "Where were you on that September morning when the world stopped that day?" GTwap British F1 legend ...and more »
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- Adrien Allain Wins APT Macau Main Event - Tight Poker
- Lewis stuffs Sproles to save Ravens' win - Philade...
- Aion Announces Over 300000 Activated Pre-Orders - ...
- Upstate colleges see few swine flu cases - Greenvi...
- Aion Head Start Program Begins Sept. 20 - Zam News
- Armed robbers hit Emeryville Trader Joe's - San Jo...
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- Adobe to buy Omniture for $1.8 bln, a 24 pct premi...
- New Cape volleyball coach is a familiar face - Bet...
- VOLLEYBALL: Roosevelt wins Downriver League opener...
- Posluszny is out -
- Kein Leben mehr draussen - NZZ Online
- 2009 NFL Week 1 Betting Lines - TheOnlinewire
- Despite Thaw, Floodgates Could Stay Locked for Cle...
- Colusa tennis plucks Thunderbirds - Colusa County ...
- State Thunderbird club to meet, tour La Porte Coun...
- Student brings farmer¹s market to Clemson campus ...
- Locust researcher wins NSW science award - Ninemsn
- IUB Libraries removes YouTube promo video - Indian...
- New bus service creates extended hours - Indiana D...
- Nelson hangs on for Streets title - Jamestown Sun
- âStop Cass Sunsteinâ Drive! - LALATE
- Ga. lotto officials search Savannah for winner - WTVM
- No. 1 Florida wins but lose Tebow to injury - Colu...
- Live music taps into rail history's roots - Colfax...
- Charitable golfer Kenny Perry honored - MiamiHeral...
- Diablo & behold - New York Post
- Tiger Woods trails by two; Australia wins one-daye...
- Hey, I Got Your Civility Right Here, Champ! - Huff...
- Calendar: Sept. 24-Oct. 1 - Hamilton-Wenham Chronicle
- Other family tragedies in Central Illinois - Bloom...
- 'Values Voter Summit' or GOP Rally? - Washington Post
- Ted Kennedy: Requiem for a misogynist -
- Izzy The Lizzy, by Renee Riva, Illustrated by Stev...
- The Nightly Turbo: PokerStars WCOOP Results, A Gun...
- Notebook: Ravens' running game guts it out - Carro...
- Floyd Mayweather and boxing rob themselves of a fo...
- Media notes: NBC's Bob Costas moves to game site -...
- Sustainability 101: Boston-area apple guide - Exam...
- Gators head into halftime with 13-6 lead over Tenn...
- Local weather good this year for apple crop - Wick...
- Trader Joe's Products rated by Good Guide - Examin...
- Middleweight Nate Quarry relying on "old-man stren...
- Is VH1 Scared of Reality TV Post Murder ? - Singer...
- How the Media Legitimized Perez Hilton, Cyber-Bull...
- Omniture Inc. (OMTR) stock halted; news pending - ...
- New Battlestar Galactica: Ghosts - Comic Book Reso...
- Senator invokes ghost or Richard Nixon -
- Disappointment For Alen In The Italian Championshi...
- Hard work pays off for Senators' Gall - Nevada Appeal
- Gall set to retire as season draws to a close - Au...
- How to Ignite the Dodger Series - San Francisco Ch...
- Serena Williams eases into Toronto quarters - CNN ...
- Give me a lap! Priest Holmes to help School Rock C...
- Anderson County looking at strategic economic deve...
- Alcoholism is a mental disorder - The Desert Sun
- Apple slashes ipod prices up to $120 -
- Peru 1st-Half Private Sector Credit Growth 2.8%-Ce...
- Wilmington's Dalton a fan favorite at Miss Univers...
- Dick Allen, Woodstock and change . . . - Boston He...
- The new survivalists: Oregon 'preppers' stockpile ...
- UAE expresses support for peaceful use of nuclear ...
- Stump the Librarian - Hillsboro Argus - OregonLive...
- Citi's $1.40B Deal Eligible For TALF Funds - Wall ...
- Paul and his view of women - misogynist or progres...
- Minister O'Keeffe branded 'misogynist' - Anglo Celt
- A DC whodunit: Who leaked and why? - Reuters
- Van Lente Talks Spider-Man & Mary Jane - Comic Boo...
- Durrrr and Full Flush to Finally Meet Heads Up? - ...
- Michael Emerson 2009 Emmy Win Long Overdue - Assoc...
- Bardot and Loren still sex goddesses at 75 - AFP
- News is Breaking: Bad crash on I-690 west near NYS...
- Ringside With Raymundo 09.11.09: HBO's 24/7 Worth ...
- Very sweet apple harvest for New England - NECN
- NE growers see strong season, lots of large apples...
- In Thousand Oaks, a father does the unthinkable - ...
- God and politics Part 1 : Repent and serve God - E...
- Ruh-roh! Scooby Doo turns 40 years old -
- Chase field missing some notable names - FOXSports...
- Diaz, Maynard Victorious at Fight Night 19 - Insid...
- Trial begins for mother accused of killing her new...
- Appomattox official: Reliable water source critica...
- Gall or nothing for new striker - Darlington and S...
- Bulk buyer helps fresh produce find its way to are...
- Report Finds Net Loss to City From Atlantic Yards ...
- Jay-Z and Beyoncé Cause Trouble in Croatia - New ...
- BILDERSERIE: "Vertrauen in Bundespolizei" - 9.250 ...
- Better Place: EV World Evolving as it Should - War...
- Greenlings: How important is the appearance of a g...
- Sports Fix! Sexy Erin Andrews Dirty (Photos); Shan...
- NFL Predictions: Titans vs Steelers Live Online St...
- Turner and Norwood back to power the running game ...
- The Stir Fry: Weekly Dining News and Deals -
- Covance Opens New Clinical Development Offices in ...
- Number of Welcome Week excise tickets up by 21 - I...
- How about 7 in 9th? - Joliet Herald News
- Obama 'Czar': Republicans Are 'A--holes' - FOXNews
- Iggy Pop, Moby, Henry Rollins Star in New Vampire ...
- 'I hate well-adjusted artists' - Globe and Mail
- Rose on the outside looking in - Anderson Independ...
- Online poker rooms Ultimate Bet and Absolute turn ...
- She's Old-School in a New Age - Washington Post
- New ZERONA Non-Surgical, Painless Laser Liposuctio...
- Park-by-park highlights of the Grand Circle tour -...
- Obama Tosses an Ally Overboard --and We Get Zip - ...
- Chinese car market - both boon and headache - CNNM...
- Ministry to Appoint Agents to Evaluate Yeshiva Stu...
- 4 NJ police officers shot serving search warrant -...
- Shabbos Shuvah Emeritus - Five Towns Jewish Times ...
- Judging Google's book strategy -
- Week 3 Power Rankings: Birds Freefall -
- Boxing: Indestructible Taylor cruises into Euro fi...
- In Defense of Robert Wright against Jerry Coyne, C...
- Online Poker -- Yevgeniy Timoshenko Wins WCOOP Mai...
- 2009 Emmys: Neil Patrick Harris To Be 'Horrible?' ...
- In Brief: Leonard Cohen recovering after collapsin...
- Is Rep. Joe Wilson Winning? - Truthdig
- It's Still the Economy, Stupid - Wall Street Journal
- How To Live On $0 A Day: Finding Your Next Set Of ...
- Liberty celebrates National Constitution Week with...
- When will they ever learn? - Huffington Post (blog)
- Matchmaker Dating site
-'s Fall Season Sizzles With New Origina...
- There Will Be Blood -
- Hill and Bill continue to seek fancy home - New Yo...
- Crusaders' rally tops Tigers - Morning Times
- Ghost Towns May Haunt Ireland in Property Loan Gam...
- The Miami Dolphins Could Be In Big Trouble! - Blea...
- Tough schedule is tough luck for Miami Dolphins - ...
- EXCLUSIVE: Saved By The Bell Screech Sued For Taxe...
- State Colleges: Y. soccer team upset in Pullman - ...
- Michael Jordan offers scalding if not scolding com...
- Album: Noah And The Whale, The First Days of Sprin...
- Trace Adkins Set to Sing National Anthem at 9/11 M...
- Elementary kids in marathon to fight obesity, diab...
- NOTES: Middle Tennessee at Clemson - Clemson Tiger...
- Joe Wilson's shout enrages Dems, shames GOP - Newsday
- Sears Launches Contest To Boost Appliance Sales - ...
- Retailers hope government rebates spur appliance s...
- Perry makes a move...Sotomayor coming off the benc...
- State of blood and lust - NKU The Northerner Online
- Laura Berman And the film credit goes to Sterling ...
- Tax system repels foreign insurers, says Lloyd's c...
- World at War Map Pack 3 Releases Next Week for PC ...
- Another Outraged Parent Questions Why Brooklyn Yes...
- Sony (NYSE: SNY) To Install Google Chrome to Vaio ...
- Gluten-free ginger snaps: reasonably-priced at Tra...
- Crawley manager shows the lighter of the Red Devil...
- Mo. man builds his own pickup truck from scrap - T...
- Ghosts of Christmas Future - Motley Fool
- Penn State LB Lee ready to roar back in Big Ten af...
- Bright start puts St Gall's on the road to glory -...
- Kanye West, Taylor Swift and the MTV Video Music A...
- Beyonce Shook It And Shook It Hard! - X17 Online
- NFL names Madden an adviser, makes blacked out gam...
- Pintos battle back in second half against Thunderb...
- Clemson safety expert honored by American Psycholo...
- October Song Fest At Loretta Lynn's Ranch Sign Ups...
- Huskies go old school in 16-13 upset of USC - Seat...
- Chattanooga Times Free Press, Tenn., Casey Phillip...
- Quiet Jimenez does his talking on the hill -
- Verlander grows, as does Tigers' Central lead - FO...
- EXCLUSIVE: Todd McFarlane Says New 'Spawn' Movie W...
- My Interview with Art Folsom - FOXNews
- Stocks slide for 2nd straight day -
- TFN eNews 09/24/2009: Will the market bounce back?...
- Giveaway: HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER Season 4 DVD - Dae...
- Red Carpet Quotes: "Who's Going to Pull a Kanye?" ...
- Toronto Film Festival review roundup No. 1: 'Creat...
- Lutz: Unhappy with earlier ads, GM changed course ...
- Posluszny channels passion into making playoffs - ...
- Keeping it in the family a winner - The Age
- West set to sing, not talk on 'Jay Leno' debut - G...
- Newest Trailer for Disney's 'A Christmas Carol' - ...
- Utah football: Utes hold off stubborn Spartans - S...
- sc's Largest Garage Sale - Myrtle Beach Sun News
- Brit office workers to be allowed 10-minute 'Faceb...