Wednesday, February 19, 2020

what does philosophy of life mean?

Monica Voltin: The philosophy of life is just the subject of defining life's purpose, goals, and meaning. If you would like to learn more about philosophy, you can visit my blog at the link below. I do not know much about Judy Blume's philosophy on life, but it seems that this definition is all you needed. Hope this helps. more

Kenneth Thuesen: This Site Might Help You.RE:what does philosophy of life mean?i need to be able to understand to find out what's Judy Blume's philosophy of life

Billie Bratchett: LIFE has no meaning in itself.......then how can philosophy help you understand life.. ? ????

Vida Miss: There are several possible answers to this question which depend on precise wording. You may ask what is the meaning of your own life as an individual. You may ask what is the meaning of all life, as in every living thing. You may ask is there a meaning to life. You may ask does it matter whether there i! s a meaning to life or not. There are probably other questions in this vane that could be asked but I'll call these the big four. If the question is what is the meaning of your own life, I think thats up to you on a real time basis. It changes as you do through experience and emotional attachment to things. If the question is what is the meaning of all life, then you can observe the behavioral characteristics of all life forms and if they have common behavior, that could be reasonably assumed to be a meaning for all life. When you have compiled a complete list of all common traits you should have a defensible meaning to life. If the question is is there a meaning to life, the result of identifying common traits through observation should also answer this question. If the question is does it matter if there is a meaning to life or not, I think that it does not. We don't seem to do what we do because of a meaning or lack of one to life. We seem to behave in accordance with ou! r nature....Show more

Sabra Roers: Philosophy Of Life De! finition

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