Monday, March 9, 2020

poll:what would you choose beauty over brains or the other way???

Lucille Saetteurn: brains over beauty....

Jonathon Labonne: brains work for me, i would not be attracted to someone who was clueless.....

Lu Snide: LOLi just watched the movie and i wonder what would people do XD

Ronald Moehr: brains for me...coz they are a lot of beauty tips/operations /makeups out there that can make even the worst of the worst to be the best of the beauty will disappear with time...brains stay forever

Joaquin Dronko: no

Conrad Puleio: beauty.

Romana Stiman: I write a little, then the next person writes a little, and the next perosn after that keeps the story going!Once upon at time. I stopped in Walmart. It was so crowded. There were people mobbing the store, which was pretty unusual. I couldn't figure out why they were. A walmart guy approached me and asked me for a sticker. Of cousre I said yes. But theres something that was strange about it- it was Elvis's head.As I went to the back of the store, Elvis! was there in concert. He was sweaty bloated and forgetting lyrics....COME ON PEOPLE KEEP GOING...Show more

Joie Libutti: I got enouh brains for the two of us, so i pick beauty.

Matt Tiry: 800 dollars for a month

Andra Oger: Beauty cuz then I'll seen like a genius when I turn on the computer

Giovanni Malool: I would choose brains, than create my beuty

Granville Stray: £1000 for a second

Bell Pasco: the other way but kinda right bang smack in the middle

Davina David: i just payed yur partner. get ready

Helen Zafar: No. Brains over beauty cos there really is no point in being devastatingly beautifull / handsome if you can't string a sentence together .............. ;0)CHEERS♥

Floy Fague: intelligent babe, too much trouble..

Joan Stavropoulos: Brains over beauty. Beauty eventually fades, but the intelligence is something someone will always have.

Shandi Wedge: im totally with you on this oneim a goo! d teacherlol

Billie Bratchett: $500,000

Rona Espal! in:

Carmina Stickney: I wouldn't want anyone to visit my imaginary dreamland lol ;p

Gwenda Micheals: Brains...I have beauty

Bob Pucella: both would be nice. If everyone looked exactly the same and had the exact same intelligence, there would be no jealousy or wars.

Jannette Kotz: More beauty that brains. I don't want a lecturer nor sleep with godzilla lol...

Vernon Martorana: Then I ran over screaming ELVIS ELVIS! and Elvis came into the crowd and started my way... I stood there staring in amazement that Elvis, YES ELVIS was coming my way. shaking my head, I found myself clung to Elvis, YES Elvis! Before I knew it his warm gorgeous lips were pressed to mine! .. I awoke from my sleep, Hot and sweaty. Still thinking about how Elvis kissed me last night. As I opened my bedroom window, the cool air from outside bit my face, waking me up. It was a dream. But no! I tried to convince myself. It can't be! No! but as the day progressed, there was no w! ay that could have truley happened.....Come on guys! What happens next?...Show more

Piedad Bassiti: A Million should cover it,lol,

Spencer Heidtbrink: brains over beautycoz then if they have brains.. they could get a really smart job earn lots of money and if they want become beautiful with plastic surgery :P

Bob Nakamoto: Free of can Sneak in whenever you wanna..grr

Mozell Sponsler: brain

Renato Abatiell: Are you a ghost? It's free

Tillie Wynott: were you able to sort it all out i do feel somewhat better.

Michelle Sohre: brains over beauty......cuz no matter what he is never gonna learn if he has no brains

Rose Krouse: I'm creative but not imaginative, free

Jerrod Guilfoil: I actually prefer beauty with no brains. Much easier really.

Aubrey Tirri: Sure. My hand is my partner at the moment. hahah

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