Keven Drumgole: TRIVIA for 8/16/09: Video: John Moody Hot Jobs: Tenet Healthcare Corp. Champs: a) Ricky Henderson Country Music: b) Taylor Swift Games: 3 President: a) Henry Lee HowStuffWorks: psychology History: b) 42 World: c) Zambezi BIG CHEESE 107.9: Midnight Cheese Cut: Lady ATF-#40 Artist: Balance ATF-#20 Artist: Pablo Cruise 3 pm Cheese Cut: Paralyzer 7 pm Cheese Cut: Died in Your Arms
Trena Berum: : Gandhi Hot Jobs : I need more opportunities. Video of the Day - Joy Adamson Champions: a) Wayne Rollins Country Music Trivia: b) - Likeability and awareness Games: 150 Hello, Mr. President: b) - Dwight D. Eisenhower This Day in History: b) - 101 degrees Where in the World?: c) - Lake Michigan...Show more
Willis Liburd: US 99.5 ChicagoArtist - George StraitAndy's - Mint Chocolate ChipUS 99 TriviaTrish gives scoops on country music is: Nashville HotlineWhat is US99's Racing Station called? At The Track RadioTwo new country songs go head ! to head is: The New Country ChallengeWhere can you go to get information on ticket giveaways? Both the Events and Contests Section of US99.comUS 99 is: All of the Aboven7ybn prayers for your sister on her loss and for your whole family. He is at rest.Congrats for JoanK's daughter Karyn. 60 miles in 3 days is awsome ! ! ! You did Great ! ! !Prayers for all - we all need them. Extra special prayers for RRBrad and his family. Sometime last week someone posted that he was doing better but still not at home.Extra special prayers for all of our little ones, those with extra needs and those with special requests.CrazyH any updates on Lincoln at home?Have a great week all and stay cool. Not as hot as the last few days.jcm (Janet)Thanks for the help with On Air Codes....Show more
Sherrill Botting: Thanks Everyone! Thumbs Up!92.5 XTU PhiladelphiaMy 3 Songs: VacationCountry Cafe: VacationMake it or Break it: VacationABC for multiple ChoiceVideo of the Day Trivia: ! Joy​ Adamson​Games 'n eCards Trivia: 150​ How Stuff Work! s Trivia: Gandhi Yahoo​​​​​​ Hot​​​​​​ Jobs​​​​​​ Trivia: I​ need​ more​ opportunitiesSleuth Trivia: Midnightn7ybn: I am so sorry for your loss. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.Thoughts and Prayers for all of those who need them!A very Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to all who are celebrating today!...Show more
Neely Youngblut: WUSN(US 99)Chicago,Illinois Music Committee(7/27)-Brad PaisleyUnder Air CodesArtist(Monday)-George StraitAndy's(Monday)-Mint Choc. ChipTrish-Nashville HotlineNascar code(Monday)-GrooveTaylor Swift(Monday)-Lake Shore DriveUnder TriviaUS99 racing station-at the trackticket giveaway-both the Events and Contests section of US99.com2 songs go head to head-The New Country ChallengeUS99 is-All of the above Newsletter-(8/5)-nightswimmerAccess 109-Summer NightsAccess 110--Big and RichIt takes only 1-3 letters to get the points WMILMorgan#20-eRICh churchTown-pewauKEEArtist- chris YOUngDriver-KASey! kahneCafe-OPSKaren Kritter-NEOTrivia-abcVideo of the day-(new)90Howstuffworks-GAHot Jobs-iSleuth-MIDTeam-BALtimore oriolesFacebook-blue riBBOnState Fair-TARListener Advisory(8/6)-CREampuffsNewsletter-(8/4)keith ANDersonCountry...Show more
Gwenda Micheals: Good afternoon everyone, hope you all have a great day! Please remember to give everyone a THUMBS UP!These Trivia answers, words and songs are for Country 105, Q Nation Q107 and Country 95.3If you want the trivia answer, otherwise, just type ABCCountry Music Trivia - BClassic Rock Challenge - BGames 'n eCards Trivia - 150Hello,Mr. Prime Minister - Trivia - GANDHILet's Go Green Canada! - CSleuth Trivia -MIDNIGHTThis Day in Canadian History - BRoyale Kitten Casting! - GROOVINWORD OF THE DAY - C105 - NOBLECOUNTRY 105 SONGS7:00 AM - IF YOUR GOING THROUGH HELLLegends Lunch - SISSY'S SONG3 @ 3 - BIG GREEN TRACTORQWS - IT'S A GREAT DAY TO BE ALIVEQ107 SONGS7:30 AM - HOTEL CALIFORNIALegends Lunch - AQUALU! NG2:00 PM - GET BACKAC - THE NEW COUNTRY 95.3 - 6:00 AM - SUGAR7:00 AM! - WONDER8:00 AM - FOLDER11:00 AM - CREDITWHATS FOR DINNER - EMAIL2:00 PM - SHORT4:00PM - LAND6:00 PM - CREAMBonus Code: Lea's Blog - FightLikeAGirl Bonus Codes: Laura's Blog - TONGUE...Show more
Kelly Bistodeau: Morning Everyone!!Happy Monday!Last working week to watch the wheels go round for summer school!!Then vacation!!Have a great day!!abc worked for; Champions; Hello, Mr. President; This Day in U.S. History; Music Trivia; Where In The World? Videos on DemandSleuth Trivia; MIDNIGHTVideo of the Day Trivia; What is the name of the "narrator" of the video? joy adamsGames 'n eCards Trivia;In the game Freestyle Soccer, how much do you earn per trick? trivia; Salt Quiz." What is the answer to question ten?" GandhiYahoo hot jobs;What does the bubble say above the girl's head? I need more opportunitiesWRVE The River Albany;The River Morning Crew's Crankin' Car Tune; vacation9:40 AM PASSWORD; disneyRiver Anything Goes Lunch Hour; She talks to AngelsR! iver Morning Crew Trivia; OARHave a great day!!...Show more
Elva Batie: Good Morning from Medford, WI! N7ybn, I am sooo sorry for your sister’s loss!! I will pray for her to heal and get stronger!TRIVIA for 8/10/09:Champs: a) Wayne RollinsCountry Music: b) likeability and awarenessGames: 150President: b) Dwight D. EisenhowerVideo: Joy AdamsonHowStuffWorks: GandhiMusic: a) She’s About a Mover (The Doug Sahm Quintet was known for)Sleuth: midnightHistory: b) 101 degreesWorld: c) Lake MichiganYahoo HotJobs: I need more opportunitiesBIG CHEESE 107.9, WBCV, Wausau, WI:Midnight Cheese Cut: Double VisionHoroscope: hearBonus Band: The EaglesCheese Sleeze: dream contest10 am Cheese Cut: Sweet Home Alabama3 pm Cheese Cut: Turn Up the RadioR-Store Trivia: potato7 pm Cheese Cut: Just What I NeededCheese Council: BREWSBRATSBANDSWAXX 104.5, Eau Claire, WI:6:12: study7:12: governor9:12: defend1:12: stop4:12: torsoSmart Alex: sleepBig 5 Rewind: Today-Ga! ry AllanYou're welcome, dani dog's mom!! Glad we can help each other o! ut!...Show more
Branden Roddick: Hi Everyone - Huntsville, AL​Yahoo​ Hot​ Jobs​ -​ I​ need​ more​ opportunities.​ (I)NEW Video of the Day - joy​ adamson​ (ad)Country Music: b) Likeability and awareness Country Video: a) The band walking towards their show Champions​​​: a)​​​ Wayne​ Rollins​ ​​​ Games 'n eCards Trivia: 150 Hello,​​​ Mr.​​​ President​​​: b)​​​ Dwight​ D.​ Eisenhower​ - Gandhi (ga)Music Trivia: Singer Matt Nathanson was born in: b) 1973 This​​​ Day​​​ in​​​ History​​​: b)​​​ 101​ degrees​ Where​​​ in​​​ the​​​ World?​​​ c)​​​ Lake​ Michigan​sleuth - midnight (mid)Have a great MondaySorry to hear about your loss n7ybn, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers today....Show more
Julienne Poplawski: Good MorningWRVE 99,5New Video: Joy AdamsonYahooHotJobs: I need more opportunitiesCha! mpions: A Wayne RollinsGames: 150Hello Mr. President: B Dwight D EisenhowerHSW: Gandhimusic: B 1973History: B 101 DegreesVideo On Demand: B YamahaWhere in the world: C Lake MichiganThanks for the best answer!Leaving tomorrow with my daughter for a tour of college campuses she is interested in. Prayers to all....Show more
Christiane Cattano: Reward codes for Ktar 92.3 & 620 98.7 The Peak 8-11-09Sleuth --- midnight=========================================Ktar 92.38:20 am --- 11:20 am --- test2 03pm --- 3:20pm --- 8:20pm --- Mac and gaydos twitter --- disc jockey==============================================ktar 6205:55 am --- third 8:55 am ---used dashes early Over time --- used dashes early2:00 p.m. -- John Bloom â€" 8-08--- champ campAriz lottery codes8/10 --- Ridenow 8/11 --- Polaris8/12 ---Lottery8/13 --- Frys8/14 --- 2by2cheap trick trivia -- the colbert reportpoison trivia --- rikki rockettdef l! eppard trivia --- wastedSuns trivia --- golden state warriorsD-backs tr! ivia --- Doug SlatenDan Weiss at Chevy --- 25 yearsSports legends challenge -- legendsAllstar insider 8/03 --- FlagstaffBurnsey bonus 8/07â€" use (---) earlyFrt. Mcdowell monthly code aug. --- the silver platter=============================98.7 the peak 11:25 peak legends --- used dashesMusic trivia --- buddy hollyFrt. Mcdowell monthly code aug. ---Ariz Milk Producers --- Chill the ValleyStreaming code---...Show more
Rivka Killmer: LONE STAR 92.5 - Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas Trivia for 08/10/2009 Yahoo Hot Jobs => I wonder if Yahoo! is hiring... 2500 Points New Video of the Day => Joy Adamson Team Smith Inc => remodels Gaylord Texan Resort => CHANT Bella Body Wraps => $25Babes => c) Bikini Champions => a) Wayne Rollins Classic Rock Challenge => b) Painting Classic Video On Demand => b) False Games 'n eCards Trivia => 150 Hello, Mr. President => b) Dwight D. Eisenhower Trivia => Gandhi This Day in U.S History => b) 101 degrees Where In The World? => c)! Lake Michigan Sleuth Trivia => MIDNIGHT (CHI Turbo Ceramic Iron pg3)...Show more
Carolynn Testani: Rose, BP at Joe's August 18. They were just giving a pair of tickets away. nothing in the sweepstakes yet. Hope they continue to allow to use points, although with the new way don't know if I'll have enough points.Happy Monday................She did It!!!!!! Karyn, my daughter, walked 60 miles in 3 days for Breast Cancer!!!!!! WE ARE ALL SO PROUD OR YOU!!! YOU ARE AWESOME!!!artist - George Straittrivia - Trish Biondo's is - Nashville hotlineHowStuffWorks - GandhiNew Video - Joy AdamsonYahoo - I​need more opportunitiesSleuth: midnightPrayer are always going out to all of our family members and friends. Joan K...Show more
Avis Brantner: WWYZ Country 92.5 Hartford, CTChampions â€" A) Wayne RollinsCountry Music â€" B) Likeability and awarenessCountry Video â€" A) The band walking towards their showGames n' eCards â€" 150Hello, Mr. President - B) Dwight D. Eisenhow! â€" GandhiNew Video â€" Joy AdamsonThis Day in U.S.! History - B) 101 degreesWhere in the World? â€" C) Lake MichiganYahoo Hot Jobs - I wonder if Yahoo is hiring....Show more
Carter Dewater: CISN7 All Summer Long7:15 pullBBFF Tight Fittin' Jeans9 Summer NightsWW challenge10:15 drag12 Darius Rucker2 Write This Down2:15 farm4:15 city5 The Last Saskatchewan PiratesCCMW Welcome To The Future8:15 competitionJOEMaureen's Last Word - ------------------------- worked 9 Raspberry Beret11 So Far Away2 Crazy6 I Touch Myself8 I KnowLeon's Word - defeatCHEDBob Layton - 143Mystery Player - MauriceSleuth - midnightGames 'n eCards Trivia - Trivia - GandhiRoyale Kitten Casting - Groovin'...Show more
Voncile Slaubaugh: ========================================WBEE - 92.5 - WBZA 98.9 - WPXY 97.9 - WCMF 96.5(Rochester, NY)========================================PXY - Ten More DaysBEE Artist - Kenny ChesneyBEE Song - YoungWCMF Password (12:30) - _______ (?)WCMF Password (3:30) - Ceasar (Salad Dressings)==========! ==============================BUZZ Rock/WCMF Rock - BPXY Pop Music - BBEE Country - B===================Yahoo Hot Jobs - I need more opportunitiesVideo - Joy Adamson (or) $90.00Webster Ford - _____Champions - AGames 'n eCards - Hello Mr. President - BHow Stuff Works - GandhiSleuth - MidnightThis Day in U.S. History - BWhere in the World - C====================...Show more
Asley Quickle: Answers for CISN 103.9 EdmontonListen & Win7am Song = All Summer Long7:15 Word = PullBBFF = Tight Fittin' Jeans9am Song = Summer NightsWork Word = Challenge10:15 Word = Drag12pm Artist = Darius Rucker2pm Song = Write This Down2:15 Word = Farm4:15 Word = City5pm Song = The Last Of The Saskatchewan PiratesMost Wanted = Welcome To The Future8:15 Word = CompetitionTriviaCountry Music = BGames = 150Hello Mr. Prime Minister = AHow Stuff Works = GandhiLet's Go Green Canada = CPledge Coupon = Your coupons will arrive shortlyRoyale Kitten = Groovin' KittySleuth = MidnightThis Day In Canadian Hi! story = BHave a great day everyone...Show more
Cherlyn Tefera: US! 99Artist: George Strait (WAS NOT A CHOICE ON THE WEBSITE-I PICKED TOBY KEITH & IT SAID WRONG ANSWER)Andy's: Mint Chocolate ChipWhat is US99's racing station called?: At The Track RadioWhere can you go to get information on ticket giveaways?:Both the Events and Contests Section of US99.comTwo new country songs go head to head in: The New Country ChallengeUS99 is: All of the AboveChamps: a) Wayne RollinsCountry Music: b) Likeability and awarenessGames: 150President: b) Dwight D. EisenhowerVideo: Joy AdamsonHowStuffWorks: GandhiHistory: b) 101 degreesWorld: c) Lake MichiganYahoo HotJobs: I need more opportunities...Show more
Delora Struzzi: Yahoo HotJobs= I need more opportunitiesVideo= Joy AdamsonChamps= a) Wayne RollinsCountry Music= b) likeability and awarenessGames= 150President= b) Dwight D. EisenhowerHowStuffWorks= GandhiMusic= a) She’s About a Mover Sleuth= midnightHistory= b) 101 degreesWorld= c) Lake Michigan...Show more
Aubrey Tirri: WGAR 99.! 5 Cleveland, Ohio 08/10/09Country #1 -Alan Jackson ~ Good Time 2008 (ALA)Mantel's Video - Yellow (YEL)City - Akron (AKR)Flashback - Montgomery Gentry ~Hillbilly Shoes 1999 (MON)Yahoo HotJobs - I wonder if Yahoo is hiring (I) (if you refresh you will observe several different messages in the bubble)HowStuffWorks - Gandhi (GA)Video Snack - Joy Adamson (AD)Now changed to $90.00 (90)True Value - pots and pans (POT)Champions -a) Wayne Rollins Country Music - b) Likeability and awareness Country Video - a) The band walking towards their show Games​​​ 'n​​​ eCards​​​ ​​​-​​​ 150​ Hello,​​​ Mr.​​​ President​​​ - b)​​​ ​​​ Dwight​ D.​ Eisenhower​ This​​​ Day​​​ in​​​ History​​​ - b)​​​ ​ 101​ degrees​ Where​​​ in​​​ the​​​ World ?​​​ - c)​​​ ​​​ Lake​ Michigan​ Sleuth - Midnight (MID)alayelakrmonmidgapotbc90150...Show more
Shawn Leli! s: KILT 100.3 Houston, TexasHave A Great Day Ya'LL10 I Pod: ! Ten Rounds With Jose Cuervo1 changed to-----2 I Pod: 3 Dashes todayRewind: took five dashes todaySleuth: MidnightCha: ACmt: BGam: 150Hel: BHis: BWhe: CVID: Joy AdamsonMay Ya'LL Have A Blessed Day and that All of your prayers are answered.N--------Sorry for your families loss, Bob will be missed, your family will be in our prayers in the coming days.LOL.........ME...Show more
Bethany Blocker: August 10th Trivia : Gandhi Hot Jobs : I need more opportunities. Video of the Day - Joy Adamson Champions: a) Wayne Rollins Country Music Trivia: b) - Likeability and awareness Games: 150 Hello, Mr. President: b) - Dwight D. Eisenhower This Day in History: b) - 101 degrees Where in the World?: c) - Lake MichiganLizzie...Show more
Majorie Chester: Typing in all 3 letters (A&B&C) all @ once, will give you points for most triviaN7YB! N... I'm sorry to hear about your loss!. Just saw it now as I'm trying to catch up on the posts. Yesterday we had VERY VERY BAD Lightening storms (all day) & I saw it hit once so turning on the computer was not a wise thing, so I'm a day behind. Take care & advise your sister to keep busy or at least keep her mind busy if that is possible, it will make things a tiny bit easier.NEW COUNTRY 95.3ERS DID ANY OF U GET YOUR DINNER WORD EMAIL TODAY & THE BONUS POINT LINK EMAIL?????Thanks KIM A,,, I actually sent Olivia off an email as to what was happening.JTM#1 & ADB...Show more
Emilie Santmyer: Good Morning,8/10/09(Artist) Jack Ingram(Trish) Nashville HotlineUS99.5 TRIVIA(What is US99's racing station called?) At The Track Radio(Where can you go to get information on ticket giveaways?) Both the Events and Contests Section of new country songs go head to head in:) The New Country Challenge(US99 is:) ALL OF THE ABOVETriviaABCDaily Prayers for all Yahoo Familie! s and Friends..Special Prayers go out for RR Brad and His Family...To c! ontinue getting healthy and strong...Happy Birthday/Happy Anniversary to All Celebrating Today!!Have a Great Day !!eSorry to hear about your loss n7ybn, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers today....Show more
Alonso Crehan: Good Morning Everyone, 93.7 - MIKEFM & 107.3 - WAAF - Boston, MAYahoo Hot Jobs = I​ need​ more​ opportunitiesChamp or Chump Trivia = a) Christian Laettner Champions = a)​​​ Wayne​ Rollins​ Games 'n eCards Trivia = 150 ​​​Hello, Mr. President = b)​​​ Dwight​ D.​ Eisenhower​ ​ Hot Music Trivia = b) Nickelback's Chad Kroeger Howstuffworks.c​om​ = GandhiMusic Challenge = b) Like A Virgin New Video Trivia = Joy​ Adamson​ Rock Music Trivia = b) A Looking In View Sleuth Trivia = MidnightThis Day In U.S History =​ b)​​​ 101​ degrees​ Where In The World? = c)​​​ Lake​ Michigan​ Alternatively, you can copy and paste 150gadmidbc to get credit on a! ll trivia questions.rimsk (Mike)...Show more
Foster Padgette: For 106.1 Yahoo hot jobs: IVideo of the Day Trivia: adChampions: A) Wayne RollinsCountry Music Trivia: B) Likeability and awareness Country Music Video Demand: A) the band walking towards their show Hello Mr. President: B) Dwight D. Eisenhower HowStuffWorks: gaThis Day in U.S. History: B) 101 degrees Where in the world: C) Lake Michigan Artist: Chris YoungCafé Code: Karen’s Kritter: Radar’s Driver: Kasey KahneTown: Facebook: blue ribbonTeam: Baltimore Oriolesnewsletter: Keith AndersonListener Advisory panel 8/6 : cream puffState Fair:tarFor US99Nascar: (8/10)Taylor: (8/10)Newsletter: nightswimming...Show more
Rosie Travino: WGAR LOYAL LISTENER REWARDS - 99.5 CLEVELAND, OH#1 Country Song - Goodtime - Alan JacksonMantel's Video - yellow & blackCity of the Day - Akron4:00 Flashback - Montgomery Gentry - Hillbilly shoes5:00 Trivia - math teacherHappy Monday everyone. I hope you all have a gr! eat day. Hopefully it won't be as hot as yesterday, although I will be! at work and won't notice. Website is still down for maintenance, so I guess I will have to wait until after work to answer the questions. I wonder how many thumbs down that will get me. N7ybn - so sorry to hear of your loss. Your sister and family will be in my thoughts. I know nothing can make the situation better, but Bob is at peace and the pain and suffering for him is over. We have had so much loss lately in our online family lately. Hopefully everyone else is doing better. Any word from Brad's family? It was great yesterday to see so many of you on Facebook yesterday.Thumbs up to one and all. Stay warm, stay safe, stay happy and stay healthy. For many you need to stay cool, too.stagelady/eileen**Karyn - You go girl. Congratulations. You should be proud of yourself. I would like to do that some day. Maybe after I et my new knee I'll be able to.lDoris - have fun on that college search. Where all are you going?...Show more
Idell Dufort: Country Mus! ic Trivia - BClassic Rock Challenge - BGames 'n eCards Trivia - 150Hello,Mr. Prime Minister - Trivia - GANDHILet's Go Green Canada! - CSleuth Trivia - MIDNIGHTThis Day in Canadian History - BRoyale Kitten Casting! - GROOVIN...Show more
Toby Caswell: August 10th 92.5 XTU Trivia Howstuffworks = Gandhi Hot Jobs = I need more opportunities. Video of the Day = Joy Adamson Champions = a) Wayne Rollins Country Music Trivia = b) Likeability and awareness Games = 150 Hello, Mr. President = b) Dwight D. Eisenhower This Day in History = b) 101 degrees Where in the World?= c) Lake MichiganSleuth- Listen & Win: vacationCountryRN27 (Marianne)...Show more
Cornelius Thornborrow: Good Morning Everyone!Happy Monday!!!! 92.5 XTU Philadelphia, PAabc worked for the following trivia today…Country Music, Champions, This Day in U.S. History, Where in the world & Hello, Mr. President.New Video of the Day Trivia = joy adamsonGames 'N Ecards Trivia = 150Ho! Trivia = GandhiYahoo Hot Jobs Trivia = I need more oppo! rtunities.Sleuth = midnight (0810) - thanks stacie!!For 08/10/09vacation works for ~~ My 3 Songs, Country Café and Make it or Break it Prayer to those in need. Hoping everyone gets stronger by the day. Special prayers for n7ybn and your family.Make it a great day!Karen :-)...Show more