Friday, May 1, 2020

Pomeranian or chihuahua? Opinions anyone?  

Pomeranian or chihuahua? Opinions anyone?  

answers 0:Im in between the long haired chihuahua and the pomeranian... i really do not mind the shedding but i would like some opinions in between the people that know the breeds or that have one... please no OMG I HAVE ONE SO YOU HAVE TO GET IT TOO!! type of comments=D i just want characteristics=Danswers 1:Neither if you are planning on having children in the next 15-18 years. They are both wonderful breeds but do not generally tolerate the activity level of small children, nor the chasing or rough touching.answers 2:Make en emergency call to your vet.answers 3:I love my two chis. Both are so sweet, loving, affectionate girls. They only bark when the door bell rings, neither one will "yap" for no reason. They love cuddling and are always happy!answers 4:Raw diet would be better, if you're looking to feed at home.It's har! d to make kibble, not impossible, but raw is easier and probably better.answers 5:Really? Do you have NO common sense?? GO TO THE VET!answers 6:I am talking about the Kibbles..Would appreciate if anyone can help me with the detailed process of preparing dry dog food.answers 7:I've never had a pom. but we did have a chihuahua. She was a spaz! Very hyper. We had to find her a new home after she cut our son's eye open. She wasn't trying to be mean she was just that hyper. We really did love her and she was soooo sweet. She just had too much go for our little boy! Good Luck!answers 8:i have 2 chihuaua's i love them both theyre sweet and little and love to be loved on i like mine and my friends have them too. they are good dogs and they stay out of your way hope i helped =]answers 9:Pomeranian all the way! they are really cute! and I've always seen chihuahuas to be the kind that get spooked easily...but its your choice it'll be your dog not mine :)Good Luck!!!answers 10:! Just feed a homecooked diet! Dog food does NOT need to be dry ! processed round kibbles.answers 11:I have been around Pomeranians and Chihuahuas and I LOVE both sooooooo much! BUT pomeranias and much more loving than chihuahuas. Chihuahuas and harder to find with no anger issues due to their size. So just in my opinion I would say pomeranian, but that's just me.Hope this helps and good luck! :0)answers 12:get a jack, they are awsomeanswers 13:I don't know how to explain well. Sorry. Pomeranian though is perfect. Okay, he barks louder and is more peppy. A chihuahua may be harder to know just how much to feed, to housebreak and to treat for hot spots than most other breeds. It's easier for a small dog to be stepped on or injured, even by a sharp blow to the forehead. Chihuahua's need a coat to wear and must be protected from even moderate cold. More active than a Pomeranian inside a home, they're fun to watch, easy to buy a collar for, yet tough to obedience train. Both breeds can get a locked knee at times that often don't last! . Both love food a lot and can get obese. A Chihuahua sheds a little more than a Pomeranian, yet not 'at a time.' A Chihuahua is only 1-6 lbs. A Pomeranian is 3-11. Chihuahuas sometimes reach their 20's. A Pomeranian can too at times. Definitely 15 years. Smaller poops for a Chihuahua, yet probably more, pee too, both dogs about the same prices these days, I would probably go for the Pomeranian because they are not as stubborn....answers 14:It's hard to make kibble, not impossible, but raw is easier and probably better.

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