answers 0:This is a serious and genuine question... considering that even with a condom you can get HPV (causes cervical cancer) crabs or herpes, and without a condom (or if it breaks) you can get HIV, syphilis, chlamydia, as well as the other three, next time you're going to be with a new sexual partner, would you ask them to get tested?If no, why not? Would you be embarassed, think it wouldn't happen to you, or don't care if you catch something?If yes, how would you ask and what would you do if they said no?This doesn't apply to me (at the moment anyway) but I think many people would not ask a prospective partner because they'd be embarassed or scared of being dumped. I'm not trying to preach, just interested about why people would or wouldn't, and whether if it was a common thing which h! appened all the time and was shown to happen in TV shows, would people be more likely to ask?...Show moreanswers 1:To clarify, I'm not saying I would be embarassed, i'm asking if others would be? And if people think it would help if there was less stigma and taboo over testing?answers 2:The embarrassment of insisting the partner get tested is trivial compared to getting crabs, herpes, AIDS, etc.answers 3:Yes. "get tested, or get lost"answers 4:I wouldn't be embarrassed to ask I think it might embarass the partner. It really depends on their sexual history and if you think you can trust them on it I would say forego the test, if not and thy are unwilling Id say wait it out until they are begging for sex. Im thinking since women have less sex than men they would be more trustworthy and open about telling you theyve been with only two guys. Most of the people i date would be responsible enough to take a test should they have suspicion of being infected with an sti. I took! one last year over one lapse of reason and no condom. And th! e girl wasn't exactly innocent. It came clear, but still it scares me what might have happened or what could have happened but doesn;t show. so far Ive had no problems with the two other women I've been with since. lucky for me and them. It's a scary world out there.. stick with the virgins....answers 5:Thanks guys for your answers. I find it interesting that the only people who have answered have said yes to the question, because clearly not everyone does ask their partner. Perhaps those who would have said no will think again now? I can't thumbs up as I'm not Level 2, but I'll choose a 10 point best answer when it lets me.answers 6:Definitely. Many STDs are more common than many people think and don't show symptoms for months so some carriers don't know they actually have them. At the very least, both partners should get tested and cleared before they start to have unprotected sex. Of course it's best to get tested before any sex but condoms have a high rate of protec! tion if used properly. As you know, herpes can be passed through oral sex from and to both mouth and genitalia so men should wear condoms when receiving oral sex and women should wear dental dams when receiving oral sex. Rubber gloves should also be used for manual stimulation of a new partner.Unless someone is completely ignorant of all of the above they shouldn't be embarrassed or insulted. If they are, they need to ask themselves if avoiding that awkwardness is more important than avoiding STDs, some of which can last a lifetime, cause sterility and even kill.If someone thinks "it won't happen to them" or if they don't care, they must have had a lobotomy. STDs don't discriminate; if there's a nice warm and moist set of genitals in contact with them they'll happily set up residence. Like I said above, some people don't know they have them because they experience no symptoms so will be sure they're 'clean'.One way to say it is "I want us both to get tested before we go any! further". If they said no, just don't go any further. They need to res! pect your health and their own. TV shows and movies certainly have a lot of room for improvement. It would seem that all romances are consummated spontaneously with no pauses to fumble around in the top drawer for a condom and lube. People who don't receive comprehensive sexual education probably expect this is reality. It's quite ridiculous that in some places you can't swear on the radio but broadcasting scenes of unprotected one night stand sex is ok. If more realistic relationships featuring STD tests, condoms and dental dams were depicted, I do think it would become normalised behaviour....answers 7:I'd also be interested if anyone is willing to admit it, if people haven't asked in the past but would now that they've read the comments here?answers 8:idk if i would ask her to get testedi mean how would i do just come out and say hey do u have an std? then she would say no and i would say how do u no and she would get all mad and i wouldnt have to worry about having sex ! for a whileif someone told me a better way to do it i would askanswers 9:If you don't feel right asking then it is not right to be having sexanswers 10:No it wouldn't offend me. I wish more people would be concerned about their health and talk to their partners about getting tested before they have sex. There isn't really a good way to tell them but to have a talk about sex and ask them to get tested. You can even get tested together. If they do get offended then they may be hiding some thing.answers 11:I would because I know that STIs are becoming more and more common as people are increasingly developing a relaxed attitude towards sex. I would just say thought "I think that we need to get tested just to be on the safe side, as I've heard there are lot of people who think that it won't happen to them, and it does." This approach is less intimidating than "I think you need to get tested." In my past relationships I didn't ask because I was young and naive and yes, I didn't ! think that it would happen to me. Luckily it hasn't so far so I will as! k next time....
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