Flor Lizardi: No not at all
Melina Minneweather: The GOP fought equal pay for equal work.The GOP fought the ERA Amendment.The GOP wants to defund Planned Parenthood, even though many preventive health procedures for women are part of that.The GOP has never stopped trying to overturn Roe vs. Wade, even though it is LAW and the majority of Americans support it.The GOP wants to defund Head Start, a pre-school program for poor kids so their mothers can work and get off welfare.It isn't a "made up story". The GOP is really fighting against women's rights....Show more
Raven Purl: I don't think I need to question McCain's patriotism, but I also don't think he has to repeat a thousand times that he is a patriot. I believed him the first time.What I do find appalling is Republicans questioning anyone elses patriotism. They have no right to judge that of anyone.
Reyes Brunell: no one cares dude, She will smash GOP in 2016...
Charissa Riley: She deserves th! e Congressional Medsl of Honor for winning the war for us.
Antone Youla: No, just more scare tactics from the left.
Hilde Heskett: Question it all you want
Arlen Lopiccalo: I'm a Republican man and there's no I repeat no war on woman,but there sure as hell a war on men an all out knock down drag out war that means the end of our world as we know it. Men are no longer respected or even thought of as men any more just something to laugh at mock and use for hard manual labor. The thought that woman don't get equal pay is just one famous liberal lie that truly has taken root and no matter how many facts are thrown at it it won't die. I suggest anyone who thinks its true to actually research it and not using a gender studies propaganda book...Show more
Paul Maymi: We aren't allowed. Only republicans have that authority. They went after John Kerry like crazy and that was ok. Hypocrites!
Roni Kurz: Why would Republicans want to have war on their Gran! dmoms, Moms, Sisters, Daughters?Only Naive and dumb liberals w! ould believe Obama's Class warfare! Come to think of it, they already fooled by his "HOPE and CHANGE" lies so I take back my words.
Marion Wieboldt: Perhaps you are a sheep that believes anything they feed you, Palin was not a member of that party. Can you not check the facts yourself or do you get all your news from the DNC. What a sheep go eat some grass, wus. Be brave enough to examine your own convictions. jezz
Arnoldo Budzynski: Yes, there most certainly is. Haven't you been paying attention?
Marya Fehn: Not true. I don't do that. I stick.
Hunter Beech: What war on women? I am a Republican and I don't feel discriminated . Republicans don't believe public funds should be used to murder humans is that what you mean, abortion. They don't want to eliminate murder that is the woman's choice just you should have to pay for it not the government.
Kalyn Proietto:
Tracy Huesso: You are. Somethings though show classlessness.But knowing ! Liberals like I do. I understand.
Maria Bengston: Yes and if you want to know why, for starters, read Susan Faludi's excellent book "Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women."
Lonnie Jehle: It is unfortunate that you are ignorant.In respect to any and all SOCIAL issues ,it is the Christian Fundamentalists who control the Republican party that dictate the Party's viewson women .The fundies have a full outright war against women in our society today.In a very profound way,the evangelicals view of women reflect what is in the Muslim Shiria Law on women .Stories ???? I wish they were and your ilk are pathologically either in inorant denial or you are simply monumental liars to deny reality...Show more
Hwa Waterford: no it is a lame stream media lie. fewer women are working during the obama regime. you only know this fact when you listen to conservative talk radio. so it is the liberals who really have the war on women. all liberals do is name probl! ems with never a solution to fix it. i will name the 2006 housing refor! m bill that passed the house but never got a democrat senate floor vote. the control of the senate switched to democrats in jan 2007.
Stanton Degregorio: Of course not. Republicans love women, as long as they are married, subordinate to men in the workplace, don't use birth control, and follow their husbands' desires 100% of the time.
Jodie Capella: The media, the ACLU, NAACP, Democrats, Muslim agencies and a dozen distinctive communities might have McCain for lunch. The uproar would be heard international, easily. it's going to be non-supply up, the two women human beings would be on "The View", "Larry King", GMA, Air u.s., the canopy of Time and Newsweek, us of a on the 2nd and one yet yet another Liberal rag obtainable. Obama is getting an astounding pass in this.
Sabra Roers: NASA is one of the very few examples of a successful partnership between public and private sectors. There have been vast technological advances that owe their existence to the ! fact that independent contractors own the patents for things produced in an effort to further the space program.
Connie Dickirson: Has Barack Hussein, awarded Hildabeast, the Purple Heart yet? She IS awesome!!!
Coleman Deliberato: No. No intelligent person believes that there is."Republicans oppose an amendment mandating equal pay for equal work by women."There is already a law mandating this, and the "wage gap" is a hoax debunked by the U.S. Department of Commerce: http://www.consad.com/content/reports/Gender%20Wag...There is also no evidence for the "knowing their place" assertion. Again, further leftist manipulation tactics.Anyone who believes in the "war on women" is stupid....Show more
Evelin Turlich: Nope, it has to do with what that particular organization has provided our country. The US takes great pride in NASA in what it has meant, provided, innovated, to our country. Destroying it is like destroying Mt Rushmore. That is why libs want it gone! , another piece/reason for pride in our country gone. That is why cons ! want it to exist, the monument for which it stands.
Pasty Cobbett: The space program is important for American strength. Controlling space is an important defensive position and, if needed, an important offensive one.That is why Obama immediately cancelled our space program. He doesn't think it is right for us to be any stronger or better than any other nation.Obama called in the head of NASA and told him that his number one job was Muslim outreach. MUSLIM OUTREACH for NASA! He wants NASA to make Muslim nations to feel proud of THEIR scientific achievements. Nations that live in the 1500's are supposed to be made proud by NASA."When I became the NASA administrator, President Obama charged me, perhaps foremost, to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math and engineering." --NASA administrator Charles BoldenAnd people wonder why we thin! k Obama is more into the Muslim world than he is into ours......Show more
Fred Caminita: Perhaps his stint at the Hanoi Hilton is not enough to make him qualify as a patriot in my book...Perhaps I think the Vietnam war was wrong and I think he should have burned his draft card...Perhaps I think electing a woman who wants her state to be it's own country and sell oil to the "foreign nation of the USA" is a little bit unpatriotic......Show more
Tory Clapper: Of course not,they just want to mandate vaginal probescut off healthcare for poor women.defund planned parenthoodmake abortion illegalundo fair pay legislationredefine rapeand they want to make sure people know- women who use birth control are sluts- you cant get pregnant from rape....Show more
Mauro Cowee: There is no war on women.There is however a war being waged on our Founding Principles.
Faviola Dewire: Yes. Look at the legislation the Repubs are proposing. They believe that women are too s! tupid to make their own decisions so Republican men have to make them i! nstead.
Antonette Shappy: lol awsome and hillary in the same question??Okies here goes Hillary is an AWSOME Lieing POS..Hows that??
Toby Women: The LIBS are the privatization freaks now, and the CONS are in love with a government program!Is it because they are both hypocrites, and the president giving the orders is affiliated with one of the two corporate factions fighting it out?
Arlen Hamper: Has she ever been honest about anything?
Cherry Stampka: •Female Republican House staff made on average $10,093.09 less annually than male Republican House staff. That's good for 84 cents on the dollar, female to male. Female Republican House staff made on average $3,774.80 less annually than the average female House staff member. The salaries: Female Republican House staff made $52,896.35; male Republican House staff made $62,989.44. •Female Democratic House staff made on average $1,473.65 less annually than male Democratic House staff. That's 97 cents on! the dollar compared with men. It's not parity, but it's not far off. The salaries: Female Democratic House staff made $60,048.92; male Democratic House staff made $61,522.57....Show more
Jill Thomer: No, calling it a war is too much. They just want women to do what they are told. Women are happier when they know their place.
Virgilio Echter: I got this one. Relax
Simona Bulwinkle: You can question it all you want...and everyone else has the right to disagree with you.Perhaps he believed the Vietnam War was a necessity to the broader Cold War, and believed it was pertinent to the security of our nation.As for Palin's comments, I have never heard of her saying such a thing, perhaps you have a link to a credible source where her words weren't taken out of context like they would be from far left smear sites?
Coleman Coscia: Im a woman. Yes there is a Republican war on women.
Coleen Carignan: The only snipe Hillary dodged was the one Bill shot out! and landed on Monica's dress!
Star Gollnick: She truly is a rema! rkable woman. JEB! is puKe
Cornelius Thornborrow: They're making it up.Look at how they openly bully women and you'll see. Remember NOW endorsed Jerry Brown on the same day his office called opponent Meg Whitman a, "wh*re."Not to mention the vile and senseless animosity towards women who are pro-life....Show more
Sammie Bocanegra: There are no corporation factions fighting it out. They all have the same bosses.
Christiane Cattano: They are not really reversed. cons spend money we don't have on military, while libs spend money we don't have on social programs. NASA is close to military, the bureaucracy that cons love.
Everette Rovinsky: How many Republicans voted for passage of the Lilly Ledbetter Act? You know, equal pay for equal work? Answer: Zero. You can start there. Watch something other than FOX, and you could learn something. Oh wait, I forgot, the world's media is biased towards Obama, only poor little Fox is right.
Joan Stavro! poulos: I am a socialist and this site with all its cheaters and morons make me sick.
Kassie Kay: The GOP is far more anti-women than the shitty Democrats. They're anti everything. It's the platform of conservatism to maintain the power dynamic of a patriarchal society. People can try to rationale the voting record, but objectively, they pass more laws detrimental to women than the Democrats.
Rodolfo Merel: No. Actually a higher percentage of people claim to be pro life. So it is liberals who are in the minority.
Tom Romer: No. Democrats want to influence as many women as possible to vote for Democrats out of fear that Republicans will take away their rights.Men are ignored:Women benefit from women-only scholarships. Women are a majority on college campuses, and therefore earn more degrees than men. Government assistance is available specifically for women entrepreneurs. Affirmative action programs legally favor women over men. As a result of these pro-wo! men policies, young women out-earn their male peers. For years, women ! have controlled the manner in which a family's money is spent, accounting for 85% of all consumer purchases; women control the largest percentage of personal wealth, and the numbers are expected to increase.Meanwhile, men account for the vast majority of workplace injuries and fatalities (93%) due to the fact that men are more likely to work in hazardous occupations. Despite this fact and the fact that men have a shorter life expectancy, the government focuses its attention on women's issues with offices and agencies like:White House Council on Women and Girls;Women in Development, USAID;WIC, USDA; Women's Bureau, US Dept of Labor; The Office of Women’s Health, FDA; Office of Research on Women’s Health, National Institutes of Health (NIH); and The Office on Women’s Health, Office of Public Health and Science.No similar federal agencies exist for men's issues/health. In fact, roughly twice the federal funds are spent on breast cancer research as are spent on prostate! cancer research.http://www.scholarships.com/financial-aid/college-... http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/artic... http://online.wsj.com/article/SB100014240527487044...http://www.she-conomy.com/facts-on-womenhttp://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2009/08/31/bus...http://zerocancer.org/news/clippings/breast-cancer......Show more
Clinton Migliori: Shrillary has stepped in it big. If she were to stand in front of a big fan, The odor wouldgag goats in neighboring counties. Warren will be the Democratic nominee.
Valentine Michaud: With liberals lying is a resume enhancer.
Sook Hershkowitz: Anybody who has been to the Whitehouse could say they dodged sniper fire. Didn't a republican just shoot at it again?
Sylvie Snetting: Republicans oppose an amendment mandating equal pay for equal work by women.Republicans oppose the right of women to choose their own medical choices regarding pregnancy.Republicans oppose including birth control pills in health i! nsurance plans.Yes. There really is a war on women....Show more
! Alberto Kozub: The fake war on women came from women wanting free contraceptives and health care, it`s a wag the dog thing 0bama and his henchmen came up with.
Mahalia Brindle: Yes no other presidents have ever lied, LOL!
Pei Heatherly: The problem Republicans have with women is the same problem they have with almost everyone. They can't put themselves in anyone else's position. A lot of them think abortion should be illegal even in cases of incest and rape, and this is mostly because they have never and will never be pregnant as a result of incest or rape. A lot of them think that poverty is a result of laziness and that everyone on welfare is just leeching of the government. And this is mostly because they have never had to struggle with poverty. A lot of them think racism is something that just doesn't happen any more, and they think this because they have never been a minority....Show more
Sharri Scalley: Disclaimer - I come from a long line of ve! ts myself... and I know intimately what John McCain has voted against in the Senate...He's no patriot in my book...
Shan Lanen: Not at all.It's manufactured noise from the left, bleated constantly by the perpetually annoying Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.
Lia Argall: That would be the bitchiest war ever.
Adan Alipio: Making up stories....Roe vs. Wade has not come remotely close to being overturned.
Eliseo Luma: You can question it....but don't be surprised if you are made to look foolish as he gives you his response. He IS one of if not the biggest Patriot around...his LIFE shows it
Kris Bozelle: McCain wasn't drafted.Edit: and regardless of my feelings of his policies and VP, it's pretty patriotic to volunteer for the armed services.
Inge Mclaurine: By all means, feel free to question McCain's patriotism. You will look foolish, but feel free. Obama won't even go there.
Arlen Decorte: I believe you've nailed it. "Under democracy one p! arty always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the othe! r party is unfit to rule--and both commonly succeed and are right." [H.L. Mencken]