Saturday, August 1, 2020

Factors that hinder the acceptance of cmplementary and alternative medicine in America?

Gregg Hagge: Allopathic medicine has become the standard for our culture and I believe many people are ignorant to the benefits of alternative medicine. Primary factors seem to be government, lack of education regarding alternative medicine, and funding. I continue to be amazed with the results of natural and alternative methods! Let's continue to educate the public about alternative medicine!

Jerald Florence: abuse, economy, availability would be my guess.

Joie Kemmis: People refuse to believe that the drug industry is very profitable. They are brainwashed to support the theory that only a drug can cure a disease. Many people know this is simply not true.

Frank Crummell: It is free or costs very little, so little or no advertising.Cannot afford to spend money on trials and tests, as there is no profit to come, as no patent. Can be passed by word of mouth, so everyone does not know of it.

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