Robt Heemstra: By giving good sensible answers to Qs. That way you are likely to get Best Answer and the more best answers you get percentage wise, the more likely you are to get a TC badge.I have 2 TCs and i'm on 12% best answers.
Hans Sachetti: I don't think they ever said exactly how many best answers you need in a category to be a "top contributor." I suspect it varies from category to category depending on how popular the category is. Just pick a category that you're good in and answer A LOT of questions in that category and you, too, can be a "top contributor." Don’t believe people when they say “just answer 50 answers in 30 days†or stuff like that. Yahoo keeps it deliberately vague so they never promised an exact figure to anyone. It may, as I said, vary from category to category. However, I have a rough idea of how long it takes to become a top contributor because a friend of mine made it after she answered all her questions in only one (1) category ! for a month in order to earn that badge. She doesn’t log on as often as I do so that only amounted to about 85 answers but she made it. She had a 30% “best answer rating.â€It’s been said somewhere here on Yahoo that you need at least 10% of those answers to be “best answers.†It may take weeks of answering a lot in a category so be patient, Rome wasn't built in a day. While I made it to “Top Contributor†in two weeks of answering regularly in certain categories, I do log on every single day. It’s harder to make it to Top Contributor if you only log in now and then or, when you log in, you don’t answer a ton of questions.Just remember, concentrate your energies on ONE sub-category. Don’t answer all categories say, in Health, but concentrate on Alternative Health or Women’s Health or Men’s Health or Diet and Fitness. PICK ONE SPECIFIC CATEGORY AND STICK WITH IT! The biggest mistake most people make is they spread themselves too thin. Also, don’t bo! ther trying to get a badge in Polls & Surveys or in Jokes & Ri! ddles because there are no TC’s in either of those categories....Show more
Rickey Vrieze: To be a top contributor you need to be knowledgeable in up to three category's. the exact formula is kept secret by yahoo but the common theory is that you need a minimum of 10 percent best answers in each particular category and is said to be reviewed weekly. the top contributor badge is not permanent and can be removed at any time.So choose the category's you feel you can get best answer and research every detail you can find with links to add to the answer and do not answer questions you don't think you can get you best answer (it will lower your percentage of best answers).For more information read this blog. more
Delmer Pectol: No one knows for sure because Yahoo doesn't publish the numbers. Experienced users have formed guesses, but they're just guesses, not guarantees. It seems to vary depending on the siz! e of the category - you probably need between 3 and 8 BAs a week in a single category, and a BA% of at least 10 in the category. You need to concentrate on up to 3 lowest-level categories, giving high-quality answers which have a good chance of being chosen as 'best answer'. The badge is a measure of RECENT activity here, therefore it can come and go, on Monday mornings, depending on your participation levels. You can gain a badge on any level above level 1, but it isn't given in either 'Polls&Surveys' or 'Joke&Riddles'....Show more
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