Sunday, August 16, 2020

do clean homes get beg bugs?

Whitley Leopold: There are millions of microscopic bugs even in the cleanest of homes. So yes.

Clark Lachowski: Doesn't matter how clean a house is it can get bed bugs...

Thomas Riner: Clean homes can absolutely get bed bugs. Bed bugs are usually transmitted from place to place by people, most commonly when they travel.

Asa Soho: yes, a clean home can get them. Try to make your bed every day and change the sheets in a regular basis. Bed bugs are a pain in the butt, and SO hard to get rid of.Do your best to prevent them.

Shena Etulain: Um yes.

Chadwick Schmelz: Yes they can! it doesn't matter if your the most cleanest person, there is a chance you can get them!

Jerrod Guilfoil: Yes, anyone can get bed bugs. A person can bring them into the home from motels or other homes they have stayed at.

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