Felipa Nosis: She can always switch, but don't mix them. However, let me thrown out a suggestion & also ask a question at the same time...does she have a reliable place to have her vehicle serviced (and I don't mean just the dealer)? If so, maybe she should continue just using regular oil; and having her car serviced twice a year; if nothing else, just so her tech can give the car a nice inspection each time. It's cheaper to have preventative maintenance done than repairs. I would recommend her getting on a cycle of having it done in mid-late spring for Summer use and then again in mid-late Fall for winter use....Show more
Jorge Detlefs: You'll be completely fine if you decided to switch from or to synthetic. If your friend does switch to synthetic and plans to go more than 4-5k miles before changing the oil I would suggest using an extended life oil filter.
Alisia Sutphen: If the car is high mileage, never, never, never switch to synthetic. You risk havi! ng oil leak from everywhere. A repair shop did it to me without my permission on an 85k Audi (which I recommend against also). It began to leak in at least five places. The theories as to why this happens are two: (1) those old gasket leaks were plugged with gunk with regular oil, and the synthetic dissolved the gunk; (2) smaller molecules need smaller holes to leak through. I have no idea whether either is true, but don't switch to synthetic if mileage is high. How high? Don't know. A friend had the same thing happen with his old restored Camaro....Show more
Faviola Dewire: she doesnt need to switch..save the money and continue with regular oil
Sharron Salin: I have heard that you should use even the same brand oil you started out with in the engine but not that critical. Switching to synthetic would probably be a little more critical.I think you can switch.I have heard synthetic oil is only good if you are always driving long distances, because of moist! ure issues. If you only drive short distances and the motor ge! ts wormed up and cooled often then you are better off staying with conventional oil....Show more
Ewa Homrich: Three year old car is a good time for making the change to synthetic. Mobil1 synthetic would be a good choice, in spite knowing and not mentioning the brand I use. "She shouldn't switch..." is not correct advise. Another poor bit of advise is using an oil additive of any kind. I agree with getting accustomed to a dealer service department you trust. I would also add that synthetic ATF and superior oil and air filters is a good idea.
Damion Oleksa: Tha is a HUG modern wives tale!!! ANy engine can be switched over to SYNTHETIC oil, and you are RIGHT to do this and to use MOBIL ONE in your OWN car!!! It needs changing only ONCE a year, and rpevents expensive sensors damage and timing tensioner failures!! Have the engine motor flushed first with AMSOIL crankcase cleaner or LUBRo-MOLY sludge remover. These are the GENTLEST and most powerful ones. Do NOT get a! larmed if the fresh mobil one gets dirty very soon, as it is doing it's job by removing the crud othere oils have left inside the engine. It takes some TIME before the engine will just clean up. PENNZOIL PLATINUM is ANOTHER great cleaning up engine oil that is a full synthetic. WHAT kind of car and engine are we dealing with???...Show more
Davis Zou: The 2-types of oil are able to MIX--but its not recommended..I used STP Oil Treatment with my Mobil-1..for the summer..I would add 1-pint of Marvel Mystery Oil in the winter..===I had 2-batches of Mobil-1I would drain and swap each for the season..===I saved my Mobil-1 in a clean container..The Summer Mobil-1 used the STP Oil Treatment....I'd drain that--put it in a container..And use my Winter Mobil-1....that used the Marvel Mystery Oil..Swapping those back and forth for an easy 20,000 miles of use(each)../I ran a Pontiac V-6 2.8 litre..with that..I used the 4-cyl. brand of STP....Show more
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