Wally Perrien: the irreducible complexity is just one aspect. There is several different ways ID can be proven.
Marquetta Gimm: Although as we know, it's really just where the Discovery institutute took plagiarized texts of literature from CRI and other creationist Orgs and piped these texts through a GREP utility which replaced every instance of a term referring to God with the phrase "Intelligent design".
Carmina Stickney: I'm not an ID person, but I suspect that ID is a method of making creationism pan-religious, and therefore a legally acceptable curriculum. You can't make Genesis a legally acceptable curriculum. Bonus, you can cloak ID in pseudo-science technobabble.
Russel Gajate: Apparently, many Christians ascribe to Occam's Razor because they find beauty in Intelligent Design.
Claude Gloden: yup, the only argument it has is "I don't know so *blank* didit"
Luis Farlow: The" Golden mean ratio" is what you are looking for, Tao! I Love ! you!
Conrad Puleio: Intelligent Design is a thinly veiled attempt to repackage Creationism.The concept of irreducible complexity is not a testable concept. It is more in line with the thought that if I don't know how something came about, it must have been some god that did it.In fact, the most famous example of irreducible complexity was the bacterial flagellum, which during the Dover trial was revealed to have evolved from a more primitive structure that bacteria used to inject virulents to other cells. This is a good example of how belief in ID would stop further inquiry into nature, as all answers are predetermined to be some god did it....Show more
Giovanna Sherlin: Yes, it is.It's classic "God of the Gaps", but with the twist that IDer's actually claim that science will NEVER be able to explain a given gap, and so a Designer HAS to be the answer, forever and ever.
Mack Ukich: ID is a bad hypothesis at best.
Justin Casten: If their bs detectio! n was as good as their "design detection", intelligent design ! wouldn't exist.
Rona Ising: Fair enough, i thought you were joking. I'm reading anti's here..ID is acceptable to me..although I'm a Creationist.Intelligent design proponents are interested in science, and relish the idea of increasing scientific research into areas that address the question of whether there is evidence for design in the universe. For the most part, we are scientists who love our work. However, we don't appreciate the red herring argument suggesting that we want to stifle scientific inquiry and are only interested in the promulgation of religious belief. Jesus said we are to love God with all our heart, soul and mind. More science? Bring it on!Steven Hawking belongs in the ID group..Einstein as well.The anti-intelligent design movement is concerned about where intelligent design will lead. The most vocal of their members are avowed atheists, who hate religion and wish to exterminate it altogether...Show more
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