Jill Thomer: global warming is creating extreme weather.colder regions r getting coldest and hotter regions r getting hottest.
Cletus Crotts: yes no mater what time of year it is global warming does not go away
Cedric Grimstead: Mindless ingrate, fcuk science, try a little logic then. Fossil fuel is all the carbon from the carboniferous era stored in the form of oil and coal. If you burn said coal and oil then you are putting the carboniferous era, back into the atmosphere. Simple really even you might grasp it.
Ofelia Kieck: Since consensus is not a part of science, there are no experiments available, and the models are defective there is no hard science involved. That is what real scientists accept. Not to mention the fact that all the available measurement systems are deficient.
Shane Getler: Well I don't think the science is bad. I think the analysis of that work done by non-expert skeptics is 'of poor scientific quality'.
Cecil Derenzi! : The earths tilt changes all the time but slowly over thousands of years, plus our orbit around the sun changes, and earth precession (wobble) changes, but it is over something like a hundred thousand years.Don't worry the earth has always had changeable weather, it gives us something to talk about, think how boring it would be if it was so predictable.
Kaley Lappas: in maths, were doing statistics. We had to chose a tpoic and present some statistics to our class.I have chose Global Warming. My teacher says i should pick one topic and present statistics on that, but i dont no what topic, so can someone give me a few topics to do with global warming and some sites for the statistics?thanksx...Show more
Clay Lipira: No, Mr. Demon, I am not a Liberal trolling. The simple fact is that AGW is based on extremely flawed science and plenty of wishful thinking by Liberal proto-fascists who want to use it as a justification for controlling the energy industry.
Arle! ne Maycumber: It isn't weather, it is climate. And the climat! e worldwide definitely isn't warming.Your friends are correct to question global warming. The EU is very important to the global warming religion, because tens of billions of Euros have been sent to China and more are going every month. The alarmists don'w want this to stop.China opens an average of one coal-fired power plant every week. All the money in the world won't change this.Most of the rest of the world has rejected the global warming scam. Here in Canada it's barely ever mentioned because we realize how corrupt it is. Many of our scientists have called it either fake or questionable. Hopefully Europe will follow soon....Show more
Donita Desjardin: "Science is bad." Wow. You do not know how science works, do you?If a scientist publishes a paper, and other scientists discover that it is wrong, then they say so. If it is correct, it will be supported. Your opinion does not change science at all! Unless you happen to be a scientist with the correct cre! dentials, and most other scientists agree with you.
Kaley Lappas: science shows agw is real
Virgil Loatman: You could do a garbage-in and garbage out analysis... and look at the garbage in part of the equation.http://www.surfacestations.org/
Gabriel Realmuto: Yes, its the effect of global warming while weather gets colder or hotter
Cletus Makler: The Earth cannot tilt a little bit without people noticing. Geodesists and astronomers know precisely where the Earth it pointing--their jobs depend on that. It's also very difficult to make the Earth tilt--it's essentially the biggest gyroscope you've ever seen.
Conrad Puleio: People are not responsible for Climate change we produce 1/10th of 1% of Greenhouse gasses.Who is at fault It’s called the sun and earth.... We have gone through several ice ages and warming periods.Al Gore is the greatest con artist and makes a fortune off of these carbon credits his companies sell. This Global warming lie ! he has created. You notice it’s no longer called Global warming but G! lobal Climate change since it has been cooling over the last 20 years. But global warming ended 10 years ago at the peak of the last solar cycle. And it switched to global cooling 3 years ago when the sun shut down all major activity and went into the coolest mode ever scientifically documented. Up until 1998 the world was receiving a slightly above normal amount of power from the sun causing the planet to warm slightly. Since the sun went into standby mode 3 years ago all the planets are cooling because the sun is no longer putting out enough power to keep them as warm anymore. Where as before we received about 2% more power than we really needed and so warmed slightly we now are receiving between 5% and 10% less than we need to maintain a comfortable climate.The question now concerning scientists is how rapidly will the planet cool off and just how cold could it get. Currently unless the sun warms up just a little we could reach a little ice age Dalton minimum in between ! 5 to 8 years or an even colder Maunder condition in about 10 to 12 years. But then the political left is not mentally bright enough to realize this as yet and so continue to preach AGW that has gained them political supremacy recently. But as the world cools towards a new ice age in the very near future soon even the dumbest will eventually realize that AGW was politics not fact and so dump the crooked Rockefeller propaganda machine that almost restored slavery with the liberals holding the keys as they traditionally have for thousands of years.Also, Record cold and record snowfall across North America and the world this year. The melting ice we hear so much about from liberals, hippies and other kooks have almost completely refrozen to the original state. After record 11 foot snowfall last year in the northeast and New Year’s snow in Florida this year as part of a record cold year…..once again the global warming idiots are exposed in their hoax.†According to the US ! National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), the average temperature of the gl! obal land surface in January 2008 was below the 20th century mean (-0.02°F/-0.01°C) for the first time since 1982. Temperatures were also colder than average across large swathes of central Asia, the Middle East, and the western US, western Alaska and south-eastern China. The NCDC reported that the cold conditions were associated with ‘the largest January snow cover extent on record for the Eurasian continent and for the Northern Hemisphere’. In some parts of China and central Asia, snow fell for the first time in living memory, the NCDC noted.’For the contiguous United States, the average temperature was 30.5°F (-0.83°C) for January, which was 0.3°F (0.2°C) below the 20th century mean and the 49th coolest January on record, based on preliminary data’.Much of North America was also hit by the heaviest snowfall since the 1960s. Meanwhile, the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre found the January 2008 Northern Hemisphere sea ice extent, while below the 1979-200! 0 mean, were greater than the previous four years. And the January 2008 Southern Hemisphere sea ice extent was significantly above the 1979-2000 mean, ranking as the largest sea ice extent in January over the 30-year historical period.Yes, Global Warming, as it is being promoted, is a complete joke, the whole idea that puny little man, can have any effect on Earth's biosphere is so patently absurd. It may be getting warmer, but one volcano can spew out 20 years of exhaust in one month, consider this: every single dirt clod on this planet is a by product of volcanic activity, all the mountains, also all the valleys, to the bottom of the sea, every bit of it was formed from boiling liquid rock, coming from inside the liquid core. If the greenhouse effect could destroy life on Earth, I think it would have done it by now... in fact, I'm sure it has many times. This planet has been hit from space by burning rock, too. Consider the lowest point on the Earth's surface, The Dead Se! a. It didn't get there by water running downhill. Something had to smac! k it down from above. Mankind will never come even remotely close to the exhaust from that blast.so... do the fact that its BULL****....Show more
Horace Escue: yes - global warming will create hotter and colder climates in some places and overall make the "total hotter"in the case of Europe: it is predicted that global warming could stop the warm Labrador current that runs across European Atlantic coast (Spain up to the Lofoten islands), thereby modifying the current jet stream that "protects" most of Europe from arctic air thereby making it much colder in currently temperate coastal regions.Look up "conveyor belt + global warming" on google for more details about why the current may stop because of global warming (salinity etc.)...Show more
Evelin Turlich: Because global warming is in it's entirety; ridiculous. Sure the planet is warming. Yes it is anthropogenic. So??? The planet has fluctuated in temperature forever. Our current existence is thanks to these fl! uctuations. The point is that noone really cares. There are far more important discoveries to be made than scaremongering. Most 'green scientists' are the ones who didn't understand the science. But they've spent their whole life learning it. I know lets tell people what they already know and should be common sense; anything you do changes the environment, try and make these changes as small as possible. Can I ask you why you think global warming is an issue if there have been constant temperature fluctuations throughout history. Why does it matter its anthropogenic? We're not powerful enough to create the changes to/from the snowball earth (widely accepted history of Earth). Our contribution is in fact miniscule. Sure we'll sleep better if we change it less. It's gonna get too hot for lots of species though. Then it will get too cold for lots. This has always happened (why else are 99% of species extinct other than to a constantly changing environment) Hope I changed your ! mind. Just live, **** it. We all make a small contribution, individuall! y even smaller. It wont make much of a difference, we should try and maintain an e nvironmeit humans are happy to live in. But don't worry, all the real scientists are ulimately helping to achieve this. So stick a ******* solar panel up your **** and stop being so afraid of nuclear power and we'll be fine...Show more
Arlen Hamper: It's not about science, it's about changing the way we live. So, yes.
Darrel Stele: They don't know where it's all going to occur but yes, AGW theory dictates that it will be colder, hotter, wetter or drier.
Matt Tiry: You only think the science is bad because you're bad at science, like all deniers are. If you disagree with my statement I'd love to hear what your own background in science is, so that you feel qualified to make the judgment that the "science is bad".Even the deniers that claim to be scientists are so bad at physics, atmospheric science and oceanography that they literally know less than nothing, because what the! y think they know is wrong.What I really don't understand is why they never research anything before drawing conclusions about it. If I'm not familiar with a particular field I'm not going to make a claim until I've looked into it.
Rosalba Lingner: Your friends must not be very smart, huh?
Maurice Breuning: do pollution. you can find stats all over the web for that
Jayson Brod: Global warming is what the title suggests...it is global in its nature. That means the average(!) temperature of the world is rising. But that doesn't mean that local weather may get cooler in some places, e.g. from shifting weather patterns and changing winds.
Leora Klingelhoets: There are some scientists here so I know some people do look past the headlines However, most alarmists do not. I know that because of the way they quote the "97% of all scientists" meme. You just know that they have never read and understood any of the relevant papers. For a survey, the only math(s! ) involved is adding up. Imagine how much more difficult it is to under! stand a real science paper that might have times's and guzinters as well.The claim that you need to be a scientist and be able to pinpoint the flaws before you can have an opinion is nonsense. For instance, I like classical music. If I do not like a given performance I can say so. No-one says that I am not allowed to have an opinion because I do not have either a doctorate in music or the ability to play every instrument in the orchestra.In the case of the climate you just need to ask: Is anything out of the ordinary happening to the climate? The answer is: No. So why do we think we are causing something bad?The political elite and their bureaucratic friends are claiming to go along with the science because they can use it for their own ends. They can't debate the science. Gore, for instance, goes out of his way to ensure that dissenting voices do not get in to his speeches. They will fulfill their part by continuing science funding at least for the time being.If the truth ! gets out then the scientists will be thrown under the bus without a second thought.Basically, they have no understanding of science. Neither do most people. That is why it is such a good tool. It harks straight back to the way superstitious people could be manipulated by the religious classes of old....Show more
Maria Bengston:
Ellis Cellar: Absolutely not. I believe most of the science is good, and feel genuinely relieved when I see studies that suggest AGW will be less harmful in some aspect. So many conspiracy theorists think there is some hidden sadistic communist goal hiding behind every scientific study that doesn't conclude that AGW is totally benign. It's just not there. Those with paranoid personality disorder live in their own simple worlds that are immune to objective reason.
Wilburn Denice: Oh look a liberal troll pretending to be a conservative! I believe in science ******, when there is unbiased proof. Global warming/cooling/ climate change/! whatever you morons are calling it know is nothing but a money and tax! pit. Honestly, all of the statistics that you lot use are completely rigged and fallacious. Just admit that you want to make cleaner energy and stop trying to tax the living daylights out of the middle class. Nobody is for the destruction of the planet. The climate has been changing for trillions of years, it isn't going to stop now! Unless you think the Devonian extinction was out fault too. In the Devonian extinction PLANTS caused climate change leading to an increase in oxygen, making the planet warmer and resulting in mass extinction of many marine organisms. Was that our fault some how? Also, if you think people are destroying the planet how about you do your part and stop wasting electricity to post stupid questions on yahoo, sell your house for a nature reserve and get rid of every single electronic you have. You first jerk wad.UPDATE: If you are really telling the truth and believe this then you are an idiot, simple as that. Also I am a woman, sorry if that offends! you.
Elaina Adolfson: What the earths temperature has been over time. Here is a good paper that should get you started.http://www.nationscrier.com/index.php?option=com_c......Show more
Alma Twomey: maybe not sure. makes sense though
Kiersten Clayburn: Yes, it is global warming. After all, if I recall correctly, it's heat that propels certain weathers such as wind and rain. Hence, the more heat, the more rains, thunders, clouds, tornadoes, winds, etc.
Lu Snide: I heard, well my science teacher told me that every six months that the continents drift like half a millimeter away from eachother, that didn't really answer your question, but yes, the earth is going through changes day by day!
Shane Getler: Global Warming does not mean that temperature all around the world will increase.Its effect willl decrease temperatures of some places, while increase temperatures of some other place.
Toshia Metzker: i had a weird theory the other day. i n! oticed the last two years has been very warm. what if something (i dont! know what) caused the earth to tilt a little bit. Wouldnt that change the temperature? Is this even possible? do you think it could of happened?
Kelly Bistodeau: So "Miss" Demon, you are the troll pretending to be something you are not. YOU are the IDIOT. And your attempt at playing the other side is lame. Too bad you can't get laid, maybe you wouldn't be such a b**h.