Sunday, June 28, 2020

What comes first on holidays: family or friends.?

Anibal Scheid: Family first... then friends.That way when you get tired of being around family you can look forward to spending endless amounts of time with friends just acting throwed-off... lol

Michel Mccaulley: Family then friends...moderation.

Ester Bryand: Family should always be a first priority.


Nona Lentini: I think that you should find why you feel empty. You might be taking your family for granted because your family is the people who have truly taken care of you. When you were sick as a child, who was it that nursed you back to health? I really doubt it was one of your classmates. You might just have more fun with friends because you have more common interests. How about this, why don't you invite some friends over for the holidays with your family and then another holiday, you spend with their family....Show more

Margart Stimpert: I have had better times with my FRIENDS then my f! amily. I have had enough with the family drama. This year I did the family thing and did not enjoy myself. I told the hubby next year we are going away for the holidays as I had enough. Life is to short and what's the point of being around family you don't like.

Tillie Wynott: for me during the holidays, family comes first. my best friend usually joins us because she has a small family and mine is big. it can be good to join the two but i think overall family comes first.

Galen Gowers: Who is there for you more and who means more to you ... those are the people who really matter then throw in the rest who don't mean much at all. Sometimes the important people are family and sometimes their friends. You'll know who's important to you. And sometimes its a pet.

Billie Bratchett: family always comes first,then friends,unless you have no family around you,

Cristopher Gavalis: That's your personal choice.My opinion, though, is that family isn't only de! fined by bloodlines.

Sharee Doak: We spend the weekend b! efore and after Christmas with family. On Christmas day we spend it just the thre of us (husband, baby and me) or invite friends over in the afternoon. If it's not local (20 minute drive) we don't do it on Christmas or Christmas eve.We have made the happiness of our immediete come first. We want to remember our Christmases with our daughter as happy ones, not miserable affairs where we had to deal with airports and obnoxious relatives....Show more

Jeannine Vassie: The only way my family accepts me is when I am what they want me to be.

Talisha Digrande: You know? It has never been a thought to ponder for me. I would choose my family everytime. No matter how much they may drive me crazy.

Kellie Waycott: for me friends. i dont get along with my family so it just depends on the person.

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