answers 0:I'm not trying to start a debate about ObamaCare or anything.All I'm asking is if we WERE taxed a certain percentage of our income for us all to receive "basic health care", what do you believe should be included in that?answers 1:@Portia Fancher: Thank you, republican drone. And before you think I'm some big democrat that supports socialism, I'd like to tell you I'm actually a Libertarian. And I know how weird it is to you consider universal health care, but I'm actually trying to learn about it. And I see some of the positives to it. ObamaCare is terrible, because how it's set up. I'm sorry I'm trying to actually come up with a way that a nation could provide good health for each other without hating everyone. I'm sick of democrats that leech off the system just as much as you, but there are ways to mak! e universal health care work. And you need to understand universal health care, is not government run health care. There would still be only private hospitals. Yes, I am fearful that the government could exploit the power that they would receive in this system. That's the hard part in determining what would work or [email protected]: I don't think we would need to raise taxes ...answers 2:That we're becoming a socialist nation so more ppl will quit working and have to rely on governmental funds leading the government to control us.. as they already do.answers 3:Follow the Canadian plan. Everyone gets basic medical care including GP visits, necessary specialist visits, treatment by both. Broken bones, burns, lacerations, trauma and injuries, from any cause, diseases of all kinds whether common or exotic, physical therapy, psychiatric care, addiction counseling, all these are covered. Prosthetics like artifixal limbs are covered completely or partial depending on circumstan! ces-for example, a special prosthetic leg for running would no! t be covered (but private charities provide help in such cases}Medical help in Ontario is paid mainly by contributions from employers. Only businesses who have more than a certain number of employers contribute (I'm not sure what the number is) Crutches are provided. If the need is temporary, one is expected to return the crutches to the lending hospital.Some pharmeceuticals are paid completely or partially, and the papient has some choice in what they prefer.Psychiatric treatment is usually covered although some medications may not be.Anyone needing immediate care just needs to get to a hospital. Payment depends on the patient's ability to pay. A typical hospital room has four beds, but in some cases, the patient is put in a two bed or private room.Routine dental care is not covered, but dental injuries from an accident usually are. If your dental condition is impairing your ability to eat, surgery will be covered.It doesn't provide everything but it is a good! swers 4:The issue is HEALTH INSURANCE, not HEALTH CARE. HEALTH CARE is the product and in the US 'CARE' is a function of private industry. The issue is how to pay for the services that the HEALTH CARE industry provides. The question then is what should a decent HEALTH INSURANCE policy provide. The 'Obama Care' law has put HEALTH INSURANCE companies on notice that their antics of dropping and refusing to pay, or the various roadblocks they put up to avoid payment is at an end. However, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has nothing to do with CARE. All it does is make it easier and somewhat less expensive to get HEALTH INSURANCE and more to the point to retain it.The flaw in this program is that it still forces people to rely on an insurance venue that is way out of date, costs way too much and still leaves people out. The ONLY real plan would be MEDICARE for ALL. MEDICARE works on a 3% overhead. Private insurance works on a 43% overhead. Why pay more f! or the same insurance? MEDICARE puts the patient first. Private insur! ance puts profits first.The HEALTH CARE industry cannot exist without payment. Most people without HEALTH INSURANCE avoid any kind of CARE until the situation is serious, and even then they can't pay for that care. The CARE industry to make ends meet and still make the spectacular profits that it does therefore pads bills, over charges and throws non payers out of their hospital beds long before even common decency would allow. Even the industry doesn't deny that happens.Conclusion: MEDICARE FOR ALL could easily be instituted and easily paid for by payroll deductions, small co-pays and deductibles and a small national sales tax. Everyone would be covered and the HEALTH CARE industry would get paid in full and on time with far less paper work. Going forward any flaws in the system could be addressed. So far the GOP/Tea/Fox/Jesus party has prevented even a serious discussion of the advantages of a low cost, universal HEALTH INSURANCE system by confusing the issue with ! the HEALTH CARE side of the equation. MEDICARE for ALL would also eliminate the expense of the MEDICAID system, the Indian Health Service and even a portion of the VA system... a massive savings.The take away...HEALTH CARE is the service. HEALTH INSURANCE pays for the service. Separate issues though related. Don't confuse the two!...answers 5:Americans would not pay higher taxes for basic health care. They would rather get care, not pay the bills, and file bankruptcy. The Obamacare insurance exchanges DO offer basic health care but you have to pay for it unless you are eligible for Medicaid at 138% of federal poverty level in some states. Under Obamacare, you can buy basic health insurance which covers 10 essential benefits, no matter which level of coverage of the four that you choose, not matter where you live....
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