Tuesday, June 23, 2020

I really can't wait to have a child with my future husband one day, but?  

I really can't wait to have a child with my future husband one day, but?  

answers 0:I'm REALLY scared to have one! It sounds so painful and long and oh my goodness, I'm as scared to have one as I am to go to the dentist. Is it all that bad?answers 1:forgot to mention that we were together on September 26 2010, and yesterday morning I had a very slight bleeding,that has stopped.answers 2:Its really not that bad. I was just like you scared to death of the pain, but its not bad at all and I am not one for pain. All I have to say is make sure you get an EPIDURAL, best thing in the world you can't feel anything..answers 3:you should just have them with your husband because some couples aren't able to concieve at all. So pregnancy is a privelage not some everyone can do. Plus the Lord said to be fruitful.answers 4:Nothing like a man to tell you it won't ! hurt. Iwantsome needs to go talk about something he actually knows about. Ya, it's gonna hurt like the dickens and then it will be over and you will see your new baby and move on. Life is pleasure and pain.answers 5:Epidoral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I promise you that the second your baby comes out- you will forget because the pain doesn't matter. Definetly have an epidoral. I had one with my first two and I will again soon with my third. When I get off of the computer, I am going to kiss my sleeping little girls. I am so glad that I didn't let the pain of labor get in my way.answers 6:Thanks, ladies, for your input.I am doing this survey to get an idea of what you all are thinking out there, as well as to raise awareness about the option of one more aspect of pregnancy and childbirth.I am not selling you anything so please do not consider this spam. I understand for all of you who are not Christian, that you would not have a favorable answer to this question and I ! accept that. I am interested, however, in two things. For the! Christian, which one of you answered this already, why would you not search out help regarding the spiritual side of childbirth? And two, for those of you who did, how did that help you?Yes, we absolutely need to be focused on giving birth. I would encourage all of you, however, to consider that childbirth goes far beyond the actual physical process and is for many largely spiritual. This is a time when most people learn to trust in something, whether that is in themselves, the medical community, in God, or all of the above....answers 7:Its possible that you could get pregnant but not likely sperm last up to 72 hours, the reason you period may be off is the fact that your stressing its normally once you hit your 30 day mark and havent gotten your period maybe you should just take a pregnancy testanswers 8:I think I am more afraid of the dentist. I know when I go to the dentist he will find many things wrong and I will have to go again and again to his office and indure! shots and pain. At least with the baby when it is time to deliver it will be a one time deal all done in one visit.answers 9:It is natural to be somewhat nervous about having a baby, but after 9 months of being pregnant you will be soooo looking forward to having the baby. When you see your baby for the first time you will forget all about the labor. Nature has a way of working things out.answers 10:First, you shouldn't assume that non christians would not have a favorable answer. Jesus would not want you to judge.Birth is an amazing experience. I have 3 children and gave birth at home twice. All three completely medication free. Wouldn't recommend it for everyone, but it was MY choice.By the looks of things, you have never given birth before. So its all theory to you. It may not work out as you hope. I suspect you are a bit idealistic about how things are going to go. Prepare yourself in all aspects if you can. Don't be dissapointed if it doesn't go as you hop! e. Watch out for Post Partum Depression too. And I am a Christian..! ..answers 11:yeah i used to be the same but dont worry, you deal with the pain when you come to it and we all seem to get through it. All i say is that epidurals are amazing. Dont worry about the pain its really not as bad as the horror stories you might hear. Sure it hurts but you deal with it at the time and dont have time to think about the pain when you are in labour as you are trying to catch your breath through contractions. Seriously it is fine and i would do it again and again and again for more babies, its such an amazing thing and you will be so proud of yourself....answers 12:It is not all that bad I have 4 girls and I love them more then life it self,the pain will pass but you can take drugs so that you dont fee nothing. I didn't take nothing when I was having my kids, I you wont to have kids then have them, they are really a blessing trust me.answers 13:Don't have a C-section if you're a singer, as it destroys your abdomin muscles, which you need to support you! r voice in proper singing. So anyway, there's a lot of things to ask yourself about bringing a person in the world, do you have the financial capacity to give them a life you'd like? Do you have the ability to raise them? Have you had a happy life? It should prove difficult to instruct your children on how to live happily if you haven't lived happily yourself. As well, if you have any mind to theology, you're also creating a person who could possibly be subject to the question of the nature of existance and morality, and while I'm not making any suggestions to any particular idea, there is the possibility, if certain ideas are true, that you could be creating a person that would end up in hell. Personally I don't understand much as to the nature of heaven and hell, but it is something to consider....answers 14:It hurts but think of it this way after it's over you'll have a beautiful baby. You don't getting anything when going to the dentist. Seriously it's worth the pain yo! u go through. And now they have all sorts of pain medicine. I slept thr! ough my son's birth. They had to wake me up to push. When you ge pregnant and find a Doctor you can ask about all the different kinds of pain medicine or perhaps by then you'll have decide to do it natural. Good Luck on your future husband and baby.

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