Tuesday, June 30, 2020

gay rights vs. gay marriage? (10 points!!!)?

Jene Licausi: Gay rights INCLUDE, but are not limited to, gay marriage. Prior to the gay marriage debate, the focus was largely on protection from discrimination, and hate-crimes legislation. Even domestic partnerships/civil unions seemed way off in the future when I was marching for equality back in the 1970's. The gay marriage debate has pretty much eclipsed the other aspects of the gay rights movement, but there are still places in this country where discrimination against gay people is not against the law, and we need to remember that. I see people on here all the time saying 'discrimination is illegal.' That is not necessarily the case. The Supreme Court struck down sodomy laws, but did not grant gay people 'protected class' status that would protect them from discrimination....Show more

Arnoldo Budzynski: Marriage is an corporation created by employing faith and replaced into meant for a million guy and a million lady. Why would desire to a minority o! f sexual perverts have the wonderful to alter or smash that corporation? however, any 2 human beings would desire to have the wonderful to stay jointly and help one yet another financially, spiritually, lovingly, even if their gender, age, race and/or faith, even if if it might come under the banner of a criminal civil union and not be acknowledged as a marriage. the matters that arrive from this form of union is the thank you to dissolve any equities accrued in the form of a discontinuance....Show more

Renay Billiar: Gay rights refers to all matters of discrimination where gays seek some kind of equality or protection, including marriage. Gay marriage refers only to same-sex unions granting the same benefits and privileges as heterosexual marriage.Gay rights can refer to matters of employment, housing, medical services, inheritance, family issues and adoption, real estate, etc, etc, etc....Show more

Codi Manchel: Gay rights are civil/social/political rights for! people that are gay. Gay marriage falls under the spectrum of! gay rights.EDIT - Look at the first answer, what a pathetic loser, what is he doing in the LGBT section? Someone is in the closet......Show more

Jose Calaycay: What? Gay Rights? You must mean the rights of the individual as framed by the US Bill of Rights, or the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. There is no protection granted to Homosexuals or Bisexuals or the Transgendered under either of those constitutional documents. Why, because the original writers of those documents couldn't conceive of a need for people who are LGBT to ever need protection from discrimination. (Heck, I doubt if the original writers of those documents ever knew LGBT existed) This is why there is such a patchwork of different state/provincial laws regarding same gender marriage all across the USA and Canada. The only reason that some states/provinces have passed legislation regarding same gender marriage is that the state/provincial legislatures have been under the control of 'Liberal'/! 'Democratic' political parties at the time they were enacted. They created laws regarding same gender marriage because the issue was the politically correct 'flavor of the month', and they could point out to their constituents how 'progressive' they were. Some of the state/provincial legislatures have now passed control over to the 'Conservative' / 'Republican' parties. Those states/provinces are now willing to repeal the laws, or are reluctant to enforce the laws, or support or encourage referenda / propositions to reverse the laws, because those conservative political parties have always disliked the idea of same gender marriage.Until the US or Canadian Supreme Courts mandate changes to both the Canadian and US Constitutions to give the same protection under law to LGBT, the situation will get to be the same as it is now. Confused. Besides, Marriage is not a right. Marriage is like driving a Car. You have to get a license. A heterosexual does not have the 'right' to marry! . Neither does a homosexual have the 'right' to marry. It's just that i! t is a lot easier for a straight couple to get married that it is for a same gender couple.That's the real issue. LGBT persons desire to have amendments made to the Federal Constitutions of the USA and Canada to prohibit any discrimination based on sexual preference and/or gender identity. National Legislatures such as the US Congress or the Canadian Parliament know that passing those amendments would be very difficult to do given the current constitutional amending formulae in both countries....Show more

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