Saturday, June 13, 2020

What's music harmony?

Stormy Beliard: mostly wrong guys... sorry.Two or more notes played at the same time; in other words harmony deals with chords, simultaneous sounds, and counterpoint with melody set against melody.Basically, two or more notes sounding simultaneously.Also, in order to qualify as harmony, it should be considered pleasing to the ear....Show more

Ha Wolski: Here it is - Harmony is the inclusion of extra notes that will BLEND with the ROOT NOTE . For example . you play a particular note, like an A , and then you add a 3rd and 5th from the same scale .In this case , A is the root , the 3rd will be C Sharp , and the 5th will be E. This is only one example ....other notes make the chord different and therefore the harmony will also be different

Thurman Buege: Harmony, is when the melody is being played along with another melody that is in a different key. So when you sing with someone with a deeper or higher voice, you are harmonizing or singing in harmony.

Dar! win Ecton: progression of chords and analyzing them.

Houston Venezia: well, harmony is the structure of music with respect to the composition and progression of chords.

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